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<br />not extend ar pastpona the due date of the monthly ;nstapmeats referred to iu paragraphs [and 2 hereof or <br />change the amount of such insta}Ima+tts. <br />Ifl. Burrower Fiat Reieaaed. Extension of the tune for payment ar modification of amortisation of the earns <br />.~ r-enured b}> this \lortgage granied by bender to any sucenssor in interest of Borrower shall nab operat4, to release, <br />~~ rn any meaner, fhe liability of the origitia( Borrower and Barrower~ successors in interest. Lender shall not be <br />required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time-far payment or otherwise modify <br />amortixataon-af the sums secured Icy this ~Ydrt~age [tp reason- of-any demand ntada by the original Burrower sad <br />i „_ lvrrvwegs str~cessars is interest: <br />8I. ~arf>e~ance biLender Not a Walser, Any forbearance by Lender in=exercising any right or remedy <br />~ ~ hereunder, dr otlterari.~-afford~f by applicable law, s'.iall not he a waiver of-ar preclude the exercise of sny right. <br />or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance ar the payment of taxes dr other liens or chsrg~ by Lender <br />}~ wall acct be a waiver of Lender`s right to accelerate the maturity of the inde'ttiednegs secured Icy-ibis b'•ortgage. <br />€& Remedies Cuiaulative. .All remedies pro:ided in this \Yrtgage are distinct and eumuhttive +-o any other <br />right or rersiedy uni'.er tl;ie Mortgage oi^ afforded [ty law ar equity, and may 6e exercised concurrently, indepead- <br />erttly dr sciecessively. <br />I& Successors and Assigns-Bound; Ioint sad ~zeral Liabilitp; Captiana. The covenanta3 and agreements <br />herein contained s'rtall bind; and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective snec~sors and as-signs of Lender <br />and Borrower; subject to-the Nr.;visions of paragraph Ti hereof. ail covenants and agreements pf Borrower-shall <br />lte jaiut and snv~ al. The caitians and L•aadings of the pai"ngra}the of tl;is _,iaYcgage are far oom•enietice only and <br />are nottts be usedtcs interpret or def;ne-the provisions hereof. <br />14. Native. Any notice to Borrower provided for in ties ~iorigage shall tx given by mailing such police by <br />rertifiad rout! addressed to Borrower at-the Propertq Address stated }ielow. except far any notice n~quired-under <br />paragraph YS hereof to rte given to Borrower in t[±e manner prescribed hr .npphcable taw. Any r:once provided <br />for in this l~fdrtgage shall be deeu-lad to have been given to Barrawer when given in the manner designated herein: <br />Y5. Ueafarm 14Iartgage: Goeemiag Law: Severability. This form of mortgage combines uniform covenants <br />for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br />rity instrument covering real property. This ±Iortgage shall be governed -hy the law of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is Ideated. In the event that any provision or clause of this Mortgage or the Note conflicts with <br />applicable Iaw, such conflict shall not affect. other provisions of this Mortgage or the mote which can lie given <br />effeci without the cont3ieting provision, and to this end 'the provisions of tfie ~fartgage end the-Note are dealiired <br />to be seve_~ble. <br />I$. Boaower's Gopy~ Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this itlortgage st the time df execu- <br />tion or after recordation hereof. <br />I7. lraasfer of the Prapertg; Assumption. If elf or any hart o: the Property ar an interest therein is sold <br />or transferred by Borrower withou~ Lender's prior written consent, excluding tin j the creation of a lien or encum- <br />brance subordinate is this ~inrtgage, ±bj the. creation of a purcha.~e money security interest for hotisehdld gpr±[s_ <br />ana~, icj a transfer by devise, descent ar by operation of raw anon the death of a joint tenant or (d3 the grant oT <br />any leasehold. interest ai wraa years ar less not containir!g an option to purchase, Lender may; at Lender`s-optaou; <br />declaresll the-sums secured by this Mortgage to 6e inuneaiaEaly due and payable. Lender shall have waived-such <br />option trt accelerate if, }friar to the sale or transfer, Lender and ihe }tersan to whom the Property is to be sold or <br />transferred reach agreement in zvriting tI:at the. credit of such };Qr_on is satisfactory to Under $ad that the interest _ <br />payable an the sums secured by this Mortgage shall tie at such rate as L-ender shall request. If Lender has waived <br />the option is accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if Barrox°er`s suoces.~r in int~rert has executed ~ writ- <br />ten assumption agreement accepted in by Lender. Lender shall release Borrnwer franc all obligations under <br />this Yi~Iortgage and the Mate, <br />If Lender exercises such aptian to accelerate, Lender shall mail $orrower notice of acceleration in accatdance <br />r.-ith paragraph l4 hereof. Such notice shall provide a period of pat Iris than 30 days from the data the notice <br />m:a€~ wii~in which 13arrawe~• may pay the. surn_s declared due. If Berrawar fails to pay such suttts prior tot -the <br />expirstian of such period; Lender may, n•ithout further notice or demand ou fforrawar, invoke -any remedies- ger- <br />mitted by paragraph IS hereof. <br />iv'o~-L?xzgoxM Cossuex~s. Bon•ower and Leader further cotenant and a;ree as follows: <br />I°o. f`ai~eieradaa: I?emediar>. Except as ptrovidecl in paragra},[t IT iiereof, upon Borrower's breach of any <br />edvenant ar agreement of Borrower in-this ~fortgagc. including the covenants to pay n•lien due any sums secured <br />by this Aortgage, Lender }irior fn acceleration she[[ [nail notirn-to Borrower"~s_provided ih paragraph 24 hereof... <br />specifying: (Ij the breach; j2 the action raquirec[ to cure stick` freaeh;. f3'[' a date, not teen than thirty days <br />fironr the date the notice v mailed to Borrower, Fe}• which sac[: breach taiust lie cured;-end (4[ that failure-to ;are <br />such bresoh do or before the dale saeeifrad in t[ie notice may r€sult in aeeeleraLion of t4tc sums secured [ty this <br />~fartgage and sale of the Property. if t[.e breach is not cured an or before the date spaaiued in the native, I.ettder <br />at Lender's option may declare all stf the amps secured sty this Mortgage to be immediately due and payable <br />w-itliaat further daruand and [nay fotec[ase [iris Mortgage by judicial proceeding. Lender shall lie er_tatied to collect <br />in such praceetling afl expenses of €orac[osure, inc!uriing. hui not limited to, costs df documentary evidence, <br />sbstrat"atad title reports. <br />18. Barre,ver's Wight m Se~~ate. \aiaithstsnding Lender's acceleration. of tae sunL= secured by this <br />Srldrt, Borrower ~~ll A.,ave the right tES ha.•e sny ptxxaetlirgr begun by Lender to enforce -this ~fortgsge die-_ _ <br />contanued at-any. time print to entry of s judgment enfaY•cing this 'tfartgaget€: sal Boarawer pays Lender-_81I <br />sums-`vhieh would be then one under this tortgage,-the :gate and notes setaring Ftitiii~ Advariees, if any;-had aao <br />aecBleratian aeeurnd: tbl Borrower etrres sIl hreaehes of any other covenants or- sgreemente of $ttrrower con- _ <br />tsitt~ is t[5is blartga>ie; [cl Borrower pays all reasonable ex}tensestncursed by Sxader-in enfai~[ng the covenants <br />a~ agre~eu%s-ttf'$armwer eantsined in this :tortgage and in enforcing-Leader's remedies as provided iri pare- <br />graph 2S bereofi including, but ~t lianiied [q, reasonable atforrtey's fees; and rdl Borrower to&~ such sekioa as - <br />I~eader mug reasonably r~uise to"sea"are that. the Nett of this 1ortgage, Lender's interest is the Property-and <br />Sorrdwer's obligation to ~F the arena- secured liy ibis ti~ortgage uhail roittinae utiirnpaired:.iTpan such;~tay4tent <br />a~ eu[~i+V a0Y[awer, vlria`'lr#drtgege and ihe ouligatioits se~ut'ed iterelty slier! remain "ie f~ill:force and etteet as if <br />no-aeceleratian had acct~rrrd <br />c$..riaeigntaeat ai Rratr: 4pprscltenent of Bac~iver. Lead`s ia,P~atmiott. As" additions! security he-r- <br />under,BOrrower hereby as;5igns to `L:ender the mnt.~ of t[te Pmpartg,_providet~ #Itat Bot~tuiver'~hsll, }>rior to acceter- - <br />anon under paramnh 78 hereof or ahsndon'nert of the- P=xtgterty, trams the right to 3:nlloat said zetain streh tents <br />as ti,ay became due eed payeb!e. <br />Upon acceleration under paragraph l$ hr-rani at• aFta:tdtmment of the Propety, Lettder, its person, by agent <br />or by judicially appointed reeaiver slia[t Ito enti!!ed is -enter upatti,-take possian of and.manage the Property <br />sistd to collect the refits of the Property; ircluding Elta~ pE $tte.=aYl[-rants co[IQetncl by Lender ar the receiver <br />shad be appCted firstta payment of the edels of nianageinent of the Property and co[[eMion of rents, including, but <br />not fimtted tn, receiver's fet=e, premiums an receiear's bandy and reasonable attorney's fees. and then to the sums <br />seettred by this liortgage: Lander arsd-the receiver steal[ ht= [zatt[e to account on[s• for those rents actua![v received. <br />