<br />tNDlYiL)t3AL
<br />_ t7tlE CffY~ SALE
<br />E3AVIi~iG'5 FCISVI~
<br />- Fart~e. No. 720 - . -
<br />L~n htumber_ 3)720 _..__ __I8$__-- i -__ '
<br />- - _ - - - - - - - - - TYPe - Branch '7
<br />THFS Pvf()ItTGFiG1y, made sad executed this _. ...~ day of _...~1~. 4."'-!y`----. -- -- A.D.,
<br />i9..~.~..., between the i•3artgagor, .....~~d.:.R.. ~rc~Rt-..mod--Susa~..G.r.. s~ust:.h~a~hsnd. ~nd..c~~f~....__:_
<br />-:.~-Qg~3r--~~si_ ~a~h:.~i~.a~Q~x-_~n_.:~:iShl~~ ...................................•-•-----...-------------......----.................................
<br />of _-_~:F.a~.sl.. ~g~ari$,.;..::.:.,, County of _.°---......liai:.... ...-., State of ...i<?€i?r'aaka.-.-.--, hereinafter referred
<br />to as_ the 8orrowez, aait the: Iviortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAg7INtxs AND LOAN AssoCIATfoPI ©F
<br />_- LL?+ICOL*1,.1235 "N" Street, I.itxsoln, Nebraska fiZ350i, its sueeeasots and assigns, hereinafter referred.to ,
<br />as Leader:
<br />_ - ,
<br />WIrxE5sr2x: -That the said- Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of ....k4R~X-7k.....,.....
<br />`. ._.TAQu;i.:A~s.._N4~,~QQ- .:----...---~_.._-____--.,_._--_----:~T9bi:ara {US g. 43,00o.OQ ...................)
<br />paid by acid Lender, does hereby mortgage; great and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the
<br />follon~iag described Property Ideated in the County atf --- --Hall - _ - - --- - ------., State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot-=Six (b) and the North-Sixteen-and-Fifty-Five Hundredths (Ni6,55) feet of Lot Light (8}
<br />I§7.ack Eighteen fib) Qniversity Place, aii Addition to the pity of Grand Island, Ha11 z
<br />` County, NelirasLs
<br />z:
<br />Tocs~r~ixa with aIl- the improvements now or hereafter erected an the Property, and.. ali easements,
<br />ri~mr appurteaancea, rents, royalties; mineral; oil and gas rights and prafrts, water, water ,rights; -dad-
<br />- water stag, and-all fixtures- no~v ar hereafter attached- to the Property, all of which, ineltading replaee~
<br />mints aad adcliiions thereto, shalt be deemed to be-and remain a par€ of a property coversd bj `~.:s
<br />Ivlortgage; and all c+~"+~e #oregoizig, together evith said Property (ctr the leasahald esta#e is the event ttus -.
<br />A~irtgage js ore s leasehold) are-hereiir referred' to as the "Property".
<br />- - xfliSciuwcr_C-a`xcrxauti that r"s,~i v,TCr us la~v tar.~lly_:3E'~d of i~'i~ emi~atc hcFr=uyiX3rlvny Czi '~ inS i.ue i,si t
<br />to ttigrtgage;.grant aced, convey the Property,.that the Property is-unencumbered, and that Borrower will..-
<br />. warrant end defend generally :the title. to the Property against all claims -and .demands; subject to arty
<br />easements sad restrietians listed iit a schedule of exceptions u, coverage in any :title insurance paliey' ia-
<br />suring ireitder's interest in the Property, or {2) attorney a opinion 'af title- from abstract of title certified
<br />by bonded abstractzr.
<br />f?acvm$o A,iwetxs, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions,agree- `
<br />manta anct cibligataoas of the Aorrawer, to-wit:
<br />Tine Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender, or girder, the principal s-ufu of .~=F7.c1tT:X.-' _
<br />:._.A~.3IS21..~4----°~---.~~-.---~_~~_~~.~.~-----Dollars EU;~ ~_-..433~t14.S?.il---.::..::_~.. )
<br />pa*?ahte As provided ins at., ecuted sad delive*ed, eancurrently her$ct~itlt; ttte final-~ayatent of Pi2iicipal, t
<br />if iaat €aoner Paid; on tl~ ....°--. est. - - .-- day of ._ ..... December^ __._ X47
<br />-- -....--> r
<br />1.:
<br />t7xrs~ani CovExnxms. Borrower and Lender caveaarit and -agree as follows:
<br />1. Pag*ment of Princi and interest. Borrower shall when due the ~
<br />~ PrornptlY Pay .principal of and in-
<br />tercet on the indebtedness eY?ideneed by the Note, prepayment and Late charges as gro iidQrl izc the I4ofe,
<br />and the priticipat of and intermit- on any Futare Advances secured by-this R3ortgage.
<br />Z, goads foz Tcxes. and. Snsuroac®. ~ubjeet to Lender's option under paragraphs 4 -aad 5 hereof, Bor-
<br />ro~ er shah pa;y to Lender oa. the day monthly installments of prinoipal and interest are payable under
<br />l3cite, until. the Note is-.paid in tali, a auni (herein "Funds") equal. to orie-tacelfth of the. yearly taxes anii
<br />assa`ssentti which inay attat~i p-iority-i~€er thzs ~3ortgaga;-and-ground rents on the Property, i# airy-plies
<br />^~° t::' 'f'.: of , a l,, ~~ .:r,r .r. ~llru~~ ~: ua~ard insurance, pkis one-twelfth ref yearly prsauum itt-
<br />stal',ment;s for morgage aitsurance, if any; all as reasonably estimat~l iaitaallp sad frost time to Lima by
<br />Lander on the basic of asats~aents and bills and reasonable estimates thereof, ):ender iihall appt th8 ~imds
<br />to pay said razes, aehas.9rient_a, insurance premiums sad grauad rents: -Lender ahail make no charge for
<br />lmlding any'. applying the Funds or verifying acrd compiling said assesanteietc anti hills..-The Lender shall
<br />give to iha ~o,~zawer•, witnaut ~;hsrge, an annual accoitrt#fng of the 1`='unas showing credits end deba6 tti the- -
<br />cundo and iite purpose far which each debit to the Fonda, }vas made, 1'he Funds are pledged.-as;adcGtional
<br />security for Ehe sums riecured by this Martg~,ge. 'Ptie llacrower agrees that the F. ands enay he held bL' the
<br />i.euaer anti commingled with otiser funds and the Lender's own ftmds-and the Leader may pry suclY items
<br />(roan its. nwn funds sad the Lenders shill act. FSe liable for interest or dividends on such .Funds.
<br />if the amn. v_nf. ai the F4tnr3-aaiipFd_.hu i,er.rio.. t~A~~f, ~ aaL `~S fl~-zr - ~ 1:,t~~~ .--TSt3iliir= °f i=~~c.
<br />p$yelilr~ pnor to the due. dates of taxes; aaseaernenta, insurance premiutae and ground rentA L shall eaceec}
<br />the atttour~t requit~3 io psy said tames, asiiesaments, insurance premiu.-ns ahd ground rents as they fall due;
<br />such eaceas shall be, at'9urr¢wca's option; either promptly re'r,aiti to I3orrower or credited to Borrower an
<br />monthly insfali~-,Pnts of Funds.. ll the amotmt o€ the Fan~is ld by Lender shall not 6e suf&cient to pay
<br />taxes, ansewime7tta, ins~mice prnri;. ~,.ms and gMUnd Mcts as they. fall Sue, Bcuwwsr shall ;;ay to lender
<br />gay amou:t# irecesonry +#r .^,iake ep thg deficiency wtt-Itin thirty dais after notice from Lenderto $orrower
<br />rnquestiria payment thereof, or Borrower shall, Gy an int:raase in monthly' insiailmeat`~ of Fnnd~ required,
<br />repay the deficiency within the Fund accounting period.
<br />l~prin. payment in .full of roll,, atsms cured by thix '4lartgage, Leader shall apply Funds- held as a Credit
<br />ag&ir5.st all 5oms due-
<br />