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<br />t?UE f~N SA!_E
<br />QA710NAl. Fti7URE ADVANCES
<br />. ~ aA4libiEsas F`l9f~8Pi
<br />.-~`~ CORM Na.720 - - - - - - _ -
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<br />_ a car Jr. ~v¢v i
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<br />~'FII~ A2t#R~AGE; wade and executed rhea ~~--------..._.. say cif ...~~/_~:' ~'° ---- A.13.,
<br />iS..~.~., ~ the ~ortgagorr ::. ~~T&Q L ---~vl,d~F aas3..tR3;<gezt-- S. - Ha1dQr.:_.f7ttHbaa€d._~;Sl ..__...
<br />...Fa?:~e,_;~g3ut1.X.~an~, each ~??~ ~Cheir oraa_r~1;,.tet9------------------------- --------- -_........-- ---°-----... _...~.._
<br />of _..Gransi ~eland......._-y County cif ....:,--. ~~:---------- ---_., State of _. flebxat#k?,-:...., itereinx~ter referred
<br />to as -the i"3crrrasver, and tie litfortgagee, FiR.~'I' IrED~ItAL SkViPTG3 klEfD Lf)APt AaSi)CL'tTf£1N <3F'
<br />7 iNC"f]t.N3, t2~5 " l+i" Strpet; f~icxrln, ldebraska fiS502, its successors and assigns, hereinafter: referred Y.tr
<br />as-Tender.
<br />~filiTaixss That the slid. Harrower for and in consideration of the sum of ..._T~~~-'Q ----
<br />._. THt?USA~3D_SZX_ HIfbIDRFD-AtdD .NQ~1()0-----.----------_..:.._.77oL;ars {i.TS ~-.. 3~.,.~~f3 94.-.-~ ~~.}
<br />paid by said Lender, -does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; tl~e
<br />following described property located in the County of .....-...._li_aII...,....-..-•---------., State of Nebraska.-
<br />:xst Bight {$} Hlaek Three {3} in John Vexit:le's Addition tv the city o£ Grand-l~l~d
<br />Nall Gous3~~, AIe6ras&a
<br />'i rncs'rsss vrritlt a1 the improvements now or here-after erected on the property, and slI _ cants,
<br />rights,,appurtenances, rents, myalti:s, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rs`ghts, ,-~sl
<br />safer stuclr, arr3 all nx -new or- hereafter attaeh~l tae the p_perty, all of ~h'rch, inciadin$ reps
<br />seats and aaditiorts' thereto; aleall be deemed to be and remain a part of the pn~rerl<y eovergal lay thts
<br />Aif___~~; ~a all of-the-foregoing, together with said p~trerty {or the leasehold estate in the event this--
<br />-Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as tine "Property":
<br />Borrower covenants That Borrower u lawfully seised of the Mate hereby canve~sed and mss- the right
<br />~cz mortgage, grant and eenvey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that }3orrawer will
<br />warrant and atafead generally the title t<r the I#ropartY against -all claims -and demands, subje.~t to any
<br />ea~nneats and restrictions listed in a scheduie of eaceptious to cxrrerage in asp fide insurance polia<y -in- -
<br />suring Censer's interest ia.the Property; or {2} affornew s opinion of title imai ab§traet of #atle bertlfted
<br />rev ltaenal~l a?rrstracter.
<br />Pa©vznen Azesnys, and these, pzesen#s are executed and delivered upon the following conaitions, agree-
<br />rrer~ts and obligations of-the lim`rower, #r3-cYit:
<br />'~ ~r*nwer-..~ to ,, ±o the T~.~+~er, or order, the pr:n~pal s of .~-~_.~±v.-.
<br />„_.5~~ HI}P}1TRS13 A.'~..~Q/1~- --------~~'- ------ -- - ------- - - - - - -l3ollars (US it :-31,6t~Q.Qfl:_.__
<br />_ - .-)
<br />payable as pr^oviaed in a note executes and delivered, conctz~rently herewith,-the final payment cf principal,.
<br />- if not sooner paid, ort the :.:..First .... -say of .-..~ecember ................ .... ISi?
<br />Ur+nxer8as Covsrr~s,~,~. E3ormwer and L:~er covenant and agree As foIlsws:
<br />1. Payment of Fziacigogl med n,#eras#. Scrrruwer still promgily ~Y wheu due the ptiaeipal of amd in-
<br />terest on the inaebfeaness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note;
<br />artrl the principal of ana interest on any 1?afore Ad,~snces se€:ur+ad by-this ltiiortgage:
<br />Zs Ftatds Et?r Fars cmd Ise. Saiblect to lender's option under p~&raF~ 4 and 5 hereof, Bor-
<br />rower shall Pay tar Lender an tl~ day monthly installrsents of principal and interest are payable under the.-
<br />l~lote> unti§ flee Dote is paid in full, s sum Eben~ "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly tnaes and
<br />sue,=Heats wbi~ y etts~ its + tls~ _~ort~; and grnund rests am tlm _T'roperty, 3f_ any Alas
<br />one-twelfth of _yearly ptemiuns.Stsatallmerjts for hazard issrarue, plus o~-twelfth of pearly pr~um in--
<br />llmenf? #pr nmrt~age ~, if all as r+rasattshf3 estimated initially -and from tiaue ~n~c
<br />Lc~ci~r tie fire cizrsls of o i€ts aril estitea t#~ceareaf: ~r st~.~ al,,'.,._
<br />to ~{, snid ta>tes, os~tks, ~ ~ srsd ground rears: f8r sk~slt zztal<e rot sisarge far so
<br />hcs,~.,g ^%! appl,ir3,g ;.~~ Fi'nda ~ ce3ifYirsg and- Ong said fs and bills: Tice T~ ~.r shall
<br />rriga to t}>n Rc~rrnurnr ~yethni~t ~l~araa nn a~~;n! ?~'"_'L'S_.,rLra.-teiC Frtn~a ~~~ al'!d del~rts tO tl7C
<br />' ~send~-and ehe purer fcrr winch each drbit tar €i~ Fuzsdr; wsa-me. Ttse=F'u~fs e~ p2ecigeal as aalditio*tal
<br />esecssrity for the a~ sc~:vred by this A'Inrtgage. Th,~ Iioirower aAr+Ews t3tat the i shy ire Held lay the
<br />Lender and commingled with other fsxnda ant the bender's own fvtede and the l~deT mia_ y y-such items
<br />from its mvn fztnds and the Lender sl:ail not he tiahle for intewKt nr di~~drrsds on sueli Funds.
<br />i# tl~e stmouut of the Funds bald by Ruder, tirgether ycith the future monthly it~t~tn~ents of ]`ands
<br />~.tyable Ardor tv the-due dateaa€ tomes, ers~ta, race gtemisuus and ground rents; shall exceed
<br />the aern:.rnt rneuired fo pay said ,~x~, asse~snsents, i*ssars~sro p~icems and ground ress~ a_~ Cf-rey €sll Sue,
<br />sera eace ~ a~nnli ~, air ~rro>vera optoot„ Zither promptly repaid to $orrowi~r or credited to Borrnwer am
<br />Etrbntlliy ingt,-~limeata of Funds. ii the amount of tine Finds hdd by_ }der shall-not be si~ictiert to Bey
<br />t~cses, s~aaQa.r~ts, inautattce premiumF and ground rests as they due,.Baamvicer shall pay- to Lender
<br />any amnunt necessarg to make upthe defi~iauy within thirty daps after t~tire from Lender to $orrower
<br />°r~u~stusg Fsuamnt thereof, or Borrower xhad> by an is=reasesn monthly irtatallmenta of Funds required,
<br />-repay the deficteriey wft`~in the Fund a+occiui~iseq period.
<br />..Upon pa~?iat~tet in full of all sum,9 secured bt' the s`Ir1oFtge; Lender shall-apply Funds held as a credit
<br />against atl aurae flue.
<br />