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<br />EXPAI0TI~A]E3LE 1VI0R,TGAGE <br />7~- ~' ~; .~~ "~}c5 ASSIGNMENT QF RENT'S Loan No. 820258-3 _ <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That James R. Kurtenbach and Gerre A. Kurtenbach, Husband and <br />Hrige ~ {Hereinafter caked the Mortgagors} in consideration of the sum of <br />Tt~ENT't-THREE TH©USA11D ANt3 A10/100--------------------T~,.__~_______.DoNars (S =';wgg pp0 rg**) <br />loaned to Mongagors, do heretiyy giant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCf~3'I©N o(Omaha, <br />Nebraska, {hereinafter cattod "COmmercral"}, its successors and assrgns, the following described-real estate, situated in the County ef, <br />H;~l State of Ffabras#a, to-wit: <br />Lat Ten (10',, in B2oek-Ten (10}, in-t}nixersity Plata, an Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Halt County, HIebraska; <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, with the appurtenances therunto belonging, unto Commercial, its successors and assigns, forever. <br />Said Mortgagors hereby covenant with said Commercial, ifs successors and assigns, that Mortgagors are Iawfullq seized of saiiJ pienisas, that <br />they are free from encumbrances, and chat they will forever warrant and defend the #ifle to said premises against the lawful claims of -all per>ons <br />whomsoever. <br />Provided, nevertheless, these presents are upor, the following conditions: <br />THa# whereas the said Mortgagors as mmntre;s of Commercia~ have this date executed a note evidencing such !can acd agreeing to repay said <br />.sum of morey, with interest, in payments as set forth in said note and have agreed to abide Hj the terms of said note and Charter and By-Laws of <br />Commercial. <br />That whereas this mortgaga shzll secure any addit!onat advances, with interest, which may, at the option of Commercial, be made Hy Com- <br />mercial to the undersigned Mortgagors or their successors ir, title for any purpose, at any time before the release acrd cancetlation of this mortgage, <br />but PROVIDED, HOWEVER, at no Hme strati the aggregate principal amount secured by this norfgage, being the amount due of any Hme on said <br />original note and arry additional advances made, exceed an amount equal to Ito percent of the amount of the original note, but in nn event shall <br />said onto exceed the maximum amount permitted by taw, and PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that nothing herein contained shall be considered as !uniting <br />the amowrt that shad `n seemed hereby when advanced to protect the security or in accordance with covenants contained in-the mortgage. <br />Now, if the said Mortgagors shall pay or cause to tx: paid the said sums of money when due, as set forth in said note, and any other note for <br />add!tinna! advances made anti! said debt is fully paid with interest, then these presents shall be void; otherwise, to be and remain in frill force and <br />effect; thrt if dufault should be made: <br />{a) lr. any of the payments due on szid note, and any other note for additional advances made, as therein agreed to be made for tfiree months, nr <br />{H} 1n keeping the improvements on said premises insured against loss by reason of fire, lightning, and other hazards Included=inextanded <br />coverage insurance in an amount not less than the unpaid balance ofi said mortgage loan, in a company or companies accepfatile to Can- <br />. merdal, the original of such policy or policies to be Held try Commercial, and with a mortgage clause attached tq said policy br policies,. <br />in favor of Commercial; or <br />{c} In the payment of taxes and asse>sments levied upon said premises, nr on this mortgage, before they are delinquent; or <br />{dj if there is any change in the ownership of the real estate mort~ged herein, by sale, either outright nr try land contract, or mf assiwrmcvrt of <br />any interest thereon nr otherwise; , <br />then, in airy of Lhe above set~forth events, the whole indebtedness hereby secernd shall, ak the option of Comnerciat, immediately become due and <br />payable withoat furUrer notice, and the amount due under said note and any other note for 2ddi bona! advances made stroll, from the date of the exercise <br />of said option, bear interest at the maximum legal rate per annum, and this mmortgage may Year, be fnreelu;eu' fn ~afisfy ~e amcnrntGue nn-said note, and: <br />any other note for additional advances, together wish all sums paid b'1 Commercial for insurance, taxes, assessments and abstract extension charges, -- <br />with interest thereon from the date of payment at the naximum legat rate. <br />PROVIDED that in no event, either before or after defa~.rlt, shall the interest due under said note and this mortgage artd any ether Hate for ad- <br />ditia~ra! atlvancesmade exceed the maximum !aw#ut interest rate- <br />PROVIDED, further, chat in the avant that default occurs in the making of the payments due on said note, and on any other note for addikpnal <br />ad~~ances, as the=sin agreed to fie made, or in keeping the premises insured, as above provided, a if default be made in the payment of the taxes <br />or assess~~nents levied upon the premises above described a upon this mortgage, before 8rey are by law delinquent, Commercial shalfbe entilkd_ <br />to the immediate possession of the premises atx#ve-described, tngeltror with ail rests, proceeds and issues arising out of the premises, add may - <br />in its discre5nn use the reefs so far as it deems necessary for the purpose of making repairs ~r~n the premises and for the payment of insurance _ <br />premiums, texas and assessnertds upon such premises, and f,a necessary expenses incurred in renting said premises and cnHechng-tent therefrom, aiid: <br />to apply same err said note and any notes evidencing future advances hereunder anti! CHe indebtedness secured is fully paid; and for sucH purposrs, <br />the undersigned deer heretry sell, assign, set over and transfer unto Commercial all of said rc~rrts, proceeds and incarres including+mY fantl crxttracf <br />payments doe mortgaga owners or any other in^.omes of any tyae whatsoever tram said pr~erty to fie anplied on fire rrotes above-descrbed; txtE said- <br />Cammernia! shat! in rro case be !fable for the failure to procure tenants, to collect rants, nr to prosewte actions to cecovet possession of said premises. <br />The Mortga~rs iusther ap~rint Commercial of Omaha, Nebraska, Breir attorney in fact, giving said attorney power irrevocably, either on its own <br />name or Mortga;~ns' names to take all necessary steps for proceedings in court nr otherwise, to cause said premises to be rotated, to collect rentals <br />nr ether incomes due, aril when vacant, to retet tiro same, to make aft reasonable repairs and pay taxes out of said rents, profits, contract payments or <br />incomes and to do all such things either by its ovrn officers or by other parties duly authorized and appointed by it, as its agent for said purpose, and <br />to charge ar pay a reasonable foe for such sarvirzs. all of Bre above to ~ done at mrch times and in such manner acrd on such terms as to their said <br />attorney nay seem hest, wih7 fell power n# suf>;titution. <br />Site Mortgagors hereby agree that if Commercial either voluntarily m invnluntari{y boraces or is made a party to any suitor proceeding relating - <br />to the heteinbefore described real estate. or to this mortgage or said note an notes, other than a foreclosure instituted by C,anmerciat, Mortgagors wit! <br />reimburse Crxnmerciat for nit reasonable costs incurred tN Crxnmerciai in said suit nr proceeding. The Athttgagors further agree that if the hereinbefore <br />descfitred teal estate pr any part thereof he condemned under the power of eminent amain, or is otherwise acquired fo: a public use, the damages <br />.warded, the proceeds far the taking, and tar ttre consideration for such acquisition to the extent of the full amount of the remaining unpaid irrdebted- <br />tress entered by this inn#gage, tre, and they hereby are, assigned to Commercial and shalt be paid farthwiifr to Canruerciat to ~ applied on account of <br />the last mabrringins lmenfs at suctr indabtednass_ <br />i}ated HIrS 1 -day of I}arPr~bPr. , !tj 3t~, ~ <br />i"l THE t='RE~Eft~ OF: ~, f~ %~ _.C.~ir-X'--~i~i <br />'r - - 3 ?~. Kurfen#saCh <br />T- - Gerre A. Kurtenbach <br />~TeTE OF.4dE9f?,A,.SKA <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALt` ~- . <br />On this ~ day of Imber , ~ ~ , before roe, a notary !arblic in and for said County., personally came <br />khe above named <br />3ataes A. KrtrtanbaCh anr~ Gpt~tce A. i{urYenbaeh, Hus3>aud and jiife, <br />ta me vreil knower to be the idrurticat parson or persairs wfwsa nacre is or names are affixed to the above mortgage as grantor or grentars and they, he <br />or shit, severatl7i 8okrrpwledgE the card in : tie dreir vefpntary act nett dead. <br />AI~LD0. WIC <br />tYlTNESS my hand and Notanat Seal this ilhl~ted~. iS79 --~~~~~x~` -_`~ `~ " ~~ <br />'C Ne!~~5~,~R.uhlic <br />u.. ----'--' ` r tla of ~-, -~ . 19 .~."~ M 50 <br />~y 4v~,::,~>,ne@ erpit8s on me y ~~'''~,., <br />