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<br />additional advances, or in #-ire event the :/iortgagor should sell, either outright, by land <br />contract, by Tease purchase agreements, or otherwise, or tit}e Thereto should otherwise <br />become vested in persons other than the h~ rtgagor;-then the whale indebtedness hereby <br />secured-shat{ thereupon ar at any time thereafter; at the option of the Association, become <br />isr,~diatety due and catlec#ibte without furTher notice ar,d this Mortgage may-then t;e fore- <br />~nsed to recover-the same, wi#n interest theressn, ar ti ~ and ai4 reasonat?iP costs <br />and- expanses of suit; including abs#racttnc, or tifit€; search fees. Aceep#anee_by Bier#gagee <br />of one ar more insTaltment payments on-the indebtedness-secured hereby subsequent. to any- <br />- sale ar change in ownership or possession cf said real estate, or any .parr.-Thereof, as <br />above ~ravided, as To which mortgagee teas not granted its written eonsan#, shaft nca# <br />cons-tttute a xaivsr <if hbrtgagee's option to accelera#e-the whdte indeti#edness hsr-suy <br />secured, which apTi~n may be exercised by mortgagee at any time. No delay or ommission ?f <br />riort~agee To exercise any right or option accruing upon any default shat3 i-mpair any such <br />right or option, ar shall be construed tc be a waiver of any such default, or an aequs'escence <br />therein; :and every opt ton acid remedy g i ven by th i s Mortgage #o the i+4cirtgagee may be exere i sed <br />f,om ±-6 me #o time as o#ten as-may be deemed e~cpedient #o Fir#gagee. <br />Proided fur'lher that in the event of default in the performance of any of The terms <br />a`nd-conditions of this 1,9ortgage,, the Note Secured by this r'/prtgage, or:arty. other notes ft~r <br />adaifiionat advances, on the part of-The Mortgagor, the Association stiai( been#i-tied-fio the--- <br />- :immediate possession of-the premises-above described, together wi#n all The rent, reuenues - <br />. and income, .including any land contract payments due-the Morrgagor or-any attier incomes of <br />any type +xnatsoever, to be derived therefrom, and said Associatior, may, in its dis~re#+an, <br />use-the rents so far as it deems necessary for the purpose of mateing:repairs upon fihe <br />premises, and tar #ha'paymen#s of insurance premiurr~s, taxes and assessments upon said'- <br />- premises, and far necessary expenses-incurred in renting said premises end collet#'tng ren#s- <br />therefrom, end to apply on-said note and notes- and agreements fior #utere.advanCes, untlt <br />the indebtedness secured is fusty paid; but said Associatiz~n shah in-no case fie tiabie fore. <br />the faiture to procure fienan#s; to coiEect rents, or to prosecute recover <br />possession of said premises. <br />€xecuted this 5th day of December ig78 <br />STATE OE h;Etii2ASKA 7 <br />sec <br />Can this 5#;~ day of December .t47~, before me, a notary Public in and far said <br />County, personalty came- the above named Vi1LLtAPd D. 6~ti~ AND P9AF2?' C. GRAN^~ husband and <br />-wife each in his. and her own #o me weft known to be the inden#icai person swhase name s <br />', E~ F - ©F; ffT?x e#' ~ ' tgage as grantors and are- sevec-ai ty adknowledged 'tie <br />- ~s~~aTda~n~strumenT and fihe execution thereof, to be ~~,~;r voluntary act and-deed. <br />'r:iTNESS my nand and Notarial ;eat, the day and year cast above written, <br />atary Public <br />~L ~.!~ _ : <br />r=1y :.oa'~iss;on expires on the .,X~ day ~t Jv~ t9~. <br />~~? <br />