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<br />(5) To use the loan evidenced by the note sotely Eor purposes authorized by the Govemment. <br />(~ To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances; and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed <br />against-the property, including ail charges. and assessments in connection with wafer, water rights, and water stock <br />pertaining to or reasonably necessary to the use of the real property described above, and- atI taxes and assessments levied <br />ripon this mortgage or the note or-nay imtebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hereof or of the note ar of <br />said inde'atedness under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Gevernrnent witkou€ deraard receipts evidencing: <br />each o$vments, <br />'~ {$) To >-eep the property insured as required by and under insurance po&cies approved by the Government and, at its <br />[''; request, to deliver such policies to the Government. <br />~_ (3} Ta maintain rmpravements in good repair and ma&e repairs required by the Gmtemment; operere tF.e property In agood <br />and $C fiatirt~r Grorstpi}r`with sash farm cons~?xvaeioa prac*.ioes and fans and home management plans as the <br />Government ~ time to time may prescribe; and not to abandon the property, er cause or rF„oil waste, lessening or impair- <br />meat ~~the~ s~eatity covered hereby, m, without the written consent- bf the Government, cut remove; or lease any timber, <br />gravel, 0)'1; gas, coafi"oi`o#iser fninerals esicept as may be necessary-for ordinary domestic purposes. <br />~ (t 0) To t ~ ply wieh all laws, ordinances, and regulations affecting the property. <br />~, (ii) To pay or reimburse the Government for expenses reasonably necessary ar incidental to the protection of the Iiep <br />and pFirnity hereof-and to the enforcement of tx the compliance with the provisions hereof-and of-the note nerd any supple- <br />mertfery agreement (whether before or after default), including but not limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of <br />t`n~ property, costs of recording this and other inshuments,aftarneys' fees, trustees' fees,-court-c®sts,. end-expenses of <br />ailyerfising, selling, and canueying the property. <br />fit)-ReiYher the property nor any portion thereof or interest therein shall be leased, agsigaed, sold: transfened, ar eaeum- <br />bered; voluntarily or otherwise, without the written consent ~ -the Government The Govemment shall have the sole and <br />citolusive rights as mortgagee hereunder, irrcludiag but not limited to fhe power to-grant.cunsents; partial ieleases, sabordia <br />lions, end satisfaction, and no insured holder shall have any right, title or interest in or to the lien or any benefits-hereof. <br />(l3) At all reasonable times t~A Government and its agents may inspect the property to ascertain whether the etnreaants <br />and agreements contained herein or in any supplementary agreement are being performed. <br />(14) The Governtent n-ay extend and defer the maturity of and renew and reamortue the debt evidenced by €he note <br />ar any indebtedness to the Government secured hereby, release from liability to the Government any party so liable thereon, <br />release portions of the property from and subordinate the tier, hereof, and waive any other rights hereunder, without affecting <br />?he lien or priority hereof ar the liability to the Government of Borrower or any other party far payment of the note or in- <br />debtedness secured hereby except as specified by the Government in writing. <br />(15} !f at any time it shall appear to the Governmen? that Borrower may be able to obtain a I oan from a prad~xtion credit <br />assaciatioa, a .Federal Land bank, or other responsible cooperative or private credit source, at reasonable rates and terms <br />far loans fffi similar purposes and periods of time,. Burrower will, upon the Government's request, apply fat and acce~et ssch <br />Loan is stdficient amount to pay the pole and- any indebtedness secured hereby and to pay for any stock necessary to be <br />purchased in a cooperative lending agency in connection with such lean. <br />(ib) t)efault hereunder shaft consxitute defaule under any other real estate, or under any personal property or other, <br />security instrur~at held or rnsured by the Government and ex~uted or assumed by 9oaawer, and default tinder any stx;h <br />o?l~r s~uritp instrument shall canstitrrte default hereunder< ' <br />(i7) SiiptlLl~ DEFAL'L1' occur irf the performance or discharge of env obligation in this instrument or secured by this <br />arstmmeat, or should of the par** 'mad as as^awer ilia ar ~- dens: d sa i-neompetent, a bankrupt, or an <br />insolvent, ar make an assignment for the ben fit of creditors, the Government, at its option, with or without notice, may: <br />du declare the entire amou:it iinpaii under the note and any indebtedness to the Government leerebp secured immediately <br />e and parable,. {b) for the account of Borrower incur and pay reasrnable expen~s for t~patr or u:avttenance of and take <br />possession ot; operate ar renx the property, (c) upon application by it and production of this instrument, without other <br />evitixrtre nerd without notice ofhearin of said application; have a receiver appointed for the property, with the usual powers - <br />~ reuivets ir, like rases, {d) foreclose this ia~n-,•mPy~ ~ provided herein ar by law, cad {e) enforce any and aB other rights <br />acrd rcrrcedies p:~ivided herein rsr by present or future law. <br />~Iil) The ~rroceeds of foreclosure sale shall he applied in the following order to the payment of: {a} costs anti expenses <br />irrcoeat to enforcing, or complying with the provisions hereof, {b) any prior liens required by law or a competent court to ~ - - <br />be atr paid, (c) dte debt enced by -the note and all indebtedness to the Government secured hereby, (d} inferior liens <br />of trod required by law or a competent court to be so paid, (el at the Gtivernnrent's apt',on, any other iadebtedrress <br />of $orrower owing to or insured ray the Government, cad (f} any balance to Borrower. At foreclosure at other sale <br />of all or any parC of the property, the Government and its agents may bid and purchase as a sxranger and may pay the Govern- <br />ment's share of tfie purchase prise by crediting sash amaze.^.c on asy debts of Borrow i owing to or insured by rite <br />C.,avesnment, in the order prescribed above. <br />{i9) Burrower agrees that the Government will not ere }round by any pmsent or future State law, (a} providing for <br />wahratian, appra~l, hoattestead or exemption of the property, (b) prohibiting maintenance of an action for a deficieacv <br />judgment or linritirtg the amount thereof or the time within which such action must Tree brought, (c} prescribing any offiar <br />statute of llmitatiotu, ~d) allowing any right of redemption or possession folltrwing any foreclosure sale, or (e) Grtntirig Ehe <br />conditions which the Government rt~y by regtriarion irnpo:e,sncluding the interest rate it mat charge, as a condition of <br />-p~ovr a transfer of tfie property to a new Borrower. Borrower expressly waives the benefit of any such State.laws. <br />Borrower hereby relinquishes, waives, and conveys ail rights, Inchoate or consummate, of descent, dower, and curtesy. <br />... <br />,~ <br />