<br />78-~U~79~~#
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 232304
<br />KNOtYALLR4ENBYTI•IESEPRESENTS:That Regency Construction, Inc., Roger W. Lint, President
<br />------Mortgagor, whether one ar more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Sixteen Thousand Four Hundred and No{100----- - uouAxs
<br />loaned to said mortgagor try The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grandlsland, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon Ib4 shales of stvdt of
<br />said ASSL7CfiATiON, Cer[iftcate. Na. L 23, 304 , da hereby grant, convey ar',d mortgage unto the raid ASS~fATiOl+t ills following
<br />described Teal estate, situated in Ball County, Nebraska:
<br />together with aL the tenements, hereditaments and appnrtensnces thereunto betaagirtg, including attached floor covtringa, alt window acieens,
<br />window shades, Minds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air mreditianing,and plumbing and waterequipireent and accessorlea thereto,pirmps,stcvas,
<br />refrigerators, and othez fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or ured in wnnection with said teat estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has ay earl and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay aIl taxes and assemnenis Ievsd et
<br />assessed upon said premises and open this mortgage and ehe bond secured thereby before ztre same shall beeamt delinquent; to furnish approvEd
<br />insurance open the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of $ js ,4`t~D, DD gayabte to said ASSE~IATIfJN and to del' to
<br />~SOCLATION the policies far said ittsurarsct; and nai to commit or permit any waste on ar about said premises;
<br />In rsu of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the bond seemed hereby; the xtmrtgsget stiali
<br />un demand, ba entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, tra^.~ers snd acts over- t~ the
<br />mortgagee ail the rents. revenues and income to be derived from area mvrtgnged premises dtt~utg such tit roc as the rrrarigsgsi ,'ndebtz[~~~ tali te..~ir.
<br />unga~; and the mortgagz:e shall have the power to appoint env again or agents it may desire fur tits purpose of repairi~ sa3dpremixsandrenting
<br />the same and cotiaczirrg the tents, revenues and income, and it Wray pay out of said introme al3 expenxs of reporting mid premises and ~cesearY
<br />cvmmissians and expenses ivcurred in zentiteg sad rna[taging the satin and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance saernaitting, if any; to be
<br />apppplied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these rights of [he mortgagee znay be exercised at any time during the exrsteuce ofsuch
<br />default, irrespecYic~e of arty temporary waiser of the carne. -
<br />These Presents, however, are upon rho Condition, That if the said Moztgagor shalt repay said loan on or before the-ntatttrit}* of saed'shates by-:
<br />paysxxnt; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified itt the Bond secs.Yed hereby as interest and principal on said losn,on of before -
<br />the Twentieth day of each and evxry nronsh, unlit said loan is fully paid; pay alt texts and assessmenU levied against said pretttises and on thiaA9ortgage ; ,
<br />and the. Bond stcu[ed thereby, before delinquency; furnish aggroved irt_wrance upon lire buildings thereon in the stern a $ I64~, OO. payabk ~
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to- said ASSOCIATION upon demand a9 rrwney by it paid for such taxes, assessments and inautanca sitttIt interest at
<br />tF.e maxhnum legal rate thereon frem date of gayrnert aA of which'F#vr[gagsr hereby agrear to pay; permit nv waste an said pretniaes;keeg east comply -
<br />- with art the agreeznenis and corditiana of the Bond for $ j6 40D, ~~ this day given by t,e said Mortgagor to sold ASSSICfAT10N, and comply
<br />with ail the requizernenes of she Constitution and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then theme presents shall became null- and void; otherwise ttasy
<br />shall rennin in t'itll farce and may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASS~iATiDN after faihue far three months to raalte airy of said-
<br />payments or ~ thzee mantles in arrears in rnalcing said monthly payments, or to keeg any comply with the ~reatnerxs and cvnditssrns of Brmd;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees [o have a receiver appointed forthwith rn stub foreclosure prac:eedings. ~'
<br />If tbeze is any change in ownership of the real estate mortgaged herevs, by sale or otherwise, then the entire rernairting ittdebudness hereby
<br />secured shalt, ai the option of The Egvitabk Suitdittg and Loan A~ociatioa of Grand Island. Nebraska, become immediately drte and ~ym~ wiflxrm
<br />further notice, and the amount. remaining due under said bond, and amt other bond for any additional advances made thereunder, ahaB, from the v
<br />data of exercise of said option, beat irEertst at the zuaximum zste, and this maRgage may then be foredased to satisfy the ats©ttnt dt~ on ~!
<br />hoard, and arr~ nthcr bond for additional advances, sogezhez with alt soma paid try said The Equitable lleu7diag and Loan Assocsntiore of Grp Ida»d, -
<br />Nebxas>m for insurance, Eaxes and zssessrn.~nis, and abstracting extension rlrargcs, with interest titexeon, from date of payrrenf at the tsntetavntt
<br />legal rate.
<br />As provided in the $ond seeuzed hereby, wlu7e this mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee rosy I-8reafter advance additiutral stems to the
<br />ze~ksrs of said liortd, their assigns ut successors in interest, which zunts shall 6e wiehin the security of this tnottgage the term as the fwtds otigina[ty
<br />secured thereby. the total aznonnt of principaF debt not to exczed at any time she or'sgtrsal amount of this mortgage.
<br />I~ted this 1St day of Deteml~er A. D., l4 78
<br />Reg - C C4n5trtit:tiOn, . InG~~ g
<br />Rog~r,~:.Loft,' Pref~dent
<br />STAS'"<OF NEBRASKA, ( ss. Oa this 1st day of DeC~nber l9~$ , heftire ma,
<br />i:0i INT't' 6F HAL:L 4 -
<br />tha undeiggned, a NoFary`Publie in cad for as9d Cntutfy. personally came
<br />E;egency Construction, Tnc., Roger i~, Lt~t, Pres~deni: ~ ~~~
<br />is'
<br />me t ~'~ the idea?teal parum whose name is aft3xed Eo the above instrtrnien't as m~rtga~or and {1e It7idly
<br />ackanw[edeed t;3e raid instrument to be h i 5 ----voluntary aeta+tti dead. - - - ~ 1-- ~°? - - - - _
<br />W,IT*1°,SS my h°itd xttd ?4utsrial S.'ati_ lac dat8 a£preaa_ttl_
<br />My Commisaian expires
<br />- ~y CxyC?AikS`eSf,E sUttiaac,~.:a - - No b
<br />8.t9ta ai - Jet;' 4s fi3EALE.EY
<br />~.~ ~~ ~ Ire c~.~~~ ~{v. s:QC i, ~
<br />