<br />
<br />kiORTUAGE
<br />MORTGAJE LUAN NO. LZ3, 307
<br />IcNOwALLI«i>;NSYTHES~px~s~NNTS:Thai CharlPS F. Lange and Colleen E. Lange, each in his
<br />and Iter estate right and as s~~use oi' each n~.hel°
<br />- - - - Mortgagor, whether one ar rtatrc, in txinsidtntiam ttf the sum of
<br />That-teen Thoifsand Seven Htandred and-Nc/Iflfl--------------------------------------- n~'<.in~s
<br />to-said mortgagorby The Equitable Btlading and i.oan Associat&ta of Grand island, Nebraska, kiortgagae, upon 137 shares o€ stock. of
<br />said ASSUCIATIUN, Certificate No. L 2$,3fl3 , do hereby g,-art, convey and mortgage unto the mid ASSUCIATIUN iha follawtt~-
<br />deserrbed-zeal estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />RECDRDzD.
<br />together with aH the tenements, htreditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached door coverings, aIl window scrams,
<br />window shades, blinds, steno windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and glumbirlg and water equipment and accessories tlrereto, pumps,stovea,
<br />refrigerators, and other ftxtures and equipment now of hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will gay all taxes and aasesstnents !cv~ or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereb : before tire sattte shad become detinquenf: to furnfsfi approved
<br />insurance upon the buddings an said premises situated in the sum of $ ~ 3, ~fl0 .~tfl payable fo said ASSL)CIATSON and to deiiaar ko said
<br />- ASSt:'CiATiUPT rte, policies far said insurance: and not-io camtnit ar gamut any waste or. arabaut said ptami~s; - - --
<br />in pse of default in ?he ~ertarmanx of any of the terms and canditiens of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby,-the tr~t~gagee shaYL
<br />an demand, be entikled to immediate posse ion of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby asaigrts, transfers and sets aver to the
<br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from tfle mortgaged premises during such time as iiae mortgage Sndtbttdnesaatia(F rtmaitt
<br />anpaid: and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire. for the purpose of repairing said" premises'and rcntiag
<br />the same and collecting ilea rents, r>.vertues and income, and it lnay pay out of said income a1 expenses of repairing mid -premises and'isecessaty
<br />co:nmisvi©ns and expenses incu.:ed in renting and mana~rtg the same and of aalleetiug .rentals therefrom: the bafanr~~ retttaitring, if soy,. to he -
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of the mortgagee try !rt exerci~d at any time dtu~ the exiatenee o€ scab
<br />defautk, irresgeetive of any temporary waivei of the same.
<br />These-Presents, hoverer, are upon the Condition, That if the said Mortgagor shall repay said loan on a: before- Elie-tnaYtriitty of said abitrbaby - "
<br />payment; ~y monthly to said ASSUCIATiUN of the sum specified in the 8oad secured hereby as interest and priner{?at as said.loam, on o[ bdore
<br />the Tweriieih day of each and every month, until said lawn is fully paid; pap all taxes and assess~tteltts levied azaia_R said premises and on this Motfgage --
<br />atttl the Bond secured thereby, before deiinquertcy; flunish appruvtd isstaronce upon rite hutldiags thereon in the sum of S 1 ~s ~flQ: Qfl payable
<br />- to said ASSL7CiATIUN; repay to said A5SUCIAT[UN-upon demand-all money by-it paid far such Taxes, assessments and instlranix with iatetest-at - ~ -
<br />she maxitktum legal rate thereon from do?e of payment aS ni w;ticR trlartgagor hereby agrees to pay;permit no waste on said premises; lcttp stmaastp2y
<br />with all the agreements and condttians of fhe Bond for s l ~, 700, flfl this day given by the said 'mortgagor to said A53UC1ATit}N, sad "comply
<br />with alt the regtiutments of the Constitution and By-Laws of said ASSt7CiATIUN: then these gresmts shalt became null and void, othewise try ,
<br />s6aU ruin io full force and ntay be foreclosed at the option of the said AS3UCIATIUN after failure for three months to make any: of said
<br />payments or 6e three months in arrears in makiltg said monthly payments, or to keep artd comply xith the agreements and condititms ofsaid Bead;
<br />- and Mortgagor agrees to have areceiver-appointed forthwith M such foreclosure proceedings. - - - - -
<br />If there is any change in owrtersiiip at the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then the entire retrtaining indebtedness hereby -
<br />secured ~ttalt, at the option of The Equitablz Building and Loan Assoaation of Grand Island. Nebraska, become immediately clue andpayable witTtoat _
<br />ftir•her ; `, and rte Vttount re_~:~ting d=ie tender said holed, aid arty other }and far any additiortai advances made titererr~tder,sh~t;'fioat~
<br />date a€ axerctse of said option, bear interest at the maximum legal rate, and this ~trkgage stay zt~a ere foreclosed to satisfy the: amountd~ on said
<br />bond, and arty other-bond for additional advances, together cattle all surrss paid by said The Equitable Budding and Loan As~tciation o[6raltd tsiand,
<br />I!ieltraska fat insurance, taxes and assessments, and abstracting extension charges, with interest thereaa, from daft of payment at ilia itiasimum
<br />legal rate.
<br />As provided in the Bond secured-here3ty, wtuk this tttortgage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional sums`to'i1R .
<br />lookers of said 8oad. their assgns nr succe~ars in interest, whic:~? srrrns shall be within efts security of this mortgage the saute as the fundaoriginzlly
<br />secured thereby, the total amount of priocigat debt not to exceed at soy time the original elnaunt of this mortgage.
<br />Daitd this !~r~~t. day of ~CEitI~}er A. D.. i9 7~
<br />~~~'
<br />8~" @S
<br />-- 6dn~e
<br />s PATE OF NcASy:A, ~ ~: Urr tlri ~"th . day of Decker t v 78 , Itetore ttte,
<br />COU'N'TY tlfi HALL
<br />-.LCiarles F'. Lange dFld ~Qlleen--E. LBRt~, - ttw.uadei~igned,also[arvyP~tltclnpndforaaidcagnty,aamttmitvt~ate --:~-
<br />eaCtl in his and liar own right a~ld as s~iotas~ elf ~r~Ch other, - -; wlio app ~ersktnattyrim~nw
<br />rr~tq be the idenciraiperrou 5'.,.. whose narnc,.5. ~-.-ii7'e affncai I.o~Ute.abave ietattuztsassit as mott~gorS - and - - -they--severally -
<br />:ckrewkedoed else s?id trs•.nr.^.e.^.t is be th$ll` - .~l.n>+.ary~tanddnad. r•,
<br />W2TA e5~ my haul anti ~atatia! Seal tIx dad aforesaid. ,~' ~
<br />My Co ~-- ~~ ,/
<br />Y f
<br />~ .aa ~ " - } ~ V- Notary lie
<br />