<br />TKE A14It'i1GX~t?R FIfB`1'I3Eit ~Q'VEIQANT3- ANI?. AGREESc.
<br />That the .t.lor2gagc:r wri! Pay ~tlte- indebtednesx ac FrsrtzittF~eforr~pravided: - - - :. .' - - -
<br />Tbat lFie Mort.^.a¢or is the owner of sairt nmfvrty ;n ter limn?a anr? Flax goad #ighl.and lawful sut}tarity is ss!! and
<br />d"t'1 salrvey }~ sl~rni. and' that the ~eam^ is frrc and cigar of am ~i.~r: n: cncumbran~e~; and that Mortgagor-wilt warrant and c}eferxt#:-tha - -
<br />- titEe t0-sai3 pren:iscw u~ra:nsx-kEx• c:airnso: at} parf;nr<s wilrrrrtsnc'ier - - -
<br />_ - Ta pay tmrnewake[y v,hen due grid payable alt gener~ii fare;, eper_rat taxeg...spacial:_awsrsamenfs. water charges, sews seta- _. ... -
<br />Ece charges, god=otheY~ taxes and charges again:>t sai<} property, _and a!!: tsX~ tevfed on rho delt4 sacvred Hereby;~af{iiI'ta-Iutifish,tfFis
<br />- - ~. Sortgagee, upon- request. '.with. itre r~riginai or dul~liuate I'ecelpfs therefor. -i-1ie h#trrfgagar apices thak there-. shall- be. added--to -
<br />r~ each monthly pa5rrwnt required hereunder nr under ttae evidence of ~debf. secured hereby air amount estimated Eiy_tha Martgugee -
<br />- to be sutgicient to enable thetJlo,:tree in pati;-as.,ilrey became tlue: all tortes, assessments, and. similar charges~Upoa lheprern-
<br />fs~s suhj4set'tharrf~3, ar} deficiency ,~ca~isc oI the inaufficencg=of such additianaE payments elrali he forthwrth ttepGgtfed by the
<br />Mortgagor with the It3arkgagee upon demand by -the Mortgagee. Any de salt under this paragraph shah tm deemed a default in
<br />~• payment ,af~~-YaYea, ahleasrnenta.: aL S/milaL"CtlargPS Tegnl[ed 1'MLNllndef:~ -
<br />2~ - - - - -
<br />.. Tile -Mortgagor agreethat there'slral!'~alarrlieadded to each tnemtlily paymeirtofprincipa#.aadinte.restrequired here-_
<br />unnder an arnaunf estimated by the Mortgagee tea 6e sufficient fri-snable: the .Mortgagee to pay, as it ~becames due, tt:r• ins:~rance
<br />premium-an-any inaurance_poliey delivered i.o -t}ie tiTartgagee. AaY deficiency because of the insulfciency of such ad<lat;onnl tray,.
<br />- melita strslt-6e forthwith iiepatiited by tYie Mortgagar'rr<zth the Mortgagee upaa demand by the Mortgagee. tiny default tiader`thia
<br />- paragraph shalt-he deemed-a defau9t in the payment at insiiraixee prersiivrrs. if-the paEi~~ar-polseies~deposiked-iire-such x-hums- ~.
<br />owner or alt risk policies, and tEre deposits are insuHieient So pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee -may apply -the -deptlsit to -
<br />pay-premiums on risks required to be insured by this mortgage- - - - - -
<br />i Payments made by the itiiortgagar under rice above paragraphs may, at the option -af the hinrlgage~:~be held~bp it and-, - - -
<br />eommingled with other such Lands ar its awn funds tar-tire payment of suet: itoms, and until srs applied, such piyinnnts are lr~e4y - -
<br />pledged as security for the unpaid balance of L'^x mortgage rode htadresa - - - --- - - - --
<br />-Ta procure, deliaer m, and maintain tar tEre beneh't of the Mortgagee during the lice of this mortgage origins! policies acrd -.
<br />" renewals khereof, de2iyeted at least ten days lretare the expiration of any such policies, insuring against firs -and at=aer 'insura!$a.- -- -
<br />hazards, casxlalties; and ~xntingencies as the Mortgagee may requite, ir. an amount egos! to the inde#ttednese secured -bY" this - _
<br />" Mortgage, and in companies acceptable to khe lmlortgagee, with lass payable eEause in favor of and irz form acceptable to the Mortga- - -
<br />-gee. la the event any policy is not renewed on of hetore ten days of its expiratiott, the ?x'[ortgagee may procure insurance. an-tire - -
<br />-improvements, gay the premium therefor. and such sum shall became immediafei-y due and pagable with interask at the cafe set
<br />forth in said Hate until paid and shall tx- secured by this mortgage. FaiEur=_~ on the part of tl:e kortgagor to furnish such ran@wale -
<br />as are herein required or failure fo pav any sums advanced frereurder shat!, at the option of the Mortgagee, eonsti#ute-a default - -
<br />under khe terms of this mortgage. Thv rielivery of -loch policies shall, in the event of default. constitute an assignment at-the un- - - -
<br />earned premium. - - -
<br />Any sums received ;,, the Martgagee~by reason of lass or damage insured against may be retained Ely-the totigagec-
<br />and applied toward the payment of the debt hereby secured, or. at the option of the Mortgagee, such sums either-cdtirlljr-ar-in -
<br />.part may he paid over to tfre Mortgagor to he used ta.repair such buildings ar to build new buildings in their-piece or~ far--any
<br />oft{ee purpose ar object satisfactory ko the Mortgagee withoat atfectirrg khe Tien-six-the mortgage Tor the full amourif-secured `here-
<br />63' before such payment ever took place. - _ -
<br />- - Ta promptly repair, restore or rebuild any buildings or improvements now ar hereafter an the premises wF.ich~ may hc-
<br />come damaged or destroyed; to keep said premises is goad condifnn and zepair and free from any rner•t-..r,ics lien. or other ;ten nr
<br />claim of liennot espressiy subordinated to the lien hereof; net to sager-or permit any unlawftd use of or any nuisance lei-axis' nn
<br />_ .said property nnr ta-permit- waste or. said premises.. nor to do any other ast w$erehy the properfy hereby conveyed.shalf become
<br />.valuable, nor ka diminish or impair i#s value by any act ar omission fo ack: to cam ply with art requirements of law -with.-respect
<br />- - to the mculgaged premises and the uc tliareof. - - _
<br />That should the premises ur any part thereof be take.x or damreed 6y reason of any public improvement ar ;.andetnnaiion
<br />proceadirig, ar under Lila right of-eminent domain, ar ifs any ak:.er tnana.~r, the Aiartgagee shalt be enEitied- to a!!-"contik.asafians,
<br />-awards, and any other payment o[ reiEef therefor, and-shall-~-etxtitled: aY its option:-to-enrtuae.tea. a}ipear in"-and-preseeate snits
<br />own name any action qs proceed}ng, or ka make any campreanise or settlement in connection wit}r such taking or damage: AI2 sac}r
<br />- - -a7ai[pensaiian, awards."damages:'right'~of action and -pro-,•eeds are-hereby assigned -tn the Mortgagee;-arlra-majr; ~tet~ileducY:ng "~
<br />there•trora all ita:expeasea, release any: gooneys so:received by it ar apply rile same an any- indeMedriess, eecuited tsiEhetry- The :hfnrt-
<br />- - gagr~a-agt+se&-lo.-eaettite"-such furfher.a~igriatents of any compensation, awards. damages, acrd-rights at actiern. and, giweeee~ls-as-the
<br />_- - M©rt€n6ee ma9t~ requite. - ... - _ _ -_
<br />-- -That in case of failum to perform any of the covenant' herein, the Mortgagee may i!o ort the-htorlgagair's 6eFiall everything
<br />eo r~++ierraatecE: •t}rat the r'vfortgagee may also da any act it may deem rlecx^,ssarv far, protect the lean thereat, -that flte-Martgagac w~lE
<br />- ,.
<br />' - repaj+ upon demand say nxaraeps`paid--or i}iabursed--by theMoii~agee far any of4he-ahovepur{t+x. Fs,.and suctr moneys tag<t:ier with -' ~.
<br />- lalerest there•,rn~ at the rate`pradiiied in-said note shaEi became sa much- additional Eraiebtedness nerelry .secured and may he in-
<br />-. -ctaded to any decr'ae-farecioaine this-martgaga asld xua paid out of the rents or proceeds-of: sale ~of~ said premises if not othetv+ise -
<br />- - paid; that it shall. not. be obligatory upon khe Mortgagee to inquire into the validity of-say lien, encumhrar;ces, or claim ir. act- `~
<br />rs_*:csn° moneys-a+~al~+t +eattthn2izttt};lititanthiag h€raiui eoata:ned ~talt,beeo4strttacf as,requiring tEre Mortgsgeeto edvancr env "-
<br />- mCArDeys_ for uisy .such pyrposa-Trot fo daanY set hereunder; and mat Mortgagee s!w!l cwt iacnr:any petwnai liability-ttet'auae of any- -
<br />thEtra it may do or rxrit?n. do:heyenmier:. - - - -
<br />- In the event of she det~nrlt }iy Mortgagor in;~_the ;~yment of any -ina#allnrent, as required by the:Note sec-uned herplxy, or ~~
<br />_ in the performance of khe oblige&an~ this-snortgege ar-ill-fhe note seCUre3$txeeby. tfre Mortgagee shall be entitled !a declare t}w -
<br />- debt, secure--t irezeby due and pa~a}T1e without tt4tiCe- and the-Mor tgag`ce s'ha}lher-nutted at its option, without aekise: Either by itse}f
<br />-- - or TYy a se~iver is i?e appaiaked uy ii~e coo rT thereof; and p'l tiiaU i raga nl iu iErr ai;e 7u6ey v. 3nr ~~..ty ~ - uc`.rtt.'uae7i. se-
<br />cred i•..:reby,'io enter upon acrd-take txrsweeitiiDa'o7tfitemortgagedpremises.~aiu-i tc mEltrt'andreceive-the rents, issues and piro-rife
<br />theseot; and apply tee sanxe, .less ants of crperatiun end miie<'tion. upar. tiie'irdetrtednesa secured hq this mortgage; sai~' rerr}e;
<br />twvres and praStt bs-ing": rfrhh!i s4asigned ko tfrr N{ortgag,ee as farttiec Feeurity far the payment o#.ait indebted Hess secured Yxsrr}iy.
<br />i he Mortg~*~ vhglt h..-vo the nrwer to aannint rang stunt or agents iY may deaire~ [ar the purposr of repigrjx4g said pr~m-
<br />ises; renting the same;. rAl:r,.ct;ng the ren[s, mvPnues aril income, and if may -ray out of said inrnme all ezpenses into grad in rent-
<br />" ingamlmanagingihc same aadot cokEectingtlie remain theretrorn. The balance remaining. it any, shall im applied toward the
<br />dra:harge of the mortgage indebtedness. Thrs sasignment is to icrr^linate artd become null and void upon relen_se o[ this mortgage-
<br />