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<br />~~~~'Car~~i~ <br />THIS_~oB~~i:~iC#Eisttda..,..:.......4~h,_.:..._.:.-..davof.:..fleegntiBr:....:....,. <br />t - - ... <br />,s7~..,htitw~xttdtei!.#u~r, .4..Tf;O~.::Q (~N,ICE.M;:;!d.~i~e:.~h..}:n <br />Rr5:=;3nd, {i2r own_ r`.i FrT,ana~ _as~spmtl~~in "Betriozvar"}, and- the )yfort<gagee; Horne ~`cdersi <br />Servings awd Ins , a ~urQoratusa or~aFriz~ and ~tstittg ittaifer taws ref The ITnited Stags of <br />Ali whs adtd€esaia221-&itf~ Its~Staeet, Grand Ielaud. Nebrus3€n -tfter~ "`f:~ztiier"1. ` <br />Wttatt .Aottx>wer rs ta~ebted to Lender m tht prirteipat sum of.TlTj~f1; 7NQU~l~'~A .S #.X.~t.~t?1t~{k .I~pjN01 <br />#OE3~_ ......'.... .._ _ -a, , , , , _ , -....... -:Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Bormtver'spote <br />dated.... , ~6F•. ~,..}.~Zf3.... {herein "Note");:pmtridisig for rtiontiily insta#l~nenta of principal, and interest, <br />- _ with the jai ~ -iacfebtedness, if riot stubttex-paid, due. and: payable: tzn__ ..~i~t,4L~I"}~. -#:r. -~QOB: , ..:.:.-:: _ <br />To SEtxraa to LendeF {a} tht Fe~yment ref the inlets#edness evidenced by the-Note, with interest thereon; the <br />payment of a1! other auras, wi€h iateFFSt thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to gFOtect the seettrity of thffi <br />mortgage, and the perfoFtstance af'the covenants and agreements ©f Borrower herein contained;. end {b7 the ttpayment <br />tzf any future advancts, with interest thereon; made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragreaph 2i hereof {}Mein <br />"~tttttre t3cYsrances")> Borrower does heres.Yy mortgage, grant and convey to Lendtr the following descn°Esad property <br />t~ataf the County of; .....::.:..::HIGLt ........... . ............. Stott of t~tebr~ka: <br />THAT PART OF THE LAST HAt~F tE~7 OF BLOCK TEN {107, [N SHER#U{}AN PLACE ii~N DRANO-ISLANA, <br />HALL COt~#TY, NEBRASKA, LOCATED !N THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER 4F/SEC~TI~SE#{~-!3~(8 ,~ <br />TOWtdSH}P ELEVEN (}}7 NORTH, RANGE N}NE {47, WEST OF THh 6TH F.M., I~SCRIBEt3 AS <br />COtNC#NG AT THE SOUTF#EAST CORNER OF SAID BLC~K I0, RLtI~#N#NG THENCE NORTH ALONG 7HE <br />EAST L }NE OF SA} ~ 3LOCK # Q A D# STANCE 4F # 2 # . 33 FEE`, T#JRP# #NG THENCE ~tEST mil) RE+t l t~f~ <br />A 0I STANCE OF 66 FEET, TUFF! } N6 THEA:{~ 5OUTH ANi3 R#~#N # NG A D7 STANCE {3F # 2 # . ~~' FEET 'EO TNT <br />..SOUTH L # NE OF SA } 0 BLOCK # 0 A 0 # STANCE OF 66 FEET TO TH€ Pl acs nt= ~r t errs es~r_ <br />c~itichhastheaddressof.. .. 2#It3,4~°$~"C~S:#:. ., .., .G3"~Rd:tSl~ttd~.: ..; <br />- - - tstr+erf - - - - - tC2tyI - - - <br />Nebras ka... 6Q~8{i i , .., .. {~,, "PFFty Atlckess"); <br />rsz~t., ~.,o z~ ,1w.t <br />. Tosa'Ftrt n with ad tlx improvements now ar hereafter erected art the" property, a~ ai# easements, rights, <br />a~guttenRr+CCe; re~nY.c; rcvra#~~,, mrrtcral, oi! and gas nphtf and. pro5ts; water,. water rights, aatt-~ater;s;reek, t¢nd al# <br />fixtures xzw ar tteteaiter a.tache,i to the property, aEt of which, including replacements and additions thoreto, s$a#t be <br />daeateil to be and remain apart of rite property covered $y this Mortgage; and art of E3te ;oregosng, tuaether with said <br />progeny. (or tax tevsehoid estate if rhos Mortgage is ou a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Propcrgy". i <br /> ecvcnarts that r~rr^wer is iawfulty ;essed of the estate hereby soave yed arui has t3te t'egLt to mortgage, <br />grant and eanvey the }'rnpsrty; that the Properly is unrnrumbererl, and that 13t3rrvwer will warrant end defend <br />getters#ly the ti.#e to-the Fropcrtpsgsrsm-t atl claims and sternands, aub~ecc to any declarations; easements or tsstrictitsns <br />listed in a sciteduie of oxtxptiuas to coversge in arty title in~urarx,e,iw~icy insuring-Lender's interest in the Property. <br />##SAS`A-~2teeF~;~S.-sr~--Ftaaar~tate+a: atttwttr~ tt#artts# <br />