<br />not extend ar postpone the due date of the nranthiy instaHment~ referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount csf such mstaUments.
<br />II©, Borrower Izlet Released. J;xtension of the time for paynsert or modification of amartiastion of the sums
<br />secured by this ~Iortgsge granted i?y bender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate m release,
<br />in any-ri:anner;-the Tisbility of the original Borrower and Borrawerss successors in interest. Lender shalt not be
<br />required to commence proceedings against such suceessbr ar refuse to extend time far payment ar othertise modify
<br />aznartiaation of the sums secured by this 3lortgage Iiy° reasen of any demand-made by the original Borrawei• and
<br />Borrower's suceeaaare in interest.
<br />lI. Fozbearaace by Leaden' Clot tt Waiver. .any forbearance by Lauder izr exercising any right ar remedy
<br />hereu.+ider, os otherwise afforded- by applicabte,Iaw, shah not lre:ai waiver of ar preclude the exercise of a~-right
<br />ar rernncdy h~~ztzd-er. ~ htr prrcuronient gf insizzanse ar t4e ,r..yment gf +~axes or other liens or charges ig Lender
<br />~ aiasl2 not be a waiver of Zerztler's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this. lt4ortgage.
<br />r-+ 33:-$~~ss~tslotive. -AlI remedies provided in this 3iortgage are distinct and cumulative to anp other
<br />~, rzt or remedy-under th lfortgage or afforded Iiy Iat3 or equity, and msv }ie exercised coneurrentily, independ-
<br />~,,. ertly or sucevely.
<br />~ I3, $a~eeeaaors raid Assigns Bound: Joint cmd Segeral Liability: CapEioas. The covenants-sad agreemerita -
<br />/ herein contained shall bind, and the rights leereunder shall inure ta, tize respective successors and assigns o€ Lender-
<br />aad Borrower, subject is the prai~isians of Trarngrairh IZ heraaf. Alt covenant and agrecnrzents of Borrower shall
<br />~ be joint and several. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of ibis Mortgage are far convenience only and
<br />~ are net to 1}e used to interpret or defiao the provisions hereof.
<br />IR. I~atiee. Any notice to Barrawer provided for in this Jlortgsge slzal2 Ire given by matting such notice by
<br />certified mail addressed tm Barrawer at the Property Address stated below, except for nay notice required under
<br />par.,;ragh 1$ hereof to Irr given to Borrower in the znanaer prescribed by applicable law. Any notice provided '
<br />for in this tilortgage shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower when given hr the manner designated herein.
<br />I5. Uniform YMartgage: Geveraing Lacy: Severabiiity. This fazni of mortgage combines uniiorm covenants
<br />far~atianal nee and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity itzstt~rrment covering real property. This.lSortgage shalt he governed lry the law of the jurisdietioa in which
<br />the Property is Ideated. In the event that-any provision oz° cla'.ise of this fklortgage or the Note conflicts with
<br />applicable Iaw, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this :ilortgage or the-Nate ~vhieh can be given -
<br />effect without the eonfiieting provision, and to this end the provisions of the ~lartgage and the Note-are declared
<br />tp be severable.
<br />1S. Borrower s Copp, Borrower shall be furnished a confirmed copy of this 1lor`,,gage at the time of exeeu-
<br />Harz or after recordation hereof.
<br />17. Traarafer o£ the Property: Asaump#ion: If aII or any pant of the Property or an interest thesaia is sold
<br />or transferred by Borrower without Leader's prior written consent,. exciudiag (a) the creation of a lien or eaeuta-
<br />brance subordinate to this Mortgage,- ibi the ereatioii of a pareliase mosey security interest -far household apgli-
<br />anew, (c} a.tranafer by devise, descent arty operation of law upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the, grant of F.
<br />nay leasehold interest of three years or less not aontaiizing an option to purchase; bender may, at Lender's option,.
<br />declare alt the sums secured by tuts ?tilortgage to he izizmediateiy due azzd payable. Lender shall have waived suClz !
<br />option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender and the person to whom the Property is to lie aa~ or
<br />€rantferr,4d xeselr tegrcement in writing that the credit-gf such person. is satin#actory to Lender and €hat the iutereat
<br />payable ozz the soma secured by this ;tiiortgage shall Ile at. sricli rate as Lender shall request If Lender hag waived
<br />the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if Barrawer'€ :trecessor in interest has executed awrit-
<br />ten aaaumptioa agreement accepted in writing by I<ezider, Leader stroll release Boni wei• fr,u a;i a tig:.tlo~ ~°~i•
<br />this R$ort~age and the Note.
<br />Tf Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Leader shall mail Barrawer notice of acceleration in aocurdsn+~
<br />with paragraph 1~ hereof. Such notice shall provide a period of not less than 3fr days from the date the not`tes is
<br />mailed withiiz which Bai•rau•er may pay the sums declared due. if Barrawer fails to pay such sums-prior to rite
<br />expiration of such period, Lender may, without. further notice or demand oir Borrower, invoke nay remedies per-
<br />milted by Paragraph 18 hereii.
<br />Iho~-L~sz~osrt GoviFxa~rs. Borrower and lf~nder iurt.~er covenant and agree as fotlo~vs:
<br />18. Aoceleratian: Remedies; T'aceept as Inmided in Iuragraph l7 izereaf, upon Borrower's breach of spy
<br />covenant yr agreement of Borrower is th;s lIorkgage, including the covenants to fray when duo any -sums secured
<br />by Chia ;<fortgage, Lender Trrior is aeeelerarian shall mail aortae to Borro: rr as pravidcYl in .paragraph l4 heraaf
<br />speeifJr.g_ (1) the br€^seli; 1«J tt,e nation rcgi.irci4-+a cuter sueir.?r.z~seh; t3! a date, not l~ tlisn thirty- days
<br />from the date the notice is mailed to Barrawe ~.r trhic r :uch'7>rc~ieh must-be cured; and I4} khat failure to cure
<br />such breach on or before the date specified in the notice nray result'in acceleration ai the sums secured by this
<br />Ivfartgage and sale of the Property. if the breach is not cured or..ar before the date specified in the notice, Lender
<br />at bender s option inay declare all of the sums secured by this Mortgage to tie immediately due. and .payable
<br />tsithaut further demand and may foreclose this .l~iortgage I}y jud'zeial proceeding. Lender shall he entitled to-collect
<br />in suel# proceeding all expenses of foreelcrsure, inefarting, hztt not lirzited to, costs of daemnentary evidence,
<br />abstracts wind title reports.
<br />1fI„ $a<toap~'s Bight- to HeinataGa. ~3otwitlistandiug_ Lender s .acceleration of the .sums seeureti by this
<br />24fortgage Borrower shall have the right La have any proceedings iiegun by .Lender to enforce this Vtorigage din-
<br />costiauedlat nog tiara prior to entry o€ a judgment enfo~•aiag this Mortgage if: ial Harrower nays .Lender all
<br />atoms which would 6e'then due under this 3lartgage; the Nato:and notes securing future Advances, if any, had na
<br />aeselezstio¢z$iceurred; (lz} Borrower cures alt breacfies of any-other eovenaats or agreententa.of Borrower can-
<br />t$;rnedia th~?~tortgage, (el-Borrower gags all i'easanalr!~ rxpeises neurnd by I:eoder in enfomiag lire covenants
<br />-and-"agreements of Bermlrer contained in thin _I•lortgagr and iii -enfoxeing' Lenders remedies ms ptnvidal in psra-
<br />- graph 18 h,tieaf, uzeluc~zng, but: oat IimiSe<t ttr, ressonsbie ai:±ossiPt ~ tees;-and td#. $orroteer takes such action as
<br />Trailer rra}• rr.:3an~hiy rcgizi~-tio a~xrF ilia? tt;e. lien. of this lfortgti~ge, Lender°& zir€erest in tlta Property apd
<br />Borrower's ebligstaan irz-Tiny the :}trrrrs secui~d by this liorigage s};al1 coutiaua unirnTzairccl, Upon simh payment
<br />•-,-'. curt by Borrartar, t„':is :tSe~n and the abiigstioi , secured licrebv shsz2l reaiai:r mull force. and effect as if
<br />no aceelerxtiaa had oee;irrr^d:
<br />2B. ~t qi-;3:rzta; AppeiatmRrnT of Receieer; Lander ui Pazue~iazz. As additional seetirity here-
<br />.. s.._ n 1. ..,~ .: Ler:~~ Fh„ , iitt,., P > ',lc..l f f Rnrm a
<br />..mgr .t~~ ; ...~ig..2 r^_}.~r..: prri _ h+~_ a-er hall,griortri $ceeier-
<br />anon under. patagrsph IS'hereaf or abandonment. of the Property. have the right io ca}lect and z~etain ~reh rents
<br />as they become due sad payable.
<br />Upon aeeelerati~a under Imragmpit l8 hereof ur abazrdanrnent of the Yropett}•. Lender, izt person; by agent
<br />ar by jud'sctrity nppcrinted receiver shall he entitled to ent.cr open, tn.?;e po~se~siuiz.cf znd rztanag~lhs P,tvjiert3?
<br />-and to collect the rents of the Property; including thosr. past due- A;., rents cotleci by Leader ~si^ the receiver
<br />shu21 be-r.;upi~d Szst to payment of.the costa of tnarragement of tle. P~nparty azzr€:coUectian at rents, ia~luding, but
<br />riot ftznt'ted t4, receiver`s f¢es,.premiurrr; oz3i receiver's Dozed= and reaaonairie attorney's fees, and then to the sums
<br />secazred by tIm" a?4~Iortgage. Derides and tlin recLiver slzalF be liable to account duly for those rants actually received.
<br />