<br />not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly iuntail:nent ~ referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or
<br />ahan~e the amount of such installments.
<br />1#!. Horrewer Not liatatraed: ~xtenaian af.tlze time far iza~vntent or madifseation of amortisation of the sums
<br />secured by tl~Ss mortgage granted tryl,ender to unysuccessor izi interest of Borrosi•er shall not operate to release;
<br />in any manner the liability of tl~e original Bortvwet• anct Borrower's successors-n interest. Lender shad eat be
<br />required tv comm. n, c cixiceedings against suclrsuccessor or refuse to extend time far payment or otherwise modify,
<br />t amortisation o[ the suru~ secured by flies ~ftiirtgage 1>y reason of any. demand made by ttie arigiaai $orrowei• and
<br />'It. Fm'ce by f.amder Not a'1tG'eaiver. any forbearance ly I.Qnder 5n exercising-any right or rean~[y
<br />{~ hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable ~asv, shalt not bo a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any-right
<br />ty or remedy hereunder. -The- procarement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by bender
<br />~+.? slialf not Ue-a waiver of"Lender's right to accelerate fhe rs~iiturity o€ the indebtedness secured lay this lt4ortgage.
<br />i`~. }~, eif~s ~-atttiiia'liaa. '- -11.11 reinedtes provided in this :~~orGgage -are distinct and. cumulative to any ~ttlier
<br />~••• right ar remedy under: this 1fforGgage or afforded lzy la~v or equity, and may be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br />ently or sueceaaively.
<br />F 13. mad Aeaigsas &futad~- Jolter cmd_ Sevszal Idabisstyt Captions. The covenants and agreenents
<br />®p herein contained shall bind, arid the rights }tereundershail inure to, the respec*.~ve successors and assigns of Leader
<br />Tv and Borrower; sulijeet to the provisions'of paragraph l~ hereof..~,tl covenants and agreements of Borrower snail
<br />be joint and several. 'The captions and headings of tlzo Itaragraplts of this Mortgage are for convenience only and
<br />are not to be used to interpret ar define t6e'provsians hereof.
<br />14. Notice. :tny notice to Borrower provided for in this Sortgage shall be given tiy* mailing. such notice b9 .
<br />certified mail addressed to }Brrower at the Property _hddress stated below, except #or any notice reifuired under
<br />paragraph I$ herea€ to be given fa Horraw-ez• in the manner prescribed by applicable law. ? n}• notice provided
<br />for in this Mortgage shall he dee:ned to Kara been given to Borrower avhen given in the: manner designated herein.
<br />I5. Urufornt Martgcsge° Governing Law; $everability. 'This fora? of aortgage combines uniform covenants
<br />for national use and non-uniform covenants- with limited variations by jurisdiction tci constitute a uniform secu-
<br />city instrument crovering real property. This 1•ivrtgage shalt 6e governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which
<br />_ the Property is. located. fn the egent that any provisior_ or clause of this ~4ortgage or the Alote eonfiicts with
<br />applicable-law, such-conflict shall not a#1'ect other provisions of this lortgage or the NotE which can be given
<br />effect without the conflicting provision, aad to this end the provisions of the 3~fortgage and the Iafote are declared
<br />to ae saverabie.
<br />I8. Borrower's Copy. $oiztawer shall be furnished a evnformed copy of this iti<fortgage at the time of exeeu-
<br />_ tiott or after recordation hereof.
<br />19. Truer of the Frageaty; Rssumpfioa. If all ar -any part of the Property or an interest therein is -sold
<br />or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a j the creation of a-lien or maims-
<br />trance subordinate to this ?VforGgage; (b) the es•eatian n€ a purchase money security interest for househald''appi~
<br />att~s, (c) a.tsansfer by devise, Cescent or by operation of lee- upon the death of a joint tenant or (d;! 'the grant of
<br />any leasehold interest of three years or less-not: contaiaiag an option to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option,
<br />declare aL-the sums secured by this ~ertg&ge to be iannediately dui and payable. Lender shall havQ avaivttf melt
<br />op#un trr-aceelerate i:, ,..7or is tize sale or transfer; Lender and the person to whom the .Property is to be sold itr
<br />transferred reach agreement in writing flier the credit of suelz pez$an is €atisfactory to Lender aad that-the. interest _
<br />paysbfQ ~n_ #~ie sums seeared by Llais '4gorG~ge shall be a+_ s!~c!t :..ta ~ i~ nder shat request. ff L,.ndsr has waiv€d
<br />the option t-0 accelerate provided in this paragraph IT-and if Borrower's successor in interest has executed sw~it=
<br />ten asoumption agreement aeeeptediin writing by Lender, Lender snail release Barrovrer-.from all obligation under.
<br />thin mortgage and the dote.
<br />Zf header exercises such optdon to accelerate, Lender-shall mail Harrower notice of aeeeletataon in aceordsn~
<br />aviLle paragraph 14 hereaf~ Such notice shall provide a period of not less than 3fI days from the date the nati+~ e
<br />mailed within: which Borrower may: pay the acres declared due. If Borrower fails to pay such sums prior tti-the
<br />expiration of suds-period; Lender may, without further notice or demand on Bbrmwer, invoke any remedies:per-
<br />mi~~ed by paragraph 3A hereof:
<br />ldox-Ltxurott~ ~t1VENAxTi'. Borroaver and Lender further covenant and:agree as fellows:
<br />f$. llecrtleratio~ir $emedies. Except as pzbvided in paragraph I i trez•eof, upon Borrower's breae#t of art,
<br />covenant or agr~ment of Borrower in this 4fortgage, including the covenants to pay when-due any antes secured
<br />t by this Mortgage; Lender prior to acceleration s[a&Il mail naticc to Borrower as liravideKl in paragraph 14 hereof
<br />specifying: fl} the breach; (2} the action required to cure such breach; t3l a date, Hatless than-thirty-days
<br />from the date the notice is mailed to Barmwet•, br tvhielt such breach must !ae cured; anc€ {§) -that failure to cure
<br />! such breach on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums seeared by this
<br />~'lortgage and sale of the Property. If the breaciz is not. cured on or before the dgte specified in the notice, Lender
<br />' at:i.~aader's option may declare all of the acres secured by this iLfortgage to be nRnediaGClg doe and payable.-
<br />without further demand and may foreclose flue t•fortgage by jadicial proceeding. Lender shall be entitled to collets
<br />in sash proceeding all expenses of €oreciosure, including, liar not limited fo, costs of`doeameniary evidence,
<br />abstracts sail title reports.
<br />Ill. ~eartaavar's IEight,to $einsEata Notwithstanding Lender's. acceleration of the suriie secured by lists.
<br />hioxtgags, Borrower snarl have-the sitght to-have any proceedings- begun'liy Lender to epforcr This :4forfgage die-.
<br />c:,etssued st any tiwe-prior Gov entry of a judgment enfc#•cing this ?Mortgage if:, (a}. goEfuwer pays Lender al!
<br />stub, which-wanld be=tbsn due tinder this-~~artgage, the Mott: ariii t~es•ing :Future-,#dvaae~, if any, lied no
<br />scceieratiomoecurr=d; ¢h}-T9urrawer ciit~s calf lirsachcs of-any other ra~~itants or agrren~enty of Rnrrr,>uPS cert-
<br />tai:ad :n t`ui„ ~iu~~sge; fe) $orrowgrpava alP reasonable exlseoset iteat••reed by bender inenforcirzg the covenants
<br />and agreemartts afBarrower contained in°tfiis Mortgage and ;ti eafnrring Leader's remedies as provided in par-
<br />grapit 1D hereof, inelucaing, Batt eat limited io; reasonable attorne}' s fre?; and !d) Borrower tales such aetian as
<br />Lender znay reasonably .require to assure. bust the Lien of this iortgage,. Lenders interest in the Property and
<br />Barmavar's obligation to pay the sums secured by this :Mortgage sha!l conthtue unimpaired. Upon such payment
<br />and sure Sy £sorrorcer, this A~fortgage and the obligations secured hereby shall remain ir, full force and eff~•ct as if
<br />no accclerntiion-had aceurretl.
<br />2G. ~gtumsat af'Benb: Appoues! o! ~ocenwfr: LamdPr in FaGSas$iucs. Az additional security here-
<br />- under; BarrowP.r hereby s.~+ignn to: Lender the rents of the Yra.-,erty. pr~ividecl that $orrower shalt; prior to acceler-
<br />`stion under paragraph 18 hereof yr abaac+onnzettt of-the Property, hisve iize right to coi[ect and retain such rents
<br />aethey become doe azad payable.
<br />Up.,n nceleration under paragraph i8 hereot or abandonment of the Yrcpetty. Lender, in peraoat, by-agent
<br />or Uy judieiallyappoinfrd receiver sltstl be crdrtled to enter upon, t.•tke possesainn of and n:airage the Property
<br />and to collect the rents of t}ie PrvpertY, inciu0inyt dhvsc past due Ail.rents'~ollected Iiv-Under oc the receiver
<br />shall be applied first tv pn jment of the: castts of znaaagen3errt of the f'rapcrtx aizcl colleetian of rents, including, but
<br />.not limited to, receiver's foes, prergiurrts on receiver's lzotula acid reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the sums
<br />secured by thse ~fmtgage: La:ader and the receiver shall Ire= liable tv account only €or those rents actually received.
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