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- _ - t~ <br />7$~ L- ~ d ~ fw ~ Potition 3 <br />Porter FmHA d2T•1 Ai8 <br />(Rev. ~-3.78} .:" REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FOR I3EBRASKA <br />THLS MORTGAGE a made and entered intta b ~!ichael R. and Patrit:ia F7. Fanowicz, T <br />Y .~~~_ <br />_ husbafld and.Wif. e,._._.-.~...__ _ ~._..-___.._..-_.~__.-..-.....___.---^- <br />,. residing in ---- ----~hj~-- County, Nebraska, whose .post offtce address is <br />~? ,7 .7 Bridle Lanez~rand Ssland,~_. __-__._.~._._ -, Nebraska: 688tT1 , <br />hzreiit called "Borrower," dad; <br />oKfffiREAS Borrower is indehted to the United States of America, acting through the Farmers Home _Adtnististration, <br />United-States Departvtettt 6f Agriculture, herein called the "Goverzimeat," as evidenced by one or triote ~omtssutynofe{s) <br />or assumption agreer»znt{sj; herein called "aizte," u+hich itas bzea executed by Borrower, is }sayab~ to the order zif tlia <br />Gotreraxt~at, authorizes acceleration of the entire- indebtedness aF Yf',e option of the Government apoa any default by <br />Borrowed, dad s described as fo!laws: _ - <br />Annual Rare Dice Bate of Final <br />,Date a Insrncmeni Prirccr al Amount o Interest IrateArnent ' <br />~ ~~~ -~r <br />Aad the ate evidences s fawn to Borrower, and the Goverrm+ent, at any lima, may assign the note and iasnre the gaymem <br />thereof parsuant to the Consolidated Faem add Rural Development Act, ar T itle Y of fire of the busing Act of 14$9;_ <br />And it is tiro purpose and intent of this instrument thnt, amoang other things, at aH limas when fire ante is held by tke <br />Goverment, os in the event the Govemm~t should. assign this instrument :ithout insurance of tee note, this instrament <br />shah secura payment of the ate; but wben the-ante is held by as insured holder. this instrument shall nnt secure payReent <br />of the note or attach to tha debt evidenced thereby, but as to fire note and sack debt shall constitute an indemnity aoitgage <br />to secure the Government against ions uacler its insaraace contract by reason of any default 6y Borrower. <br />KO~, TILF,REF"JRE, is cons=~atioa of the loan(s) and (a) at all limes when the note islteld by the Goveremeak or-i~ rise <br />event the Govemmeo! should assign tHis instrument without insurance nt the payment of the note, to secure prompt payment <br />of the mote and any renewals and extensions thereof anti -any agreements rnataiaed therein, including day provision fot'Ihe , <br />payment of an insurance ox other charge, (b) at all times when the onto is held by as insured holder, to secure gerfisr+e of <br />Borrower's agreement herein to indemnify and save harmless -the Govemmart against loss under its insura~e eoitffiact by <br />reason o€ aey deault by Borrower, and (c} in any event asd at all times to sa pure the prompt payment of all advaaees.aad <br />expenditures made by fire Government, with interest, as hereinafter descrioed, ~1 the gedotmmrce of every caver~utaad <br />agreemect at narrower contained herein ar in day supplementary agreemest, Borrower does hereby grant, bargain, sett, Davey <br />and assign, with general warranty, unto the Govemment the following property situated in the State of Nebtsaka, Couaty(fes) of <br />u~~? <br />dot T~fenty Six (2(i) t~estern Heiryhts Thit~#fi Subdivision, Halal C©urtty, tlebraska <br />FmIIA 42'-t NB (Rev. 7-3-78} <br /> <br />~~..i <br />