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<br />~-, <br />tNt3IV_ 3T~t3AL <br />D[J~ f)M SALE <br />i3P'T"l©fVAt. r1`~,+`Ta3R~' AU'$AtYty~ <br />~ SAVItdt35 FyND <br />TfiiB ~,Zf3RTGAGE, made aad- eseouted thr.: f dog of _~tu•+~.--' .---- A.D,, <br />I13..~~'_~, between the "Mortgagor, _.~?5..~}x .k1.f:~14~iiBOn:_ &- Patricia G..::[~ilkznst>is....:h1?&b~A€~..d~ti- wife, <br />.._:~ninciy ,sal, each;_in_their--otrn--rig-hc.----•°•--•- --------- -----•--- ---------° ....... ...... .... . <br />of ._.. Wood P,3ver . ,County of ..._17:.._.:......::......,., State of ~et?~:ag...:...., ixereirr~fter ~cl <br />to aa. the 8orrcrwer; arid- the A+Iortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOGIATTC11i3 OF <br />LINCOLN', 1236 "l~".Street, Liacala, Nebraska 68542, its. successors and assigns,- fiereinafter referred to <br />sa Lender." <br />~zxxE2ri;: That the said Borrower for and $a eonsideratiaa €if the sum of .~HIHTY-:FYYE--Tl~31ISANII <br />.. .E4ist4,.lIQI.1.Qf1--..-----_--'^---°...~...~_~_~~.--------:Dofiars-tIT$ ~--...35fDt14..i)4._--- } <br />paid-bj! safr3_ Leader, does hereby mortgage, grant aad convey to Lender, its: succea9ars and assigns; the - <br />follawiag described-property- iar~ted in the. Ccurtty of ......:Aa7:I ...:........ ..--_-..;-State of Nebraska:- <br />Lot. Seven {7} Eight {$) and Nine {9j Block Twenty-Two {22) %a klacCol2 and LeF2ang's Addition <br />to the Town of Wood &iver, HaI2 County, Nebraska <br />Tocerasg with all the improvements now ar hereaft+er erected an the property, and aIl .easPmerrts; - <br />rights, a#,Puttenanc~, rants, myatti~, m*`3r~+'gl, oil- aad. gas rights and gmfrls, water, meter rigs;...., f <br />water stock, and all f~zures saw or hereafter attached to the property, all of which,- iachrdiag replace;- <br />meitts and additions thareto, shall be d'eenred to he-and remria a gait of the: property ceve~al by tt»s <br />14lartgage; and-all at the foregging, together with said Property (or-the leasehold estate in the everit this <br />Mortgage is oa a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property". <br />Ilormwer cavenaa#s that Borrower is lawfully sei.~i of the estate hereby conveyed and has tie rigfit <br />ttr ratrrtgage; groat arrd convey the Property, that tits; Property ~ uaeacumberecl, aad that I;dorFeaner zvfll <br />warrant and de#ead generally the tatIe to the I'ragerty against all claims aad demands, subject to -any- <br />easernents and restrictiaas Listed in a schedule of excegtians W coverage is nap title insurance policy'ia- <br />:..r~:.~g Len~de;'e ~tst #n t :'r~~r~y, or ,'~) attct~tep ~ aPi~~n ~f ~ t,~ ~~ att of L~~ c~Ftrfred <br />by IxaaiPed abstracter. <br />1?vmFg ~4.w~s~, and tbe~. pre~r#s ors executed and delisered upon tha fallowrag corrditiorrs, agree- <br />me3ts and ah&gatians of the Borrower, to-wit: <br />The I3rirrawer agrees tar Pay tar the Lender, or artier, the principal Brun of ..T~3IR2rY.-~~.- - <br />._.._.AND.liQr7:t3Q°--..---.-r.-.---------. ----.--.-----.-.----.---Dollars {[iS $- 35.,11413 i~-----.....~........) <br />payable as provided is a sate executed aad delivered, ceincrrtreritly herecs~itii, the frrral pav~=me€tt of prixicrpal, <br />if not sooner pasd, oa the ........~-st------------- day of ...---.--- December-----,---.-.__.. , ~-.20t?7 <br />U~~s Covex~r~rs. l~rrower aid Lender-covenant -and agree as follows: <br />l: Payment of Paiacipal off! ta: rest. Pwrmwer shall Pznaiptl3r Pay when drro the prinei}~1 of aad. ia- <br />teresE oat the-indebteda evidenv~l by the Nate, Prepayrrreat aml late charges as provided itt tk~-gate; <br />and the prirreipal of arrrl intazest an any Future Advvnces secured lap this 1Vlortgage. <br />2 £cmds for Taxers wucl Inwgrarasrce. Subject iQ 33ender°s option wader paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, Bor- <br />. rawer :shall pay to Lender oa ttme day monthly iastalhneats of principal aad ia#eregt are payabte.undar Lila <br />Rr.,, ~ itrtil tfre Note is ~ i:. ~~~ a =•im tS:rr~3s °`£dx"l ecnval to -twelfth of the ~eariv=-tam .and - <br />asses~ments which may attars laiorsty octet this fviartgage, turd ground rents oar ttre Property. if any Alas <br />one twelfth of Featly gremiuar is+atrs~fi+r for hazard iasuraaca, glue Lane-twelfth of yearly premium in- <br />stailiiretrts #aF mortgage , 1f asr~ atl erg reasa~bly estiarsrted irvt:ally and from- time to time by <br />lender on'the his of assee`.m' ate tang a~ r~tssaalale aatinrates theretafr T.earleF shoji apply the Funds <br />+3 ~Ay °a~3 taxes; ~r a'm ground rants. LeadeF shall snake no ci•,ar~e far so <br />h,jlding rct ~m}yirg F,u,.ta ,~._.x~_tg"g -mil ps`lurg l se~as~ts arrd bills: '£he l;.raer sh<11 <br />grve t4 the &rrcawgr. without care, ~ annual a arf tl~ ads'shtswlrig credits end debits to the <br />Funds a3rd the ~sraose iar s±hir'h each dehic to the Fvads ,made- '1`he ~rada aF~ Plied as additiaeral <br />sea-arity- for the Sums nec;ut~rl by this Mar~age. The Eiarrowc~ sees ci~t tlre.uzrds r~oay be. held by the <br />tinder and commingled-with other fuctde arrcl ttse Ierder's owri funds aad theiendts' may Pay such iteriis <br />from: ifs ocrr funds and the Fender shall not he liable for interest or dividends on arrch Futrds. <br />if the amount n# the Funds :5eld ~y Larder, tagetirer with the #rxture monthly instatlments of Funds.. t <br />pa~ablo prior tzr ~e dGY datQS of tstzes, srpen#~r, insurance preruiuma and ground rents, shah exceed <br />tt~ v-xrtouct raquimi ris pay said lazes, saw~raen~, insaFUac~e gr~niirias and ground reat~ ere they ~a}l due, <br />such. exa~r shal`i be, ai ixeµers option, either promptly regard to Borrower or cn=dited to Sotrower on <br />nrontifiy irrst~tli:rert; cf 'vnds. If the amount cf the Fu:ide held by lender small rates-sufficient to pay <br />tsixes, assessments; ineurarrce premiums ahrt groun~f .rents as th®y fall due, Bormmar shall pay to I.errder <br />an}~ anaor:nt ne~es,ary to make i~p the deficiency within dirty days after natica<-from Lender to Borrower <br />rev,, payment b:xeieof, or Borrower shall, by as itrc-teetxe in monthly urstalhnertta of Funds required, <br />reps.; the deitciestcy within the Fund aCrountang period. <br />ZParS yayroerzt in full taf uli sums secured by thin, Mortgage; I,cnder shaiil apply Funds treld as a crndit. <br />against- all runts. due. <br />