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net extend or l.,astpone the due-date aI' the monthly installments rrferreci to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or <br />change the amount of suelt installments. <br />l0; Banawez P#at Released. lxtension of the time far payment or modification of amortization. of the sums <br />_ secured by this Mortgage granted icy Lender to ariy successor in ir.Lerest of Borrower sI;sII rat flpsrate to release, <br />i)i'~ity' :nannei•, the-}iafiility of -the origipsl Borrower and Borrower's: sucaossors in interest. Lender shall not be <br />require;et to csminenvelaraveedings against such successor or refuse to extend time far payment or otherwise modify <br />amartr.;:~tion of the saris seemed by this ~liartgsge fry reason of my demand' made hp-the ariginaL Harrower and..- <br />I~rrower'~ra~sea~ssrs fn intareat. <br />'. ~arkaeyrwiice by r PTot a bilesiver. anyforbearance by Lender in exercising any right=er r~ <br />heroiinder; ar otltersvise afforded fry gpptieab3c law;,~haLL net nc a:waiver of or preclude=the exercise of-any. iiglit <br />or remedy hereunder, The procurement of i~uranee or ilte pnyrierrt of "taxes or other-liens or charges lay Lender <br />shall tint Ise ~ t,~i~iver o#'Lender`a right to anseieraig the maturity of fherndelrtedttess seaurett by this Mortgage. <br />- I~, flezredl~Cusetzltve. ~Ii rcmccties provided in f},is \torgage are distittet amf ctitiiulatlve:to Buy athc-r <br />right-or retu~Iy'under this Mortgage or affar•ded {,y li;ir nr equity,, cad maybe exercised concurrently;-independ- <br />entlg at suevessively. <br />IS: and 19ns Harrod; #aiat and ;3euezal iicshiyrty: Caption . The covenants and ;agrc~menrs ' <br />herein contained'shallbind; and the i?~hts hereunder'shslt inure to, the respective suveessars and assigns: of Lender <br />and Borrower; sulajeet to the provisioas of;Itaragraph i7 hereof; .~Il eaveitaots avid agreement§ of Bt)rr•U'7~ar shtsl? <br />Ire joint'and several.-The vaptions aud'hexdings of the paragraphs of this ~4artgage are-for ebnven*_enoe onky and <br />are try to be treed to interpret or define the prabisians hereof. <br />l~. Notice. .Any notice to ldarrower proc~ided far in this Mortgage shall be given by tnaifing sued votive key-- <br />- eertifred mail addressed- t4 Boriowei• at the Property ~ddres stated below, except far any ntr-ice required under- <br />. parsgrapki i$ lrere-0f to be given io Barrou•er ir. the manner ptcscribed by applicable tofu. Arty votive praviaied <br />far in this ~Iortgags she!( ire deemed to hsve been given to Borratrer when -given in fhe manner designated herein: <br />1S, 1Q RRartgage; Governing Lacy: Severebilitp. 'I'bis form of mortgage combines teal#otm-cotenants <br />far natioaal use and non-uniform covenants with Limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a unit©ttn reau- <br />rity instrument covering-real property. This 3ortgage shall be governed by the law of-the jurisdiction in which <br />the L?roperty is Located. In the event thst any provision or chase of this :Yiartgage or the -Vote vonfficts with <br />applicable law, such conJfict shall not a#fect other provisions of this _lortgage or the Itiote which van be given <br />eSevt without the conflicting prevision, and to this emi "the provisions of ikte :viortgage and the Note are declared <br />tv i>C Se~r~liie. - - - - - <br />IS. Haraarer`s Capp. Borrower shalt ire furnished a conformed copy of this Mortgage at the tmie af•exeeu- - <br />tion ar after recordation hereof. <br />I7. Traz of the Pzeepertyr lis>iuzaptica. If aII ar say part" of the Praperiy or an interest therein is Bald. <br />ar transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encuin- ' <br />branve subordinate to this A~iartgage, (b)"the creation of s gurektase utoney security interest for hatrssIioid appl% <br />snves,(c)-a transfer by devise, de=cent or by operation of late upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of <br />any Ieasehald interest of-three years or less. not containing an option to purchase, Lender -may, at Lender's-ogticn, <br />declare ail-the surus secured. bythis ~Soxtgage to be immediately due anti payable. Lender o=hall have wafved ~.~. <br />optiari ~ secei~ate if, r_::ar to the sale csr transfer; Lender and the person to-whom-the 3?ruperF:y is to lie strict or <br />~eans#erred reach agreembrrt, in writing that the credit of" sack per~an is satisfscfory to Lender and t'nat ths.interest <br />_ nayx~ble an tbs. sums secured by this ~ia~gage shall be at such rate as Lender shal3 requ>~t. I# I-ender has waived.- <br />the action to aceelerate provided ire this paragraph I7 and i Borrower`s successor sn interest-has exevuted a writ - <br />ten a~uraaptionagreenient accepted fix writing by Lender, Ixnder shall release Boriawer from. all obligations under. <br />ibis age sad the Note.. <br />If Lender exercises. suvlt option to aviceIerate; Lander shall mail Borrower native of acceleration in accardaaoe _ <br />with paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice sha}L provide a period of not .less than 3D-days from the date the native" its <br />mailed within which Borrower-may pay the sums declared due. Ii Bonirn•er fails to pay such sums prior to the <br />expiration of such period, Lender may, without further notice or demand on B~orrawer, in=mite-any remedies per- <br />- refired by paragraph i$ hereof. <br />Nam-T;~anast~s Covssnxxs_ Barrawer and Lander further covariant and agree as follows: <br />l8: Acrelezadisa: Reme&es. Except as provided iii paragrapLr I7 hereo#, upon Borrower's broach of eery <br />eavenant or agreement of $orrower in this Mortgage, including rile eovenanfs to pay when due any sums severed <br />by this :tlortgage, Lender prior to acceleration shall mail notice to Barcon•er as provided iri paragraph k~ hereof <br />specifying: (II the breach; (2) t}:e action required to cure Bitch breach; i31 s date,.noi less than thirty days <br />from the date the notice is attaitecl to Borrower, by which such- lireaeh uaust be eared ; and S41 that failure to yore <br />suvlt hreavh on or before the dale specified in tL-e notice may resort in acceleration of tare sums secured by this <br />~Iartgage;and sale o{ the Property. If the breach is not cured or. or before the date specified in the notice, Lender <br />.t Lender's upturn rttay declare elk of the suers secured by tfvrtgage to i>e immediately-due.-anti. payable <br />without further demand and may farec3ose this Mortgage by judicial proceeding. bender shall be entitled:.#o collecf <br />in ~.uelr prcceeding al! expenses of foreclosure, including, but not limited ta, costs of documentary evidence, <br />abstracts and title repar}s. <br />18. $orrower'$ IGght. to $ssnstate. lotw•itltstancltng I-ender's a;ccelera4rate ttf the sums- secured by ibis <br />L6farF~age, Berrourer sliaU-have the right to kaare any proceedings begun b} Lender f~i enforce-this iUfortgage die <br />Ciriatinued at any time prier to entry a# a judgment enforcing this 3iorzgage if: tel. Borrower pays Lender ail <br />surria which wocldbe tlseu due-under this ltartgape, tltc-Note and notes seeurmg Future ~d~ances, if aay.had n~ - <br />acceleration aeatprred; ib} Borrower cures all Irreaeltes of any other covenants nr"agreements of Borwer con- <br />tsiiu2el in this. R2or~tgisge; {c) Borrower pays all reasarrabh~ expenses inourrsd by I:en~ler in-enforcing the covenants <br />cad agreeaner>ty af -Boiiovver cantainext in this \iortgage and in en€otring L:ender~ renaedie3 :ii> jttovidexl iii -par~- <br />g~rapit lzs hereof, inelttdirtg;but not latnited ttl, reasonable atfarney'. fees: an!1 (dl Borro:ver takes such action as <br />Lender nt>,y r°asonabilr_Y+etittire to assure that the Lien of this -\4ottgage; Lender's inierao-t in the- Property and <br />BarmaerR obligation !©-pay the soma securnf by thkc ~fart~gP shall continue unimpaired. E.'I:on such payment <br />and crn'eby Bnrtower, this Msntgage and:tihe obligations secured hereFi~• shnkl !-~maiu in iukk farce and effect as if <br />na ar_r„eizraLian had occurred. <br />29. ant of B!; Appadptmsat at i4ceivgr; Lander in Poaeae~eion. .fin additional security hece- <br />und~r,Barrawer hereby rsssigns to Lender the reels of the property. proviriett that $orrou ei' shad, prior to aveeler- <br />ation under paragraph 1& herert# ar absndontnent of the pmparty, have the light is collect Bud retain such reaty- <br />'ns they teetmie due and payable. <br />upon accrlar5tian under iraragraph i& ncrenf ur alydndonment of the Froi.erty, ~ncier, in ;,eregn, Ety agent - <br />ar by titcliaially appointai receiver snali be sutitird fa enter alien, take , a.~e=sian at anal ntianage the Property <br />and to collect Elie rents of t•Ite Property, including those ;:~st due..~1: rents coiiecteti `,y° Linder-or the receiver <br />shat} be app}ied first to payment of :the castsof ntanagernent of the I'ropcrty =and coltertion of ren4 , including; but - <br />-~iot limited io, receiver's fe~^s, premiums on receiver':- bony}+~ and reasonable i:ttarnev's fees, and then to the sums <br />sesetr,rd by this iviartgitgz. i.en~ier anti the receiver ;krnll 6e• kirabtx txr aecei=tit"only for those rents actuakky received. <br />