78-~ l~[:8C1€3i hgo~~A~~
<br />Z°nis ~e-is eotereEf'into hetwePn _:.,LEIi'il#1'4N E. tK,~~ 3ftd CE3~(j,E_.~,.; ~+tjLEY: ,~i?sbind
<br />2tnd W1fe _ (liesein"~o;tgagor°}and
<br />ruc ~y4pynwr~ `uhrr~NnL BAP}v ~r rR,gK~ ?fit ~~in GY'a.^.~ ?s?3n, ~~?-asit3 ~ieYeiri"niorkgagee"j.
<br />McrYargor is iadebte3 t~J ?vfertga„~ 'n the principz ~¢m o? $ 5>_9~• ~' ,evidenced oy hfoitgagor's note
<br />dated _ ~a~~IDb-Et' ~. 1 ~7~erFin "NriLa"} ~a:ia;ng fcirpayments of principal and interest, with the balanx of flee
<br />;adeliKdc,~. it aoL ~sa:,nec paid, due a.'u~i-gaF:b3e Gam- +~tlflL -.1 , 1979. .
<br />Tosacru+a tl-e ~ymeotof-tire Nate, ~alth iaLetast sa pzt~it~d t6etein, the payment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />eanrat~-bp to pYatect the aee~uity of ttils_MattKeBsi and th~:peYfo~mance of file covenants and agrr~;.ts of
<br />Che loot e~tninad heaein,=Lfortgsgor does hereby. mottgage sari Canvey to Mortgagee the follovrng descabed
<br />located Ifl _ t;aaitty' Nebxsa~:
<br />Lflg ~w~fi~y--Tierce (23) R -& B Su6divisiofl, Hall C~tai3ty, iVehraska
<br />'To~ather.With all-baildin~, impravermenta, $st, streeta+~Ys: Pwa95: e~ements; rithts, privilegesand"
<br />appvrteaarcaes_ia~ted tbexeou or in anywise laertaiaiagihe:etcr; and thete£+ta; moues sad gra`fc~,seve3sians and fer: _'•d„13
<br />~e o'; ~i €id [teaiirig : caaim8 ;~" t ~~ ~ that is attached to ~e
<br />iitiprmeateata sa as to coasfitnte s futate; sit of w~iidi, iaciadiag zeplaee~ and ad~tzans tffe:etc, L hrseby decided
<br />to be_s o~t~oi the-red estate secured 5g the lien 8f this ~ ~ isf the fgreg4stug being mferree~ :v'nerein as the
<br />,.~,.._
<br />r farFher sxsnvenants anc agmes, with ~rtgagea, ~ faltaws:
<br />1: Payment. Ta ~g 13ie'iridebtedne~ and ate-latereea tisere+~ sic providedin this Mortgage and kbe Noce.
<br />$; 'f5tie. 3Sotr:is rite owner of the Pk~etty, has the ri~it and antboritp to tptpttgape the property, and
<br />wercattt~:tbet rite Iieia.ereatBd tier~py is a first sad paa~Iien"aa ~e_RoQesty, except as ntay atttecwise be set forth herein.
<br />CI"77re ~Y is subject to a Mortgage wheYein
<br />;; tom? , teesii at:$aotf , 3?age of t}te f2or Rreards at E:naaty,
<br />Nebzaeha, iMbidi $dezEgage pis a lien g~euz to ~e Iteu created heretsy.
<br />I'3 tiEhet prxHC (seas or eneamarances:_._ _
<br />3 T...es, `pa gag :wbea daeail tnxea. spew! dais ~ rr e#a~xa aai;th- Property
<br />and, upon written demand by >4fortgagee, to add to the payarenta requimti ands; the t+I44ela~retif hsriehy;sni4s.a~ount as
<br />may be sufficient to enatile tlis iV.rrtgagee to pey each rases, ace~ateuia ar ether t~ae~a as they beeoiae _ -
<br />4. Insiazance. To krep the Improvements now of l~reafter laeaLad.cn the b~ estate shed-beealn itszwed
<br />;,^aicst dam h; ors end s2~:n rst_hei' iaz:s~ ~ Rior~~a„~e :>~ lea amt ss~spar+iea acecpta'ble to the
<br />Y~fortga~e, and u-it3i lass payable to the Mortgagee. Ia ease Qt lass atttkrseeh'po~m Idle L? ac"'-IEiorlrrd'to
<br />adjust, collect- and compromise, la ite dixtetion, ail ciaiais ttiereat+der atita &ele aptlon, aaihoraed.taeitherappty the
<br />~raixads to tike restgratioii of die PnspertY or upon ttte indebtectstesssec ~:.1C~tEt~trpret~all con'
<br />t3nne ~uati! the sum secured hereby are pale is hdl. -
<br />6. L7 ~aa~ow F'er Taaea and lsievrance. ; i+3iltw+tuStandin¢ anyth(ne coatdned [n aaeztEraQi,-+ s ~d #'tti..,.., f.rti r~
<br />caaEayay~ ldart-~or shitl,pay. to dre Mortss}tgee At tLe tirtw o: paying: the Monthly tiutaltmea~ o[ patndpU and tn3c3est,
<br />ade-ter:;~tR of ttie geaety tax~~, ents, harard' inuursnee 9remiyms, tend- gr~~nd errata ftt any) whsch mry ct!tsn a
<br />ptiiattg area tltia ~~, sit =s r~aasanebty esMmated_tkomtirae ko time bg tL; ~ ~ snzauat: w paldsball be -.
<br />hEid h'9 the. fi4c~@ee eethhaat: ftitnsaat sad appdiad _ta the paymext bt ttie ktems in rrapect to erhiett wcdt amoanta xere
<br />dcaai0e$. `Yti¢ dttna ndti to 3tlteunder'ate ~ledxed a~.adihtiaaaE, seci~rtt~ &atlce hrat6bbedrtees-sesa.'ed LY aria -
<br />)kcrt~e; Merl~at pag to iiita~ae trite afaquat 0# any tiS9efency 6eE~ceetE the acmai taxer, aeeranosut+~, iir~itines
<br />paatmiwma and i~iand r~ and :the Aeposlts Iretetlrrder wiPbia LO days afknr demand JS aiat4e apps"~ mQnE
<br />>~ tbe~ot.
<br />g. ,trc:aee,~:, LIrR. `i'a F v~~ =fir, rwtoza o; t~buiid say 0ni:d.'i>~ or.iraF:avas~nts-aa?v or
<br />tsgcesYtai oil the P;y; to lit~p the Ptopcztg to. eotssdltiun and;s¢air, v-Stttoui wYSfi, abd &2e foui» prtechantc's or
<br />ether [fear nvt ezprs~g wtiotdinsted to the nett lmseof; not :o uktke', softer ar permit any niaaan~ to es3si, nar:to ditaia- -
<br />iiib nr tm¢stt the va3ae et fix F[oparty b9-say act o; om}gs}can to zct; and to campty with elfmqufrementi of taw with
<br />respect W the ihopetty.
<br />