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<br />not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or <br />change the amount of such instalLme~rts. <br />IQ. ~otroiger FiatRoleased. Extension of Lhe time for payment ar modification of amortization of the nuns <br />sectiisgd by this 3~artgage granted'by Lender to cry suoeessoi• in interest of Harrower shall not operate to release, <br />yr any arraiiner, the liability of the original Barrotr'er and Barroraer's successors in interest. I:ender shall not be. <br />required to coinmeiaee proceedingsagainst such aucressor ar refuse to extend time for payment or otlserwise'modifv <br />smortisatian of the sums secured by this \lartgage by reason of any demand -made by the ariginai Borrower and <br />~orrawer'ssueteasara in interest. <br />tl: ~e;~ ~• ~;t~-~='~~t ~ ~e.~v~r. yny farltearance by T~n!der in exe*eL~ing any right a* rsmel3y <br />hereunder, or otherwise auorded by applicable-law,- shall noL be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right <br />arremedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or fife payment of texas or other liens or charges. by Lender <br />shall-not he-a tivaiver of Lender's. right to accelerate the maturity of Lhe indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />`13. t;e~mntatfve. Ail remedies provided in this ~4origage era distinct and cnrnulatrve to any othtbr <br />right or remedy under this \iortgage or afforded by lan~. or equity. cad may hr exercised concurrently; independ- <br />ently or,suecesgively: . <br />23. Sutcessmrs cmd Resigns Boussd; Joint and 5sveral. Liability; C¢rrtions. The covenants and agreements <br />herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder slisii inure to, Lhe respective successors and assigns of Lender <br />and Borrower; subject to the pravisi©ns of paragraph 17 hereof.-All covenants and agreements of Bprrt,srer shall <br />be-joint and seseral. The captions and headings of -the paragraphs of this \fartgage are for convenience only and <br />are nottvhe used to interpretor define Lhe provisions hereof. <br />Id: Notice: Tiny Halite to Borrower providrd for in this Mortgage shall he gic•en by mailing such notice hr <br />rertifLetl mail addressed W Borrower at the Property address sated below, except far any notice required under <br />paragraph 18 hereof to be given to Borrower in ehe manner prescribed by applicable taw. Any notice provided <br />forin-this Yortgageshsilbe,deemed to have been given to Borrower E+•her. given in the manner desrgnated ltsrein. <br />15; tlnifbant,Mattgage: Governing law; $evera)rility. This farm of mortgage combines uniform- covenants <br />for national use and non-uniform covenants with Limited rariations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform seen <br />city instrument covering real property. This liortgage shall be governed by the Law of the jurisdiction iri vahfah <br />the Property is located. In -the event that any provision or clause of this 1•iorLgage or the Note conflicts- with <br />applicable lsw, such conflict shall not affect ether pr©visions of this 3ortgage ar the Note which -can be-given <br />e~eet without the conflicting provision, and to this end the lrovisions of the 1#ortgage and the Note are. declared <br />to ba severable. <br />16: Barrow®i s dopy. ;Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this a7artgage at the tiwe of exeeu- <br />lion or after recordation ftereaf. <br />17. Trmnsfer of the Property; Assuraptioa. If aft or any part of the Property or an interest-therein is cold <br />ar transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding {s the creation of a lien or enttnzt- <br />brante subordinate to this l'iortgage, tbL the creation of a purchase money security interest-for househiild appli- <br />arses, (c) a transfer by devise, aesceat or by operation of law upon fhe deat» of a joint tenant or (dl the, grant. of <br />any leasehold interest of three years ar less Hat eontairing an option to purchase, L-ender may, at I.en<Ier's ohtzan,. <br />declare-all Lhe sums see. ±red by this L1Flortgage to be iat::uediatrly due and payable. Lender shat have-waived sue»- <br />option to aerelerate ii, prior to the. sale or transfer, Lender and the person to wham t»e Property iE to be sold or <br />transferred reach agreementrn writing that Li'e credit of such person is satisfactory to Lender and L'nat LLte interest <br />payable an Lhe sums securezL by Lhis'vlartgagc shall l,e at sueLf rate as Louder shall- request. If Linder ;Las waived <br />the option to accelerate-provided in this paragraph l i and if Borrower's successor iii interest-has executted a writ- <br />ten a~umption agreement accepted in turtling by Leader, Lender shall release:$arrower #rom all.obligatiatts-under <br />this Afiortgage and the Note. <br />If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shalt =nail Borrower notice of acceleration in acerrrdan¢e <br />with paragraph l l hereof. Such notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from t»e date the notice is <br />mai#ed wit»in w»i~» Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to-the <br />expiration of such period, Lender may, without further notice or demand an Borrower, invoke env remedies per- <br />mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br />Rra*;-E,'::rgos~ {,'~vpxk>~. Borrau-e • urid Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />18. Rccsleratia~a: Eem~ws. Except as procidtd in paragraph I7 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any <br />tnvenant er agreement. of Harrower in this 1tat~t,agr., inciufling it+.e covenants to pay when due any sums secured <br />by this Mortgage, Linder prior to arcrleratian ::hall trrail Wattle ta-Barratvrr as pravidtd in paragraph ld hereof <br />specifying: (I} the breach; (21 the action require~cl to curr sorb breach;- t31 a date. not less than thirty days <br />from the date the neticc is mailed to Borrower, by u~l;icir eneiz b._•each must ire cured; and 1'41 that failure to cure <br />such breach an ar be#ore Lhe date specified in the notice Wray resuh in acceleration of the sums scoured by this <br />i4'tortgage and sale of the Property. If the breach is not cured on or before the data specifed in the notice, Lender <br />at Lender's option may declare all of the sutra, secured by this &fartgage to be immediately due and payable <br />without further demand- and-may foreclcst Llzis Mortgage b}• judicial proceeding. Lender shell be entitled to tolievt <br />in such proceeding all expenses of fonclostrrc; including, but not limited to, costs of docmnentary evidence, <br />abstracts and title reports.. <br />19. )~tcowes:a Rishi to:llsina4~te. i+iotwit»st~nding Lender's acceleration of the sums secuxsd by thing <br />141ortgage, $orrower s»atl have the rig»t to »ai~e any nroeeedings begun by Lender Lo enforce t»is :VL~tgagn di~-- <br />contintied at any time prior to entry of a judgment enfa#•ririg thin 3lortgage if r : s} Borrower paps Treader; ali, <br />stoics which-would be then due under flits l~Iortgagn; the Note'irtid notes securing Fature lidv&ne~; iI acv, "#it~~r_+ <br />aeeeieraii+Srr oeenrretl; (b;! BorrAp:er• cures all hrtsriZes of any either eorenanis ar agrc~ments of $arnawer con-- <br />f~ in-this i!~ort~ges {c} 13o=ro~erpays all reasonable eslienses incurred by i.ender in nss_foreing the eovenati#s <br />and m:tifa cf Borr+u•2r contained in this t#~rteaci and in tm#orning Lnntier~ remedies as provided in Para- <br />- - _ -gralsh f8 hetvrif, innLtuiing, but pot limited fo, reasonable attorne4 . ilea=snci-+d-1 Harrtetver ~altea'sugfs actiaa as <br />Laneier r,;a;~ rsss^uahl;• :•equirs to a~-curt the! ice Ian of this Zlortgage- rider's interryst_iu the:l"rrrFerty and <br />Harrowtr's nhligatian to pay t,iie sumt~ secured. by thin Slorrga~;e ehall ecnlinuc unimpaired,.-L'tpon_suolt payment <br />and cure by Barrotvar, this lt4ortgage and the obligations senurcyi hereb~• shall remain in fu_Il-fopee anci c;~Fect as if <br />2t9. $aadgrtataast o!•Rstrta: Apgtauritm~rrt of Rectrivar; Lauder in Pbsseasion, as additional sec~zrity here- <br />under,BOtroweruer2byassigns aLendertherentsirf-fhePiroperry.lirocidedthaiBon-oh•ershall,priortoacceter- <br />ation under paragraph I$ hereof ar alaudanment of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents <br />ae they beromz dud and payable. <br />I7pan acceleration under paraltraph l$ hereof nr ahandanmeni of the Property, Lander;-in pexsrrn;'by agent <br />ar by judiciai3y appointed receiver sfiall ht entitled ti> enter upon, lake po9~esuion nL and: manage the Property <br />cad to tnilteeG the rents of ifiz Pr+~pe;•ty, includin;: those past due.:1I1 rtAts culiccted by ;i;endec or the receiver <br />iahmll paappi'ted fiisst Gnp»vtnant of the cosec o(mtzuagement ni t-he. Froprrty-an<t r:illeetian of rcn_t;;, Lneltiding, but <br />not lirniteii to, receiver°s fees,,Eareiniuuis nn receiver4. boe~ds arxci ressirnable attorney's fees. and thEn to the sums <br />secured by this It~artgage. Lender and the rcceiver-sitiall be liable #a accaunf_anly for those rents actually received. <br />