<br />~T~fiT~ GF~ NPvBfZASK9, Gocnty of ....................................................:
<br />Iffiled for record on ....,...» ....................... 19 ....,... at ...,...,...............,.... o'clock ....................,... bi. ,.
<br />and roaarded in the 3leed iteeord ......................... Page .,»....................,....
<br />.:..... .,... .... By- ...... ..,. ,
<br />- Register iif Heeds Deputy t~egister of~23eede
<br />Timothy L. Dunn and Kelty PA, Dunn, husband-and w%€e,
<br />each in his owct right and as spouse of the oterer;
<br />, horain eallad the-grantor whsther one er morP.,
<br />ixc eonsidezation of Sixty Thousand Nine Hiondred DoT Tars ($6i3,9tI1~:tIG}
<br />reoeiegd from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto N4rlr~n L. BTunk and
<br />~a~iae C. BTun~,husband and wife,
<br />ae j<siat ,tenants with right of snrrnrorship, and not as tenants- in common, the folla~ing de~ribed real
<br />M property in ,.....:. Hali ........................................... Gonnty, Nebraska.
<br />E=ot forty-seven (47} former---View Subdivision ~o the
<br />City of-Grand islamd, Hat 1- Gourlty, Yebraska",
<br />id~RAS14K fl4C1"~f~F~,'~~
<br />~,~~~'~~~ L:~ ~ ~~~
<br />~.'~
<br />~~
<br />4~~~~` _
<br />To have- aalcT to hold the ahoye deserfked premises together- witu a21 tenemeuta, he*editsmeata _ . -
<br />and appurtenancses ihere_ to belongi~ unto ho-grantees and to their assigns, di to the- Heirs' and assgu~t
<br />of the snrvivQr of t,Iiem farecer:
<br />And grantor does- hereby covenaiet with -the grantees aYtd with thee- asaig¢a and with- the hsiri -
<br />and aseigus of the survivor of tlieui-that grantor is lawfully seised of said preauisca; that .thag are free -front
<br />enentnbzaaee
<br />tlsat ~*rtor has-good right and Iawfui authority to eoxivey t,'~e s:a.9e; and that grantor ~raarants and wii
<br />defend-the title to said premises against the Iawfu2 claims of alI persons whomsaaver.
<br />3t is t1~e etentid>z of a~ par?Ies hereto first in fire event of the dentin of either of tl:a grant
<br />the entire- fee wile to this real propert.• al.alI rest in the survirir_g grantee.
<br />December f , i9 7$
<br />~T.sTIJ 4;` Nebraska .» .: €-- of Ha1,t
<br />r_f~r_ _w g „ntxi~, hi,~ r~xsnii~4 mil- €p= ~d:eo~nn.t~} .personally. came _ -. _
<br />Tiirathy Es Dumrl and-Keay M.<Dunn; husband amd wife-
<br />knutitin to me t,n be t$e ideas#icai persoQ ar persona rtho signed the fa*eing luatrtr.~aeat axid aEknovaledged
<br />«~ cbceof~cu W~er~~ ve . - ~ ...~,- ....~,- , ~u1 or3 ,geed.
<br />.. ..... .
<br />" ~'ituera ~ hand and notarial seat oa ~cem~ar ).+.. , 18 ~~.
<br />v
<br />~°....~.~' ~r..rE~{.!ry:4'..~;.«--~.. Lvat:.ry p^blie-
<br />1bCiina EaR, ao.. 3a, ttrs~ Aiy cammiseion expires .......,. ~`~.Y.. ~!.,~~'..,,~..»,.».., Y~,.7~........
<br />~'t+rni 4.° To he ai~prored by :~ eliraslin Mats Bar ~lssociaticn Fdcae 9 Fr,~t sm.. tdaeoin. tibr=
<br />