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<br />78- ~Cf~~.~~ <br />t~oRTGAr.E <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. ~ ~~' ~ <br />owALLMEAFBYTEFPSEPRESEAITS:That Don~l+~ C. Whetstone, a single p~F•son <br />-Mortgagor, whether one of more, in consideration of the sum of <br />~i#ty Seven Thousand and-No/iflD-----------------°- -----°_- <br />~LLARS <br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Bur7ding and Loan AssaTxation of Grand Islartd, Nebraska, ;dlortgagT:e, upon X7(1 shares of stdek of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate Na. L 23, 3D9 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the Poll©wipg. <br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: - - - - <br />LQT SEUEHTEEN (17j, BLACK FOUR ($}, IN BRENTWQt)D <br />SUBDIYISIGN IN THE CITY DF GRAND ISLAT:D, HALL COUfllTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />together with all Lhe tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances Thereunto belonging, including attached floor mveriags. all witttiaty screens, - _ <br />window shades, bends, storm windows, awnings, heating, air eonditioning,and pittmbiag and water equ:gment and acce~orias ihareto,pumps,stovas ` <br />refrigerators, and antes Fixtures and equipment aoty ar hereafter attached to or Toed in connection with said real-estate- <br />- And whereas the said mortgagor has ayeed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will gay aB taxes-and assessments levied ar <br />amassed upaa said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond seeurr~tber&tsyDla fare the carne shall became delirigttent; to furai9l: approved <br />insurance upon thr bTUldings nn said premises situated in the sum of a 977, WWUU payable to said. ASSflGIATCON- and.,.~v 4>v said- <br />PSB(2CIATICiN the galicks far z°~a insurance; and not io cottmtit or permit any waste on or about said premises; <br />In case of default in the perfnratance of any of the terrrts sad tanditians of this mortgage or the-band setaued hereby, tke tttaitgagee shall, <br />ou u<.va,-,d, ~ -- Gd to a- ~:t~tr pasGsssc:. of the ttmrtr,~.d prem~°s :ltd t,§e t°^rtgagor hereby- asai¢-ts; users ar-.d is cv.= *_e thA <br />rs%mgager xll zhe rents, revenues and income to be derived from the martgagtd premiss°s during such time as :: v mortgage iti$ebtedmas3ta#1:remais+ <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoim any agent or agents it may de,-ire for the Purgase af' repairing said, premises znd r'entiztg <br />the same and collecting the rents, revcnaes and inTxsrar, and it may pay out of said income all expenses of repairing said premises agfd necn:sary <br />c,mtmissions and expenses irtcurred in renting and managing the same and of cottectutg rentals therefrom; the balance remaining; if any, to be <br />- - - - apirlied -toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness: these rights of the mortgagee-may be exerci~d at any time duang-t#fc exiaiance of sorb <br />default, irzespeT:iive of any trmporary waiver of the soma. <br />These presents, howevxr, are upon the Condition, That if the said Mortgagor s`.talt repay said loan on or before the ataturity of said shares by <br />. payment; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specifred in the Bord secured hereby as interest-and principal on saidlaan, an ai before <br />ihr Twentieth day of each and every month, Tmtil said Snan is fusty paid; pay all taxes aril assessments le-.~d against saidgremitas acrd an this ##ot;gagc <br />- - sad the Bond secures thereby, before delingrenT:y; furnish approvtd insurance-upo;t Lha bta7diags thereo;t in the sum of b-57.,QUtl. QU payable - <br />to said ASSOCIATIOI\, repay to said ASSOCFATION upon demand all money by it paid for =ueh taxes, assesmtents and insurance-with interest at <br />the maximum legal rate titerean fratrt date oi' payment aE of which Ato~rragor hereby agrees to pay; permit rid waste an mid presnlses;keep aitd+xzmgIy , <br />with ai3 thr agrcerrrents and conditions of the Bond for 3 57,DD0. DQ this day given by the said Mortgagor to-said ASSE)CFATION; amI armply <br />svtth alF rite requirements of u'tr Constitution and By-Lava of said ASSOCIATION; then these prnis slr:l breams ntdi and-void, trthetasise they <br />s'~°Ii remain in C;tI3 force and may be fareclas~ed 2t the option of the S=Tid ASSOCIATION after faihtrr far three months So a aey of . <br />payrtrents ar lie three months in arrears in making said monthly payments, or to keep and comply with the agreements and cadTii[ions of said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed farttiwith to such Forecloatur proceedings. <br />If there is any change in awnezship of the rest estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then the entire zemaiaing ittdebtedeiesa hereby,- <br />secured shall, at the option of The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, becortx immediately due end payable without <br />further notice, attd -the amount remaining due under said band, and any other bond for any additiortat advances made theieundet, nhaii, from th~- <br />da{c of exercise of said option, bear lntezest at the maximum legal rate, and this mortgage may then be fozeclo9ed to satisfy the amount dtu on sa&1 <br />bond;and arty other bond for additional advances, together with all sums paid by said The Egtitable Buitdirtg and Loan As~?tiation of Cant Island, <br />**,: braska fat insurance, taxes and assessments, and abstracting extension charges, with interest thermn, from date of paytstent at ttte maXiitiusn <br />~. .. ~ safe. - - - - <br />As provided fn the Bond secured hereby, wh7e this mortgage reznains in effect the mortgages may hereafter advance addRiorm3 wets to the <br />.makers of said-Bond, their assigns or successors in interest, which suttts shall be within the security of this rttartgagr tlu saax as the foods oY <br />~cttied tihexby, the to~taltamouat of principal debt not to exceed at say rune the original amotmt of this mortgagt. <br />f ~r t3ate~ ~~ ~p of DGC2TfibE'1' A. i3., l9 7$ <br />SfA3£OFNEBI2ASf.i,p ~- Onthis'Jth: day of D2C8IT~1' i47$ ,beforetne, <br />COUNTY OF HALL ??ir <br />~-tinder,i,~d, a Plotarq i'ttbl¢ in and fsssid tsatr~y, ~ tam <br />Donald C. Whetstone, a Sit1~;2 pf't"San ,,,~, known to _ <br />,, i 5 perxmally - <br />f <br />cry to be the identical prraoc a~hosc game i g af#ixed [o the a~ta irstrT:megt as and he itt~X <br />_ ac'<nowledged .he said instrumaat to-Fie ~. ~I75 wluntary act and deco. - - ,s _ - <br />NdTNFSS my hand amt Notarial Seal [he date aforesaid. - <br />t~y Coutmissian expires ~ J <br />ItitT,ut. ~ J'~ Votary lie <br />a t sn ss ~ ~ gtW aF~MTtaita <br />,~'fIIrs0.~TrA.g~.1.I9~.. - . <br />