<br />~, ~.
<br />3
<br />7~~ ~ ~j'~ ~ ~ ~ -
<br />{6} Ta mse the loan evidenced by the Hate solely fa purposes authorized by the Gavemmeat.
<br />(77 ~'a_pay when due all taxes, leans, judgments, eaeumbcances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed
<br />against the property, including ail charges and assessments in Cdanectian with- water; water rights, and wa#er seek
<br />pertaiaiag to or teasaaabfy necessary to the use of the real ptope:ty described strove, and atltaxes avd assessments levied
<br />apna this moetgage or the sate err any indebtedness hereby secured nr against any legal holder hereof or of-:the rmte:ar of
<br />said- indebtedness unir~ the"lawsaf Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government wrihovt demand receipts evidencing
<br />such payments..
<br />{8} To keep ilia property insured as required by-and under insurance policies approved by the Government arid, at-its
<br />request,-m deliver such pol'cies to the Government.
<br />,. ('3) To maiataip improvements in good repair and make repairs required by the Government; operate the property""in a good
<br />and husbsndmaniike meaner, cwnpiy with.-such -farm conservation practices and farm send "home management plans as the
<br />Government from time "to time may lxescribe; -and not to abandon the property, or cause a permit waste, lessening or impair-
<br />. ment of the security-covered trereby, or, without the written consent of the Govemment, -cut remove, or lease any timber,-
<br />gravel, oil, gas, coal,- of other miareials except as may be necessary for ordinary domestic purposes.
<br />(l0) Ta comply-wish all-taws, ordinances, and regulations affecting the property.
<br />(ll) To pay or reimburse the Government for expenses reasonably necessary or incidental to the protection afthe lien
<br />and priority hereof and to the enfoecer~nt cl or the compliance with the provisions hereo{ and of the note and say supple-
<br />mentary agreement (wheilret before. or afrez defauk}, -including Ent sot limited to costs ~ evidence of title to sad-survey of
<br />the property, costs -af recording .this and other instruments, attorneys' fees, trustees' Eees, court casks, -and e~penaes of
<br />advertising, selling, and corrveyirag the property.-
<br />(li} Neither the property nor any portion thereof or interest therein shall be 1=aged, assigned, sold; transferred, err aneum-
<br />bered, voluntarily or otherwise, without the written consent of the Gavemment. The Government shall- have the-sole sad
<br />erctusive .rights as mortgagee hereunder, including but not limited to the power to grant consents, paitial releases, sabatdina-
<br />tior:s, and satisfaction, and sw insured hoIdec shall have any right, tits err interest in ~ to the lien'or aay'Eaenefits hereof.
<br />(13} At all reasonable times the Government and its agents may inspect Ehe property to ascertain whether the covenants
<br />and agreements ceniained herein or is any suppleinentazy agreement are being parformed.
<br />(74} The Gavernntent,may extend and defzr the maturity of and renew and reamortize the debt evidenced by the Hate
<br />or any indebtedness to the Government secured hereby, release from liability to thz Government any party so liable thereon,
<br />release portions of the property from and subordinate the lien hereof, and waive any other rights hereunder, without affecting
<br />the Caen err. priority hereof or the liabllity to the Governrtrent of Borrower err any other party for payment of the note or in-
<br />debtednzss`securod hereby except as specified by 6'te Governmxnt in writing.
<br />(l5i If at any time it shalt appear to the Government that Borrower may be able to obtain a 1 oan from a production credit
<br />association, a Federal -and bank, or other responsible cooperative or private creEiE source, at reasonable rates and teems
<br />far loans far similaz purposes and periods ~ time, iorrower will, upon the Government's request, apply [err amt accept such
<br />loan in sufficient amount to pay the note and any indebtedness arsnrerl hereby avd to pay far arty stack-accessary to be
<br />purchased is a cooperative tending agency is connection with snch loan.
<br />{3b) 13P#autt trt~eander shaiT ronstitvte defaott under any other.-real estate, or under -any persurnal property or other,
<br />security instrument held cx insazed by the Government sand executed a assumed by Barmwer, and defaait under any-such
<br />other security instrument shall constitute default hereunder.
<br />{l~} SHC~UL D DEFAULT occur in the performance ar dischazge of any obligation in this inszrument or secured by this
<br />instrument, or should any one: of the parties named as Borrower die or ~e declared an incompetent, a bankrupt, ar an
<br />insolvent; or make an assignment for the beirefit of creditors, the Government, at its option, with or without notice, ma ,
<br />{a) declare rho entire amount unpaid under the atotr and any indc6tedness to the Government hereby secured immediately
<br />due and payable; {b) for the account of Borrower incur and pay reasonable expenses far se or mamtenancr of and'take -
<br />possession of, operate or rent the property, (c) upon application by a[ and prodv:non o this instrument, without other-
<br />evideance card without notice of h of said apple-c-.ties, have a r~rver appaintcd Go: tlix preper*.y, wish tht usual-powtrs
<br />of rreceioars in like rases, (d} farecl~is instrument sa grovlded herein err by law. and {e} enforce any and all other rights-
<br />and remtdics provided here'sn or by present or f<.rture law.
<br />(18) The procetds of foreclosure sale shall be applied in the following order to she payment of: {a} costs and expenga
<br />incident to enforcing or complying with the grovisions hereof, (b} any prior liens required by law or a competent court to
<br />be so paid, (c) the-debt evidenced by tine note and all indebtedness to the Government xcured hereby, (d) inferii3r liens
<br />of record regn'rred t?y -law or a camgetent cautt to be so Qazd, {e} at the Government's option, any other iadebtedatcss
<br />of Bonrowrer o-wfng `t6 err- insured by the Government, sad (~ any balance to Borrawet. At foreclosure err otfiet sate
<br />of all or any part of the propeity, the Government and its agents may bid and purchase as a stranger and map pay the Govern-
<br />ment's share of the purchase -price by credsting such amount on any debts of Borrower owing to or insured by the
<br />Government, in the ordei prescribed above.
<br />(19) .Borrower agrees that the Government will Hoc be baamd by any present or future State law, (a} providing for
<br />valuation, appraisal, homestead or exemption" of the property, (b) prohibiting maintenance of an action £or a defiraerccy
<br />jud~ritent at limiting-the ~W t thereof-err ttre ttrar; within witieh such action must be braughi, (c) prescribing any other
<br />statute of linritatians, (d}_aIlawing any right of redemption or posse ion foHawing any foreclosure sale, or {e} limping the-
<br />ooadltions wltieh the Government may lay regulation" irrrpose, including. the ivterest rate it may charge, as a. condition of
<br />approving a arsnsfer of the property to a new Borrower.. Harrower expressly waives the beaefzt of-any such State laws.
<br />Borrmver .hereby retlnquishes, waives, and conveys-.ail-rights, inchoate or wnsummate, of descent, dower, attd curtest'.
<br />
<br />