<br />7th u~ l~cember-
<br />j '1'f[i!D MLJ14'! ~.slits.C. ie $8a3d I:iri`a . . .. :. -- .... vw,r w - . : , .- - :- ... .-.; -
<br />-_ a~8 ate.«.~.,..,.>, aan..t~, rRF~D '. J.ANIS~t i1NU t-~1'tit'IA.P'f~. JIS~+'~s. ~?41.~+13FYT{C~.$ii#f itti.~$s-$~Gt) Fr7
<br />'~ r ~ aei~ _~ owt~ ri nh~'~an~ as spoLsed~~3 .<~v~rcr"1 aid t'.,~2 Iii, -~isas~ '-Fed~'s3-.
<br />fi 'tftt< ,gther ~ ,
<br />Saest~p? tied Loan Aesoctatron, a C-?rgnz3ttto~ organized and existing vnd~ the laws of T'he Uaited,States_o#
<br />A.me: ice, whnsa address is 2~1 uosith t.oL^.rst Btseet, urund Isdar(d 2vebraska 1~`terein "Leader"-
<br />S;r'ar:(tsas, Borrower is isutebted Eo Lender ins the priacipaF sum o#..~~~. EI £}HT,'FHQLkS,AND. ~R N~ kQQ
<br />--- .. --. ------ - - .-- -`l?~oilais, which indebied(tess is evidenced by $urruvaer'~ n+stt
<br />dateei^ :... pec~;t~tier- 7i.=i ~78~~ ~. {~„~re'srs "€+iote"}; pro3ia~ fen: inant~y i+tstallm €rf ~rittami interest,.
<br />Nitlt tht= halancr of the sntiebLednsss,~ if tsot Sir paKi, dui a3td payabti; ott...:..~1~t+l~f:Y..~t ;fir :... ,
<br />To Secua>: to LerMter {a) the repayment of the irid.°,btedaess evidenced tsy she Mote, with interest fherecxit, the
<br />payr~rt of sit other sums; with interest thereon, advancedrn accordance herewith to Fratect tree security of this
<br />Ms3r(gage, arrct tfie perfottnance of tlte;covenants and agr~anents of Borrawerherein contained amt fb} the repayment
<br />of arty futtt_~e at}t~ances, with interes# thereon, made m Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2I hereof {herd
<br />"Future Advandes"}, Burrower does .hereby mortgage, -grant and convey to Lent~r the €o~owing wed prcrgprty
<br />€orated is rite Cuuotg of ........::. k11E).1::... - - :.. , ....._ ....... _ ...., ate of Ntbtaska;
<br />THE EASTEi~.Y C,~iE THi.i2B (E I!3} fit= L€Y( SEA t6} Ahlf) ALL OF L~'I SE1 {73 1r+1 13Lt`C#t
<br />E1iTY-i'}1f~E (83) 1N THE 4R161hiAi Tdlstht, Nt1W GiTY OF f;f2AA7D lSLAN~, tVEBPASKA.
<br />-
<br />tC-'ricn has tiee' adth't~s ~: = .. ..... ,Sit: 4#est i st, , , , .. ., . . ~ Gr3r! Q . ; s l dlkd ...... ,
<br />.. _ lYnhrask~ 688Lr}. _ .. ($erin "$t#tr~ertvAddr~s"};
<br />tsar aaa z~~ Coaet
<br />T'~x~rc With alt tfse in'epriyecne>zts naw or hereafter erected. on the praperty, and all easements, ate,
<br />agpurtet+ances, . eitts; rvkatties, ro's,aeral.: oil 2nd gas rights and profits; water,. water rights, watt water stc~cic, an3 ati
<br />€szturrs (tow or hereafter attached to:Ehc prapcrty, all of wlSich, including raplacentenfs and additions thereto, snail: bt
<br />deemeii to be and remaat a part of the propcrtq ~vered by this Mortgage; and al oC the foregoing. toget~ier with said
<br />aropertS'4ar fFiz li: sehoid c-state ii this Mattgage is on a l.,asehold} are ?terein Tcferred to as tise "i'ropertg"'.
<br />Borrvwar cb4anattts-that Bnrraxer is lavsfutiy seised of tix estate hereby conveyed and hac tflc right to mortgage,
<br />grant and soavey the Property, first the Property is uneucumberetl, and that T3orrower ~;11 warrant and defend-
<br />taetter2liy the tiff. t~3 the Prapcrt} against all cl6itns a:(d demattds, sutjcrt +n any declarations, ea,emenfs or restrictions-
<br />listed in a schedule of c-xcep+~octs to coverage in any title insurance policy iusuting Lender's interest iti-the-Property.
<br />~~~~-: tod Famiry-ixi7r-RFiAllfetiiC Uii~ORA4 illgtlFYtAEpf
<br />' ''ti
<br />