~~--t~~ ~37~
<br />MQRTGAGE LEAN Nf). L 23..3{#8 _
<br />A'r30wALLAiENBYTHESEpRESENTS:That C8Ci5~dYtCe R. SC(it~, 3 S5f1J~@ QE=f'S091 and Yvonne M. Lund,
<br />-- --- a sirlg'te person
<br />- Mari~saaor, whether one or more-in consideration of tits sum of
<br />Twelve-Thousand Eigtlt Hundred and NoIlOO------°-- ---- -- --------->xi~.i.ARs
<br />Ieancd to said-mattgagar by The Equitable-Building and Laart Association of Crand Island, Nebraska. Mortgagee, upon _~ Z 8 shaves of stock of
<br />said ASSf~IikTIIIN, Ceetificaie No. L 23, 3O8 , da hereby grant, cen+ey and mortgage umo the said ASSOCIATION- the foltowIng
<br />de•~ri'ved rxal eY.ake, situated in HaB County, Nebraska:
<br />Together with ail the tenements, hereditamen[s and appurtenances thereunto belonging, inctudit:g attached floes cov°.ririgs, all wutdow areena, --
<br />window shades, blinds, steam windows, earnings, heating, air conditiarting,and plumbing and waterequipment and accessories thereto pumps;stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and ether futures sad equipment now or hereafter attached to or used vt connection wiG't said real estate.
<br />And whereas the- said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree [hat the martgager shall and will pay alt taxes and s~esstttaais leveed or
<br />assessed open said pkeml~s and upon this mortgage and [he band secured thereby before the same s'rail become delinyuent. in firritisli app[oved
<br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of S ~ ~, BDD. ~~} payable to said ?SOCIATION and to dehvei tb sad- --
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies far said insurance; and net to commit ar permit any weals ar. ar abac[ said premiers;
<br />I;3 ces` of default n the purfnrirtartr:e of any of the tents and eotxlitions of this ...-std. or tl:e band stct~! hereby, th¢ x shall,
<br />on demand, be entitled to immetstate possession of the mortgaged promises and the mar[gagar hereby ads: t:arisfers and-set! -aver io the
<br />:mortgagee a€i the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged prerrmses duri~ szrch time as the mtsxtgege iade6iednes3 Mall remain -
<br />•d- _..d .~#e ...., l,.r ti~~ :~ ~ ., ::2 .>... ~tns:rn rhw af' - v saiet sad- t
<br />....~, , ~.. .t~ce s..o.l Y,.wes to appoint ..°r~ ro.-t ar ~ n*w . ___._ for . ~=rpo~ *tt~i n pr ~r+es- ~- sei[~
<br />the same and cot~ecting the rants, revenues and inmine, and it may pay out of said-income all crpensts of repairing mid premises and nectseaty
<br />CAmm;ecinryq and expenses ineurred in renting and managing the same and of colteetirtg rentals therofrom, tiro balance- temesnlrtg> if-any, to be-
<br />applicd toward-the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at any titm daring the existence of seu3t -
<br />dafaul[, irretpeerive of any temporary• waiver of the same.
<br />- - - Tlie~ Freserzu, howet2r, are upon tine Condition, That if the said Mortgagor shall repay said loan oa or before the-maturity-af said sltares.Iiy - - -
<br />payment; pay manihiy to said ASSOCIATIORI of the sum specified in tie Band sec>tred hereby az interest and prinsdpal on said Ioan. on or befom - -.
<br />the Tweniie#h day of each and every month, until said loan is fully paid; pay aU taxes and assessments levied aga#nst said premised and ca this Mortgage
<br />- and. t_he Band assured thereby, before deli[tgttencv; furnish apprared insurance upaa the builditt~c thsreo;: in the sum.of S~ ~>~• Dd payab~ _
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIA'I'Ii3N upon demand aEl motley by it paid far such taxes, assessments and irtsuranr;e with iN~rpt ai
<br />the maximum legal rate thereon Exam date of payment ad of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; petanit no waste on said pmmi~s;keep and s:ampty
<br />-with all-the agreements and eandatians ~f the $ond for 8 ~ ~, ~~. ~~ this day given by the said Mortgsgesr to said ASSOCLATItSiwl,'and rott#gIy
<br />with all the requirements of lire Constitution and By~Laws of said ASSO('IATION; then these presents shall berme ntilT-and void, otherwise t1~y
<br />shall remain in full farce and. tttay be €orevlosed at the option of the said ASS~IA'f[ON after failtur for thine months to make say of said Y~
<br />~,-p n-ant= si b~ #lt;~ man[h> in arrears L-t utaki;.g said man[:dy payttiwt:ta, ar to krp and mmply wl[h the agreements aael eossditit~ss of Said &rrA; f
<br />a~ Atartgaoer a;_ees to h~w~ a receiver 2ppohited far,hwith in such fareslasuee praxedings.
<br />if there is arty ch3itge in ownership of [ire real estate mortgaged herein, by sat or otherwise, than the entire rerttainireg indebtedness hettbp
<br />secured shall, at the option of The Equitable Stuldittg and Loan Association of Grand Isisud, Nebraska,beeome tmmediately due and paysbb wiiltout
<br />further native, and the a»m#mt remaining due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional advances treads theieunder; shall; fmai the
<br />date of exercise of said option, bear interest at rise rnaximtw kga: rate, and this mortgage may then be foreclosed to satisfy the atnattnt due art said
<br />hortd,and any other band For additional advances, together with a1 sums paid !zy ~kd The Equitable Building and I.oari Action of Gra[ad 2aland,
<br />Piebraska far• iiisukance, taxes and asse~ntcnts, and abstracting extension vharges, with interest thereon, from data of payment at lire rttaxitnttsit-
<br />kgalrate.
<br />As piovided in the Bond sevuted hereby, witiie this rimit~tge remains in effect the aurrtgagee may hereafter advance additiomti awns W the
<br />maizers of sold°Bond, their assignaor successors in interest, whieit sum: shrslt be within the seettir7y of this tortgage the earns as the fimrisoiigimally
<br />sacu7ed thereby, thr, total antaurtt of principal debt. not Co exceed at any time the original amount aF this mortgage. - - - - _- _
<br />r~atea ttt~ nth. tray of DeCel~3er A. n,; Is 78
<br />:ro
<br />{eOnSt3FtCP R. S - -
<br />STA7E f1F NEBRASKA. th! his ~~$l. day sf ~GeIF~i" I9.:~£{ , beforo me,
<br />CFIJNTY QF ILAII. ~ ,~ ,
<br />Constance R. Scott, a isi^gle ,~ersQfl ans~_ tltoun3ets~ned;axois€yFtitfYteinandfortCaoaiy:persouaUycama
<br />Y..,,,,._ ;' Lta"la„ d ..t _rTC ~2~',^n^„ wl~ 'gyre gsr„ri,„liy~nowcta
<br />r>e to bo eke identical person S whoac natrte S dt'2 affixt3 to the aborts utatrttmetik as mtit~igor-°'s aced eFley anvetxlly
<br />. - :aa~uowledged the said ittsirumen# to be tl?@'1 t" voluaiary act and deed. - - -
<br />. - ~ _ i4'I'fNFSS my hand and koiaral*,ualtbe dal'. a`4resaid_ -- L~'~J
<br />any~~atvmt>;sian rxprrea - - -
<br />~,
<br />/ a.~~ ,/' -} ~ ,4 Notary I'ti6 c
<br />6t-2Td ttt _ -_~~~~ F F ~K I -. -~ Est 7r: ,.. r_tir,+
<br />/ ~r. -_ __
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