<br />This form is used in conrtec-
<br />ry~('~ /'t~+ tion with martgxges insured
<br />SilV~ l°~T~laLj under thx one- to four-family
<br />~yf~~~ ay~ provisions or' the National
<br />~ ~,,,,°' ~ ~ [ *7 FJ f Housirsg Act.
<br />T:.^. ° -,`(.~~~ ..ad= ~ azr'at~ •~'s ] S L ~y r~ Deer ,A.D. -
<br />i4 76 . by sadbetwccip~ a~fichael K. -Ferry slid Bebarah. Ann' Perry,- Husband and Hife,
<br />of the County of fIa21 , ate StatE of Nebraska. party of ~ first part, tuteinaftcr called
<br />tYte~;,rtgagar>and Gorcial f`ederai Savings and Loan Association
<br />a Cacpoiarigttarganiud andexistiag utx~r thsltiws of Nebraska .
<br />party of the secorrd part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />tX~!`t`NESSII°I'Ei: That the said Mortgagor, for ate in consideration of the sum of Thirty-six Thatrsand sad
<br />lio/1{la-----------------------------------------Haunts€S ss,a{3C.Q4 },gaidbyt&eilfort-
<br />k gaged, Mite receipt. of which is hereby acknowledged, -has Granted and Sold sad by [hest presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain, SeN, Convey artd Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forover, the follawing-described "
<br />real estate; sin>sted ie the County of Ball ,and State..
<br />of Nebraska. town:
<br />fot Ten`(10) in Block,Tero (2) in Axt and Hagge's Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Ha11.Couasty, ~eBraska;
<br />F%
<br />TCI HAYS AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto beloagaag and ittclading -
<br />su hearing,"plumbing sat fighting 6tttmes Sat egaipment rww or hereafter attached to or used is txinnecti[?n with said reatestate
<br />rmett-the btarcg8ger, sari to its successors sad asargas, forever. Tise Afottgagor represents to, and covenants with, the lgtortga-
<br />-that-the Mortgagor .has goad-right fo sell ash convey sad premises; that they-are Gee from eacatmbrance; and_itrat ttre
<br />Mortgagor will warrant aal'dtfend the same atainst the mwfal claims of ail persons whomsoevcr• and the.sa~ Mortgsggr here-
<br />by relina5aishes ail rights of homEstead; and sit martial rights, eiihee is law orin equity. sad all other coatiii~est interests ~the '
<br />Mortgagor in and to the above-described prerrieses, the iructttasa being to rnnvey hereby as absolute title: infee siulpte, istclad- ,
<br />ing attrights of"homestead, and other rights sat imerests as aforesaid.
<br />FttC3VTDE31 ALWatYS, and these presents are executed sad delivered ttpoathe fotfflwitsgconditions, zowit: -
<br />TheMortgagor agrees tapaY to the Mortgagee, ar order, the principal slue of Phirty-six Thousand ante
<br />Nal3{y0----_-- sa---.____--_^- -_-.Dollars{536,000.00 ),wiitsiuterestfrom
<br />date at the rate of Na.sse and orie-he4l.fJ per centum { q. 50 ~}€er armam oa
<br />t~ urspaid balance until paid, The said principal ark iretcrest shall be payab~ at the ofhtc of Cotamerei3l. #'edera3
<br />Savings andalr~an Association., Dttialx~; itebraska . ~ at stuhutlxrplaCeas the turlder of
<br />the rmte may desigtmzs in writing, in monthly iastailmenu ~C aoexerri irtg to Scltedule A attached
<br />eomatead'mg on ttu tits[ day of
<br />£elirtsatay : t4 T9 ,sad on ties &rst day of each moaUs imtii tie pri»dpal~ ia-
<br />terest ores fatty paid, except that- the ftnal payment of principal amt interest; it ~t saottrr paid; shall be ~ and-
<br />~yalNc ors the mat day of 3asi , X009 ; all according ttr the terms of acertain peomis- ~.
<br />d ~~~~~~ `frtc 1 balance mar-t:hly aril :shall increase ,
<br />Mtn is order mare faily trf profect the - ~~~, agrees:
<br />3. 'that !'e arc's ~y the-itt~e,~.c prttylded= lrrivika,~ is-resew to ~y the debt is whole, or iau
<br />amamrt cgaat m oQe ar itorereerttldy paymeaL9 on tlse pri~apal that ate [text dtx at toe note. tm tbs. first day of any month
<br />ptinr to matitmy: irrovidrd, howcver,That written natisx of ~ iateeuoa toeudreiae smolt ptivt'kgeiagiyenat [East thirty {3dn
<br />days poor arprepayntenr. `
<br />2. That. tagetber with. and in addition tor., the monthly paymeais'of prirttgral 8nd unsrest payaAle snider the terms o[ the
<br />cxstt secures ttereDY, ttte Mot~tyattar watt pey to the li3ortgagee, an the tus[ day of elan taattia ttrnazae saw ttorz is fuify paid, tin
<br />fatlawing sums;
<br />(a} Amount sufftcieat to prtivisie the holder ksesepfwith funds to pay tttc next martgage.lritsrance preailnm if this
<br />utstrutrnuct and the rata seenrtd kereby ate i~red, or s xtc>ttthiy cttatge lra ~eu{ija n. orrgrr~c ir3.traranre pre-
<br />inp'ram) if t1ey aa~c held tsy :he Sstrettuy at fIausut& and Urlsa~s t7avedoprrsetst, ssltsifo6tas
<br />{t) If and so long .s raid .tore of cvem date. artd this inlaurimtst are hseatet~ orate reinsured u:uler the,pro•
<br />visia>#s of the vatianal Housing kc#. as ainaunt suft'icierct Eo aecuetuta~ in the handsnf the htrider one.
<br />~t+R'r: d}F NESRi~SKA
<br />tFfdViOv'. EGltioq: a O~ML'::lSQ - - - F1iR-Z743rA 570-77}
<br />