<br /> L!tvmaa[a Govexhr+rs. Borrower and Lander covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> i. Payatere4 ~ lPa3n>dpal sxii 77atere~ Borrower. shall prorrtp[iy pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br /> indtlitedness evidenced by-the Nate, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Alote, acrd the principal of and intet~t
<br /> oa any Future hdvances secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> ~< 1?~de Y~ T`astes Iesongee, Subject m appi'tcalrle lain or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower ahaB pay
<br /> trt Lender on il~ day monthly i~iw"Lo.i;ats of prio;.ipad ~rdtntarest a,c payable-under t3 ~ 1`date> stn: i zlw Note is paid in full.
<br />' ~ e yearly taxes arttl assCSSmenFS which may attain priority aver-this
<br />a sum-(hereto"`funds"} egos( to one-twslfttt pf ih
<br /> _
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents trn the Property, if any, plus otte~twelfth of yearly premium insta}Imenis for hazard iustirattce;
<br />6~ glueone-twelfth of yearly premium instaltmertts for mottgage irtsuraitce, ;f aay, all as reasonably estimated initisi0y ami from
<br /> time zo hY Lander orf-the haste of a~esstnenis and- bills acrd reasonable-estimates thereof. - -
<br /> T~ Funds-shall be hehi in an itt>;titWion the deposits or accounts of -which are inaur~ oz g[~ratttectl by a-Federal or
<br /> s'aEe aget~Y Eit~luding ieBt9cr if-Lender is such as irutitutioa;. Lender shat! apply the Funds to pay said texas, asseasssr_te[s,
<br />-. insurance premiums a~ ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and-applying the Funds, analyring said account,
<br /> ar verifying andtximpiling said sasessittenis and bills, unless Linder pays Borrower interest oa the Funds and applicable law
<br />C
<br />A pernuts LsiBder to make -such a charge. Borrower sad Lender may ague in wri8ng at the time o€ execution of this
<br />R a~iortgage that :interest op the Footle shall be paid to Borrower, and uolcss such .agreement is made or applicable law
<br /> ~ such interest to -lie paid, Leader shall not 6e required to pay Borrower any inte[~t air earrings oII the Fttads. Lender
<br /> $ltall give to $aT70WCti without charge, an-annual aecountiA$ of the Funds Showing cr~lts and debits-to the FttndS and the - --~~.
<br /> ptstpose for which eaolt debit io the Funds was made. 'llte Furtds are p!edg~ed as additional security for ffie sums" secured
<br /> by this Mortgage:
<br /> if the airtount of the Funds held; by-Lender, rogethe: with the future monthly imtalltneuts o€ Funds payable prior to
<br /> ills; dtte dates of cases, assessttte>KS, iaattrarice premiums and grrntnd reins, shah exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br /> assessments; insurance premiums and gmut~d rents as they fall due, such exces3 shall he, at Borrower's option, either
<br /> pramptfy repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. i€ the atnottnz orf the Furula
<br /> l~ld lay Len~r shall ~t be suf6caent to gap taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br /> Horratver shall pay to Lender any amount necessary za make up tl~ deScieney within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br /> by I:euder to Borrower requesting' payment ther~f.
<br /> Upon paytnetu in full of all stems secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall promptly reined to Borrower attp Futrds
<br /> hcld'by Leader. if under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is sold or the- Property is otherwise acquired by Lemier, Lender
<br /> shag apply, ao !stet than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Leader, any Funds held by
<br /> Let~'ar a< tea t=om a€ applicadria as a credit against the soma cured by this :far tgsgr. -_,.
<br /> g. Ammon of l'aymenls. Unless applicable taw provides otherwise, all paya~nts received try Leflder un~r the ~.
<br /> Note. and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Leader first in payment of amounts payable to Laidcr by Borrower {
<br /> under paragraph 2 hereo#, then to interest payable on the Note, then to the principal of the Note, and then to irttere~ and
<br /> principal on a~ Future Advances. i
<br /> 4. C~ea; f.3etas. Borrower shall pay all tortes, assessments and ocher charges, tines and impositions attributable: to j
<br /> the Property which may attain a priority over this Mactgage> and leasehold paytnenis ar ground rents, if any. io the masratr l
<br /> provided, tinder paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making Payment, whin due, ditecBY [o the s
<br /> payer thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish w Lender all notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the et~tt
<br />- Borrower -shall make payment directly, Brower shall. promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing such pay~iw:~.
<br /> Mortgage; Provided, that Borrower shall star be
<br />mower shall prarapYsy vis.harge eny lien which has priority over this a
<br /> .
<br />required to discharge any such lien so }ong as Harrower shag agree in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by
<br /> 6 it.. ' L X L 1 h e L i' E .i r •_
<br />stt~.,c.. a-.,,a:., ~.- accepta~ to Len,ar, ar s.,a,l `sn geed fait secret ,ttcw :ten by, or ~.a:,,,. en€ ~°nt of st.~h .%~^ ~ -
<br /> legai proceedings which operate to prevent the ereforednent of the lien or forfeiture of the Property 6r any part ttttireaf.
<br /> S. Iesesaaee, Borrower shall keee t~ irnprovemenzs nrtw existing cu.hereafter ereetedoit the Property insured s
<br />'
<br /> agains# lass by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage„ and sorb other hazards as Lenrkr stay require - '_
<br /> and in such anlallnt8 and far SUCK periods 3S Lendei may regntre; provideo, that i.ender Shall irttt iegnire that the amonttt Of
<br /> .such coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> Tea ittsueantx carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen 6y Borrower subject to approval by Lender.provided,
<br /> that such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All premiums on insurance .policies shall be-paid in the ffianner r
<br /> provided under Pa=`a$t'aph 2 hereof or, i€ sot paid in such manner; by lktrrower rnakin6 paynxent, when due;: direcrfy to the
<br /> in3urasxt cattier.
<br /> All insurance policies and e~ewafs xhereof shalt be in form acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage
<br /> clause in favor of and in form aeceptsbke tr> Lender. Lender shall have the t `ght io hold the policies and renewals thereof;
<br /> arm Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender ail renewal notices and all receipts of paid premiums. In the event of loss;.
<br />- Harrower shall give prompt notice to the irssuraoce carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not trade prarripHy -
<br /> bY ~errrower:
<br /> Uetsss Lender acrd Borrower otherwise agree in wri[ing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoation or repair of
<br /> the Property datttaged, Provided such restoration or repair is etxnamicatly feasible and the security of this Mortgage is
<br /> n<tt thereby impaired. If such restoration or repair is sot economically feasible ar i€ the security of this Mortgage would -
<br /> be impaired, the Insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Iatot'tgage, wilt-the exotss> if any, paid
<br /> to BorroweF. if the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if $arrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days from Eha
<br />_ -date noLffx: i$ mailed by Lender tD Borrower ?fiat the tn.4Ux-at1C8 Carrttr OffCI3 t0 ~#ilG a &laim ~Or m5nranCB hCnCfrtg~ LC[Ii~2i
<br /> is aaEtw
<br />rizad to collect and
<br />appl
<br />y the insurance proceeds a! l..ender's option either fie restoration or repair nf- the. Property
<br />S .
<br />y
<br />E
<br />ar t0 the anffi5 Seattred by'titta-Mattg~ge. - - _ - - - - _
<br /> L'ttkss Lender acid Boxtower otherwise agt~ in welling. any such application ©f proceeds to principal shall sot extend -
<br /> or postpone il~ due-daze of the monthly installments re€erred to in paragrap3ts l and 2 Itereof or change. the amount.. of
<br /> ssxlt itrszallmsiits. if underpatagraph 18-hereof the Pm~rty is acquired'by Lender,-all right, Yizk and interest of'Bosrower
<br /> fn.and to any itastnance policies aad in and to the proceeds thereof resulting from damage m the Property. prior-to ffie sale
<br /> or sixjuisition-shall pass to Lander to fire extent of the stems secured by this Mortgage immediately-prior to such sate or
<br /> aenc - ,
<br /> 6. i'reamvatiaa t9d M>dat+e~cs of -Property; bc7itgAol~^, Gondamr~l~; Planned ilnft Deveisgr~nts. Harrower
<br /> shall keep the d-rogerty fn-good-repair arm shall ao' csnamit waste or permit.impstrmcni- or a~terioration of tl~ Ptvga'ty
<br /> and stroll ourupry w~''.~-y;;.,;isia~ of any ~~ s ..~ l!?atigage ~ an _ 1~_hntrt r#-this Mortgage i3 en a-unit ig a
<br /> rnndattunium or-a p}anne€ nitiz developeat; Bgrrq~yer sltal3 perform-art of ~rcower's uli~igalioas ttit~r the deciarakon
<br /> or covenants creating nr-gdvarri?rig- the. coedeiminium or planned- unit development, the bylaws -and tegirlatioita of the
<br /> condominium or planned unik davek~pmerit, and consritetept dpa-ttmeirts. i€ a cgndaminiutn or planned unit development
<br /> rider is executed by Berittwcr a»d re%ardcd togettrtr wtttr this >v#ottgage,"the covenants-and sgceemeuzs o.' such rider'
<br /> shall. lie incprpetated :nto :.ltd shall Mend and svpg]ement the coven"sets aad agteemetits_of- this Mortgage as if,the tiler
<br /> werz a part iaerevf.
<br /> ?. Ptnteetttta o€ Lettder'3 SecerlGp. If Borrower fails to pertorrri the covenants and agreemcirza contaitt~l in ,this
<br />- Mortgage; or if any action or pracaeding is coinarenced w~5icfi materially affects Lender's interest in .lh6 Property,-
<br /> iruuittding,'but not lirrtrtetl to, emirtCnt. domain; ins4!v~ncy, code enforcemene, or arrangeetients or-gioei:alittgs}ntgoiving =a,
<br /> bankrapt ar deccdertt, thin Lenilcr at Lender's option, upon rwtice to Aorrower, may make such appearatsce9, disburse such
<br /> sums acid taJce such action as is necessary E^ protect lender's interest, including, but oaf linriEed to, disbursemctir o€
<br /> *easanabic attorney's fors and entry upon the Property to make repairs. If Itnder rcgttired .mortgage. insrtranae as a
<br /> evadition of reeling the loan secured' by this Mortgage, Eanewer shat!. pay the premiums requited to maintain-such-
<br /> itiuuanxxrn ctfect unfit such tune as the requirement far such insurance tetntina9es is atxardanee with Borrower's and
<br />