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., <br />not extend ar postpanQ the due -date et the monthly inststlntents referred- to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or <br />change the amount of such installments. <br />Ifl, $osrow,ar IHn! Ilaleased. Extension of the Lima for payment or tnodificatian of amortization of the sums <br />secured try the ~Sa~tgaae granted lyy I:ender to env suecessar ir. interest of Barratver-shah not nperate to reteass; <br />in arty m3.riner, ifie liakiiFity of iF?e original Horrfliver and Horrawer's saecessors in interest. I ender shall not be <br />required tie c4mmense araaeedinesagainst such sueaessor or refuse to extend time-tor?isvment or othertvise modify <br />ama:tizatian of the aunts saattred by-this- tlartgage Fzy reasoir of at3y demand made by the arigina! Barratirer and <br />-f3arrawer`&~lleCeS3a1"a n}.Intere$t. - - -. _~ -- - - ----- <br />il. F~Isearance by Leader Not a ttVaiver. Any lor'oearanee hjr I.eni3er in exercising any right or reai~y <br />)teraurtdees-vr otheritiise afforded by appFieable }sty; shah not -lie a :c~aiver of or p?•eeFude the exercise of any rig}tt <br />or remedy heretandr. The tirocurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or outer iiettq or charges by I~~tder <br />? shall mitt be a waiver af' Lender-s right to accelerate "cite maturity of the indeb#zdness secured by this Ivfortgsge. <br />i lx;'gtomadies=Ctsmplalive. Ali remedies provided in this Mortgage are disiinet and cumulative to any otlser <br />= right ar remedy under this lortgage ar afforded Fn- law or cr}uity, and may rte exercised conaurrentlg, indepettd- <br />y eiztly or suoesessiveiy: <br />? 13. 8nccesat,>rs and Assign Bowels Ioint and Several 3.iability: Cagtioas. The covenants and agreements <br />~ herein contained shall Rind, and the rights hereunder slralF inure to, the-respective succ~essitrs and assigns of Leader <br />~ and Harrower, subject to the provisions of paragrtph 19 hereof. AIi covenants and agreements of Borrower shall- <br />- i~ joint and several. The cafitians and headings of the paragraphs of this iiartgage are for convenience only and <br />are cot to be used to interpret ar define the provisions hereof. <br />~ l4. Notice. any notice to Borrower provided tar is this 3ortgage shall Fre given try mailing such notice by <br />certified t?tail addressed to Harrower at the Propert}• Address stated below. except for any notice required under <br />paragraph IS hereof to be given to Borrower in the manner prescribed h}• ap}rticabie Isw. Amy notice provided <br />far in this tfartgage shop, he deemed to (tare Freen given to Borrower :c•hen given in tFze manner designated herein. c , <br />15. [Tmiforat tQortgage: Govemine} Law; Severability. TFtis form of mortgage combines uniform coven_ant~ <br />far national uze and non-uniform covenants with Fimitecl varistians krv .jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br />rity instrturet{t covering real property. This Jortgage shalt. be governed by the Iaw of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is laaaterl. In the event that any prevision or clause of this lortgage qr the Note canfiicts with <br />applicable law,-such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this lortgage or the Note which can be given <br />elect without the oonfliating provision, and to this end the provisions of the Mortgage and the Note are declared <br />to be severable. <br />IS. Bos~ower a Logy: Harrower shalt be furnisFted a conformed copy of this 'llort2age at the time of exeau- <br />tian or after reeardation hereof. <br />17. Tzaaser of the Property; Assuruptioa, Ii cif or any hart of the Property or sn interest therein is Pict t <br />ar transferred by Borrower without Leader's prior tr-ritten consent, exetuding (a1 the creation of a lien or enqum- <br />brance subordinate to thzs ~fartgage, (bF the. erection of a purchase ?nanev security intar~t for haitsaholcl appii- <br />snces, (o) a transfer by devise, descent or by alteration of la::- upon the death of a joint tenant or (d} the. grasst of <br />any leasehold interest-af three years or ?ess not aantaining an option to purchase, Lerrder tnsy: at Lender's.oipn, " <br />declare all the runts secured by this ilfortgage to be i?nntedsateiv due and paysSle. Lender shall have waived sash - <br />option to accelerate if, prior to tt?e sale or transfer, Lender and the person to a•hvm ttte Property is to be-said ar <br />trarsferred resell agreement in writing that the credit of such personzs satisfactor}• to Lender-and-that the interest <br />psystsie-an:the sums secured by this Lfor#gaga shall rte at such rate ar Lender shall request. If Lenderhss waived <br />the optiaa ter accelerate piavided it this paragraph 17 and if Borrower's succe_c~r in interest Iles exeoutrxt=a writ- <br />ten assumption agreement accepted ii? writing Ivy Lender, Lender shall mtease Borrower from all obligations under: <br />this 14lartgage and the 2v`aie. <br />If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shall ?nail Horrawer notice of acceleration in aacmvlatce <br />csitlr paragraph l4 hereof. $ucft notice shaFI provide a period of riot Fees than 30 days fmm the date the notice:is- <br />t~~a;led ::thin, which Horrosser may tray the suns declared due. If Harrower faits ca pay such sums prier to the <br />expiration of such period, Lender may, n~ithout further notice or demand an t3arrawer, invalce say remedies-pet- <br />riritied by paragraph i8 hereof. <br />No:+-ITstFOxat Covaxat~~s. $arrocve?--and Lender further covenant and' agree as fa}laics: <br />IB: Acceierauon; Fsemedies. Except as provided in l+sragrtph l7 Fien~of, upon Borrower's breach of ar~r <br />ca~'enant or sgreometrt of Barrawet• in this Martgagc, including the cavenauts to pay when due any soots se~ured- <br />by this ~fartgage; Lerriez• prior to acceleration shall wail notice to Borrorr•er as prarirtati-in paragraph l4 hereof- <br />specifying: (Ij t-tie breac3t; (2} the setion re€Iuireei to cure such breath; {31 a dafe. not less than thiidy da3~s <br />from the date the itatice is nraitect to Barrottor. h}• whicFr suc•[+ bre,:ch avast be cured; anti f41 that failure fo cure - <br />such breach on or before ;lee date spceifred in tirr notice rnzty result in aeeeleratian of the Stans secured by this <br />~lortgsge and sate of the Property. If the h-each is not cured on ar tret`are the date specified in the notice; Leritier <br />ai Lender"s aptian Wray declare all of ttzc suut~ secured by this llartgage to he immediately. due:-and paysbte <br />svithaut fttither demand and may farectase this _lortgage 1?v iurticial lrmeeeding. Lender shalt Fie entitled to cotter <br />in such proeeedirig -all expenses of taroclosure. including. hart not Int?tied to, costs of documcntan• avide.-toe, <br />abstracts aitd titFe reports. <br />1$ ms's Fiiglit ter Reius#ate. Naiwithstanding Lender's a,eeeleratian of the suni.~ ,secured by this. <br />~~rtgaga, Borrower Shall hss~ the right to have any-. proceedings Fragun h}• Zender to eriftrtce this. ;Elortgago_dia<. - <br />ciafinued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enfc}€•eing trite Mortgage if: tai $orrower pays Lender-all <br />xtietva ~ihieh woutd'be then due under this Mortgage, the Note rind notes securing Futum Advances;tf-any, ttfld-no <br />ticceleratiac oecurredf {Fil-Borrower cures all breaches of any- atFtar covenants ar agreements a€-Harrower Boa-- <br />- tainet3 i:t QFtis .fattgage; {el_ Borrower pays aF# reasonable expenses incurred try Lender in t'ttforoing=the covenants j <br />and agreements of Borrower contained itt this ?~fortgz?ee and itf enforcing Lender's remedies as provided in pa;a- <br />grap i8 irereoi, including, but net irtniteil ta; ressotiatrte attorney's fees: anti tdf Borrower-takes such ao~ioi ae <br />Lender ruby i•r_sr~nabfy regt3ire to asstire that the lien of this 3forigage, Lender's imerest in -the. Property. t;na <br />Borrower's obligation to pay the suns .-ecured by thr~ 3iortrage shall continue nnimpsiietl. pan such paym_erit~ <br />atld curk'oy Borrower;finis vlirtgage one rte eb4igaYorzs secun _r iterei,y zsfi"remain in tali farcea~nil effiti€' ~~if <br />no aecelergLien had occarred. ~ <br />~. ii4+w+eYtt of &ratc; Appoinhaent of Roceioer; Leaver in Posaer3ion As':additional security here-- <br />' under; P,orrov~er hereby assieps to Lender the rents of t}ie Propert:•, proridt•iF that Aarroa~r shall. ~srior to aacekx- <br />alien ender pe Agra}rh l$ hrreaf nr ahsa~+ornrenf of tlic Proiiert.y, have the right to cirlt~t cud rotairt_sueh rents <br />83£Fi~fl`SC4m8 due and p~}'~ta£,. -. - - - - <br />TIpan.acceleration under paragraph tb hereof or ai>sndann~ent of ?.he Fraperty. Leader, in person,-by agent <br />yr by jud'teially appointed receiver s?SaIT he entitled to enter u, on, tx;ie Fwseaeiafl=of and niartage the -Property <br />azi.~l to calFeci the .-cute of the PraFte~y, ircluding tFtu;c (?a>t r:,te. _lil n~nts eszilectod-Fry I.enrier or the receiver <br />- stlsll=tteappiied first t.a payment ot• the ras4a of mansgenta.nt of the Property anti collection of rent:, including, but- <br />rot tny?ited to, ~Neei'~crs fees, pren3iun,.s on rucciver's hourly and rcasonsblc attorney's fees. and then to the sums <br />s~trred b3~t~tie Mort~~ge. Tender aril the reCeit'ar-stroll td liable to account only far those rents c.etuaily rcreived. <br />