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("' <br />7 <br />- .-~ `""y This form #a used in connec- <br />~r~~ ##~ ~s g~ r~,~v ~^s~+ lion with mortgagee insured <br />~'L! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~#~~ :i ~7t~lfi.a;~ under t}te one- to Pour-fnmely <br />prtivieiona of the National: <br />f~onstag fut. <br />HI?H Di<L'i'lt£!£Il Z:ITl.4~.:'~st~dT$~IPiC1~EAS3~€t;, MONTIiLY ItiSfAL~MENTS - <br />T}r ~QL?TCzACi>r. m,~ 2nd racruud cl "" ~egof I'~er ..el.tJ. <br />19?$ , liy and 6ehvun Bernard C. Bur~yreskf atfd Peggy A. z3~nski,_ Htsslaar7ci .and '~ifE`, <br />- of the Courty nF Ha1:s ,and $~te of Nehrasira, party e~ the ~rtt port, icereittafier called <br />^iu tg~ct, mat Cormuercial £etieral Savings aha -Loan Assoc3.atian <br />aeayor~ticn organized and cx;stittdttndsrtheiaase4" Nebraska , <br />party of the second pert, ltereinaftctcailsd theMortgagee,- <br />IYAL,~$SET~i: The: the saidbfortgagor: fo; arcs! inrmaideratk7n of tt~ tattn of fihirty-fs7atr '1:hsat;u5axsd _ $i~t _ ,.; <br />Hctttdred asstl :fo11C0-------~------°-------------••~oll~rs(S 8rF,604.00 } P~bytF~I~orF <br />>;' ~ rteCztipi of an~it as ir+ertlay ae~rr~;edge8; r G~roB anu S+ila ru~.i any rhea ~s~i:§ d~ .t. fir- <br />- $dii7; SeIL, CotlYey sari ~attftrie [that thG Rfpxtgagee, its suceessors sad assigns..farevar, dsn foltgvi '~sc$ - <br />ncisf esters, sitaated in the Coutiry t>E Hill <br />Tds. is vrid• <br />~Ls,~st'a €y2~~, 1i*mmLlii~lc tJttg €3), in. Sothman's St~tsdieision to tt;e City ai• Graasl Island:,.. <br />mil 4t.~ttQ L~ ~ 3.TY~.i~~f - <br />~~ -.. _ - - <br />TO FLAVE ANn TO HOLD rite prestiises above destxiixd, with r~J t1`ae appuritnances therstsiitb lxlongiag attd includit~ <br />_.. ica:,a~,, ply,-..`,..g and l~y`.ticg `,xrW ~: taft~7tt nci~ ~ l ~'.7€tx'tt i~~~eL§ sai"_ i€a.' c~statc <br />unto .; t :Mortgagee, and to its sttccessoss,aad'-assigts, forever, The Mtutyvgot represetKS to, and covenants wdh, ttx Mortga- <br />gze, tltst [hz Rtarigagor tuts good rght to sei}-and ewtyey-said:pratofses; that-they are reef; from tom; and that lire <br />Ma~~;a~r tvif? ~vzrrant one =efend „`:e sa_~e g~ir€.€~t:thelaa*f~ elaints aa€ ati as whomgca~:tt; ami t~ said ~s~.gagsr here- <br />hyrelinquishes aU ri3hts of homestead. a»dalLmiaztial rights, either in-law or in easily, a~ ati othercontit7~at ittterrats of the <br />hfartgagor in am} to the aF.wve-descrbed ~reatiaES the intenti<~t bEiAgta convey tiCCeby an a6soiutetit~; iafee simple; ztclttd. <br />ing a't rights of aamestead, atui other rLginsassdtourests as aforesaid: <br />PP O V IDEA AL~1`AYS,atrd ilt~e prtseri{tsare execute) and de~vend npon tlts foHnwitsg catditiotrs, to-wit: <br />TYre'vfortgagoragrees ropey io the ~. or order, ~ ptitecipal sttm of Th=Yigr-forte Thousat;<d. Sid <br />i~a~~r~d'andiNo(iCO--_ ~ _-__~dotlarstS34,fiUt?.Qfl / ?,wi4hi7tt t <br />1\iZC clll:l W ~E.~i7ttt7~t{ ~r JV + T~'^ <br />tFx unpaid lralcnee unttl paid. `Che a.`d pr_t`g~l a~ irttErsst Abe psyatsk~tl~ of6ee of ~CiYei'31 FBdet~dl SS'~it3g8 <br />and Loan AsstnoeiaCioz oaatsach7ttlut•placeastheitatderuf <br />itr._ -:bra a, <br />fix .:Jte .^J _Y de51~i3te !n x~, !tt 3L4P.fTE~Y m9talittsean ;~t'+ 3C~t'dlt!$ tG Sch$dtllC ~ its <br />cststtms i!n tine firST day of <br />Febxtiary .1979 ,atxtofxthEfirststavofesclittionthztsei~esfteruthEprirtcipatan,iirr <br />tzrest arz ferry paid; escspt that the n""nrd payrtrent of prtneepai and itttzrest; if-nut soGrter pstd; shai2 be due and <br />fw ~,"- on tx yrs. duy cf ~~isa~ , 2GG 5 , a!l acct:fidirg to thz terms of a xrtsin gromis- <br />~r~ ertt~datehr}rew~Hf grecetttd ~ iae,~J,d~M or._ <br />flit"~a~paS'f57tlai3~"to"iinYLYh~-_--jj :a~anoe :a~hly a.d shall increase <br />T~ ?slot*sraor;n ostler mor sully tapmtecithe secutiiy~f t1~t,., agrees: <br />1. 'T`hat he iviit say the ittdcbtcdntss. as hereiubefotc prati7ded. Privt'lcgt is reserved tc pey the debt in whale, a in an <br />amcuet equel to one or taoro mootitly payments on the principal that are mat due on the note, os; the {irsrday oL any month <br />prior to inatttrity: Pravitlcd. Lwwdver, Thst wiitxcn notice of an intention. to txetcisc such privi3elpe is gtvsn at feast thirty (3L>? <br />maysprior to prepaytnent. <br />'^~., tiyzt:>~ t.iiw:-a;d, u= ~diru,s ~, tl~ rxir.r;uy y~^ay~ents ~ ga~v ac.4 isteras. pays:,lz -,.ud¢: the 4:...s K t~ <br />not¢ !scored hereby, the R!ortgzgartviLt:pey torts! Mott~ce; on thi: feat day of eac8 month wth7 the saiE ooze sft[)ly grid, t~ <br />~ lclhwjng motet <br />E <br />raj Asnaunt suflSciMlt to pror~d¢ dte hglder h€rcaf whit fonds tin pny the next mortgage insurantx premLusn if this <br />iris--t,-w~~tt. and tte note secured h+iiehy sta,r,:~rt~, of . ~ott~ti'y ~tssge (tn Jizu aJ'c ;ro.-tp~e ursrranra prc~ <br />mfrdnl if they arc? Ialtt by flee S~erl:isry csf kFcwsteg L'tfi~ lh+stoprreut, a~ futl4;ws; <br />(P Lf and so loo; as:tatd Hate of even daft and;this instrvtnent arc invited or are reirourcd under the Fo- <br />vscicma of z}tc Wtianal Hnusln(f ,let; sn atttounL strffieicnt to acrtuntti3te in ttte heads of the holder-,eta <br />Previoue eenctcm. am o>rao+.m ... - -. - .~. TA'K'E OF i+EBI~'.4SECA <br />- FtiA-2763tYt tin-17) <br />..., - . - - <br />-: <br />