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r <br />not extend or postpone the due date of tl,e month-y insralhnents referred to in psi^agtaphs I and 2 hereof or <br />change the amawat of such installments. <br />It): ~oxrowes Not Released, I/xGensian of the time for payment or madeflcatiort of amortization of tact sums <br />secured by_this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest- of Harrower snail noG operate to release, <br />in :sag nsaniter, the, liabelity of tlae original Bormuer and Barra;ver ~ sueeessors in interest. Lender shall -not be <br />required to eamm_ enact pro,;eedings against sorb surcessar or ref use to extend time for pay~tnent or otherwise modify <br />anwrtizatioa of Ghe sums secured by t-,is ~#artgage by reasau of any demaixil inada by-the-original Borrower-and- <br />Barrci ;•er's suraessors an inGet~t. <br />II--'.o~'itoc~ bg t~amsiex 1tSot o 4Ysaivar. - _Any_ tot;reaisnnce by I;ender in exercising any-sight ter remetty <br />re~utder, ar ablael :~is,,~ ogd ~~ by a3~s•-ri~bl~ -law, ahaH root ,se a ~cfar-i r of ar prechtde the exorcise of any right <br />or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance ar the payment of taxes or-other liens or charges by Lender <br />shall silt l~ a waiver of I~uder's right to aces-erate Ghe maturity of the indobtedness secured tjy-dais -;=4ottgsge. <br />~~ I2, des ~vntutative. All remedies proarsded in this Mortgage are distinct snd eumatlative to stay oilier <br />~ r~ht or rem€,tly ands this ~la.~gage rr affard~l Ity lace or c-quit~C, and ana-y be exer~eisod concareentiy, indd- <br />~ entlyor.suecessively <br />I3. 5ueetsssoxs sad Assigns Sou'ad; Ioint and-Several-Liability; Caption, The eocensnGs and agreements <br />'°' 4erein eoittained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shad inure ta, the respective successor and assigns of Bender <br />~ and Borrow<er, subject to Ghe provisions of paragraph 1 r hereof..111 covenants snd agreements of Borro~rer shal3 <br />~ , be joint aird several. The captions and headings of the Iraragraphs of this ',Iortgage are for convenience ority and <br />`,,,, are not to be used to interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />#a u~~. a^y n^tce a Barro:ver ;;:•av~d€d far '-:~~ ?:ort~age shall bo 3is- a by ,~,aiiing such noG; by <br />certified snail addressed to Borra:eer at tlac Property Address stated befow, except far any notice required under <br />paragraph 28 t;ereof to he given to Borrower in tlas manner prescribed by aplrlicablc taw. Any notice provided <br />fas'sn this Mortgago steal! be deemed to have been given Go Borrower when given in the manner designated herein. <br />I5. Uaiform R4artgage; Govexniag Law; Severability. Tltis €orm of mortgage combines unifatxn covenants <br />far national use snd non-uniform covenants ;vitla limited variations by jurisdiction to eottstitute a uniform secu- <br />rity instrument covering real property. This 1°tortgage shall Lie governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this 3•Iortgage or Ghe Nate confiiets with <br />agglicable law, such ean#lict shall not affect other provisions of this liat.:gagz ar the I~atc which can be given <br />effect without the conflicting pracrision, and to this end the provisions of the Mortgage and the Note are declared <br />tti be severable. <br />I6. ;§ortowax'e Copy, Banower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this Mortgage at the time of execu- <br />tion as after reeordatiou hereof. <br />I9, Traos€er of the Property; Assumption. If all or any part of the Property ar an interest therein is said <br />or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding {aj Ghe creation of a lien of encum- <br />brance subordinate to this Mortgage. (b} the emotion of a parcnase naanev securer}- 'interest #or hotisehald sppli- <br />anaes, {c} a transfer by devise, descent or by oporation of law upon the death of a ;Dint tenant or (d} the grant of <br />ang leasehold interest of three years ar less not container=g an option to purchase, Lender may, at I.endar's aptiata; <br />declare alt the sums secur~._ ~y tai, Mortgage to be imtediately due and payable. Lender shall-have waived such <br />option to aacelerste ii, prior to the sale or transfer,. Lender and the person Go whom thx Progarty is to he sold-or <br />transferred reach agreement in writing test the credit of such person es satesfacton to Lender snd that the itttorest <br />paystrte oz} the sums secured 6y this Mortgage shall be at such rate as Lender shalt request. If I~nder teas waived <br />tact agtitut to secelerate pro-rfded in dais paragraph Y7 and if Borrower`s suecessar in interest has nrcesttt~l a writ- <br />ten asstrmgtion agreement accepted in writing by I~nder, Lender shalt release Borrower from all. oitlig~tiiSns nudes <br />tltis Mortgage and rho dote. <br />If Lender exercises such ogtianto aecelera#e, Lender shall ttxael Harrower notice at acceleration-irt accordance <br />with paragraph I4 hereof. Such notice s'aaft provide a I,eriod of noG less 'than 30 days Pram the-dace the"notice is <br />mailed within which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If $orr,twer fails to pay such sums-prior to the <br />expiration of such period, Lender may, without further notice or demand an Borrower, invoke any remedies- per- <br />xi,i±.+s~rl t~v pa-graph IS~hereaf. - - - -- - - <br />~ox-~.3i€txoxat (',OVEtv`ArQT6. Sorroiver and Lender further eovenxnt and agree as follows: <br />I8. Acceleration; Reatedies. Except a provec-ecl in Iaragraph IZ hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any <br />covenant or agreement of Horrower era this Mortgage, including tlfe covenants to pay when due any swims secured- <br />- ,ythia +iartgago, I:end?r l,rior to aci~leration shall assail notice to Borrower sc provided in paragraph i~ h_er~f <br />specifying: (2j the breach; (2t the action required to cure such breach; i$} a date, not ices than thirty days <br />from the date the not;eee is availed to Borrower, l,y wheel=. hurl, breach must be cured; and (4) that €ailurc to cure <br />such breach on or before the date specified in the notice tray re=alt in acceleration of the saws secured by this <br />;tilorGgaga and sale of the Property. If the hreacla is-not cured an or before -Ghe date specified in the notice, LEttder <br />at Lender's opt'tan rosy ctealare all of the sums secured by this Mortgage to Ire immediately cfue -and payable <br />crit€saut ivrtherdemand and may- forecease ibis Itlartgage by judicial proceeding, Lender slaa-i be entitled to aa7teat <br />iii such riroceeding all expenses of foreclosure, including, but not liuaited to, costs of documentary evidence, <br />abstraet5 snd title reports. <br />I8 Roexowet'a $igLt. tq Rei~tslata._L'otwithsGanding Lender's acceleration of Ghe aunts-secured by this <br />?vSartga~, $axroiaer shall haFe the rigtaL to haste any pr$eeedings hegira ia}~ Leader to ertiorcc chic l~lortguge dig- , <br />contia>sed at ang-time gr~r to 'entry of a judgnaeni enfo;tcing this ~#ortgage if: {aj $orrawer pays Lender ail <br />earns whi;:ir would be then due under this it~Yortgsge. the _?tiete gad rotes"si4uri;tg 3kuEum•AIvs.nces, if any, tend ass <br />a~eelerwiien ^_~~ ib; $artxtwer casr~ rill brear3aes of say other catienaiats or agreements of Borrower eon- <br />- rained in this hiartgsga; ~ej Barroa,rer pegs ail ressor,abie expetasas enearrted by Lender: iit_enfarcing the covenants <br />snd agreement, of Bor[awer eonfaiiaed in si°iis ~iortgnge-and in'wiiforeing Lender'# remedies as provided in prsa- <br />graph?3hereof, including, but rsot limited tu, reasatiabje aatameF-'s tees,- and td? l3orrawer takes such action a; <br />Lauder may reasonably regtsifc to :sure that the lien of this =tlurt~age; tender's interest in the Property and _ <br />~rrariar'a obligaGivr is l;ay Eve su*.us secured by ibis lortgage shall cautinur. unimpaired. lJpon such. payment. , <br />sad sure 6y Borrower, this'Viortgage and the obligations cured here6}^ she-1remain in full force and effect as if ~- <br />no acceleration had occurred. <br />w.:,a4 vi ate; e`.ppor,x6aant of Exeives; Leader ea Pvaseeaiox,. .~s additional security here- <br />under,Borrower hereby :tssigat- to bender the mute of ffie Property, j~tavedeil that $arri,:•:er sl!af-, Briar to accekr- <br />atiar utadar paragraph t8 hereof or abandonment of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents <br />as t}iey became due and payable. <br />I:pazt aceelerstian under ;:aragraph lg hereof ar ¢h:tndenmer.± of the Yrop rty,. j,e :del'--; en perso:r,-1)y agesst <br />or by Judi-ialiy eploinewl receiv«r ehai~ !u~ eMiialed to er.<_er neon, tsLe poa:°~siQn of axial ~ni,nagc the:Pinperty <br />and to coIle,ti the rents of the Property, eua:ludeng those prin. d.,tc. All retaats collected by Lender or the. receiver <br />shalt lee applt~ first tit payment of the costs of management of tl,e Property and collection a£ rents, including, but <br />tsar Iinuted tq, receiver's tees, pr¢taiapas an r~'reicer's bail= and reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage. Lander and-the receiver shall be halife toaecount only for those rents actually received. <br />