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IND6ViDUAL <br />DUE ©N SALE <br />OP3lQNAL FUYURE ADVAhiCES <br />SA\dltVCoS i-RJt+iD <br />FORM dVO. 72U <br />Loan Number 37974 -_--- 1$8 t <br />~~- i1 C1 ~ ~ v 1~`7 ~ ~C i ~a ~ ~ C <br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed thin -----------.f .........:..... day of ----...~,~>s:~f,...ks~.--.--------. A:D, <br />IS.-~~_, between the Mort gorJEBF.'SY.Br-- S~AA~iY,NF.CiZER A~ JA~tCB S. ST&I~R: h~SBANI3 A~13 <br />&TtFB, sf3iifi'LY ANO F.A III THaIR OWN RIGHT °~_____°-----°-------°-----°------ <br />of Graced-..Island y of ...... F€all.-_,._--.-_-.._.., State of ...Atebraska hereinafter referred <br />.......---~ Count .............. <br />to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION E3F <br />LIN~4LN, 1235 "N" Street, Linco}n, Nebraska 68501, its successors and assigns, hereinafter re#erred .ta <br />ss Lender. <br />5frt2x3rsst: That the said Harrower far end in consideration of the scam of .--_~;g~_~?~~gT_~~T~~~ <br />SEVEN HUDWREU AND NO/100----------s--------°---------- ..Dollars (US 3-..-......38700.00 _ _--..-_.__) <br />....r.- - ..................-----°---..._.-- ------ - - - - - . - <br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors- and assagas,• the <br />following described- property located in the County o€ _--.:-_~ll-.----.---------=-..-.-, State of Nebraska: <br />The Northerly Five ENS) feet of Lot Thirteen (13} and cell o£ Lot twelve {I2)`and <br />Sauth Ten (SIO} feet of Lot Elevea Wolfe's Subdivision in the City of Grand .Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska <br />Tacasxea with cell the improvements now or hereafter erected an the property, and atl easements, <br />rights, appurtenances, rents, *oyalties, mineral, ail and gas rights and profits, water, water rights; and = _ <br />water stock, and alt fixtures now ar hereafter attached tv the Property, alt of which, including replace- <br />ments and additions thereto, shall he-deemed to be and remain a Bart a# the property covered t~} _:Yis <br />Mortgage; and all of c,ce foregoing, together-with said pmperiy for the leasehold estate in the event this <br />Mortgage is on a leasehold'} are herein re€er-ed to as the "Property"- <br />Barmwer covenants that Harrower is lawfully seised a# the estate hereby conveyed and has the tight <br />to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Burrower eeill <br />warrant and defaced generall} the title #,o the Property against aIl claims grid demands, subjeet to spy <br />sassmc-rtts and restrietinns listed in a schedi-te of saeeptions to coverage in any title insurance poly ire- <br />suring Lender's interest in the Property; cr (2) attorney's opinian of title from abstract of title eerti5ed <br />by bonded abstracter. <br />Paovma~3 ALwaxs, and. these presents are executed and delivered upon the fallowing conditions, agree- <br />menu and obligations of the Borrower, to-wit: <br />The Barrawer agrees t4 pay to the Lender, or order, the priac'nal soar of -----THIRTY- EIGH£---------------- <br />_~BQI)S~Itir3}-_S~VE16-HUbSisit£a,U_Al~f3_ NO1100-------.----.------- - Dssliars f%S ~.----.- 38~740.Q0_------•---...) <br />payable as provided in a note executed and delivered can ntly hereanth, final payment of principal, <br />if not sooner paid, on the --. First.. day of .... 4ecer ._-,,..2407 <br />UratFaa:+r Co•,~.*anx-2s, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Pzineipsxl and Interest. Borrower shall pmmptiy pay when due the principal df and in- <br />terest on the inde?~t.~alness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late, charges as pmt~ided in tfte Rote,.. <br />and the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this :t'iartgage. <br />Y. Purtds #or Tmces and hrau.-stets. Subject to Lender's option under paragraphs 4 and 5 hereo#; Bor- <br />rower shall pay to Lender on the day monthly instalhnents of principal and interest are payable under'tlre <br />Note; untal-the dote is_paid in full, a sum fherenn "Hands") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and <br />assessments which may strata priority over this ?tfartgage, and- ground gents on the Property, if any bus <br />one:tw*elfth flf }early p+~,.,.n.n, iastallmeats far hazard insurances plus one-twelfth of yearly-premium m- <br />~aia;~p~s~ for mortgage-ins•;atai€t~, if any, .all ac reasonably estimated initially- and--from .time to time lry <br />Lender on the basis of assessments and buts and reasonable estimates thereof, bender shall apply the Funds <br />to pay said lases, assessments, insurance premiums and groiL~d rents: Lender shall make no cdaarge for eo <br />h~ sail appl~-uag- fibs Fonda or verifyixtg_ and compiling said- assessments, aced bills.. The Lender shs3I <br />~v¢#~ +h~ n~-rn~_r, ~.;t..t ~,ge, ~~; a.,,nu.;.I acxuratingaf tie ~_~ and bits ~.~e <br />Funds and the ; ur,x~se for which each debit to the-Funds u~as made: The Funds are pledged sg 8ddit3unal <br />*-efisrit! for the earns s~~red .by A3or;gaga. The Borrower ages that the: Fuzids-maj€ be held ley the <br />Lecde-~' and can~e~ingie~f with other fitxic~ "and the Winder's civrn ftsnils-and ttie Lender may pay si~m2t items <br />frntn its awn funds end t;ie leader shall not be liable for interest oi-zlividends mz suet I~nda. <br />+: '~t~ au~uttt ui i.e s~ ands iaeid by ianaer, iogaihea with. the niiure rrioiail}aly inctQll..+ont~s caf Fn~ds <br />payable pricer fi the due dates of rates, asseasanents, insurance prenuum4 Snt3 _ground-retire, shall exceed <br />"the arraourtt mgtired to pay said taxes, axsevsrnstnta, insurance premiums and ground.redts as they fall due, <br />-such exc..a~:-shall be, ai: Borrowers opption, either pmmpLty d to Bnrrttver or czeditedtA Beit+swer tin <br />s;onltly installrnents of Funds. if the amount of -the Fuardld by Lender shall not be suffacient to pay <br />Issas, agse~erts,: insurance prnsniums acid grout d rents as tl±ey fali due, $orrower shall pay to Lender <br />spy amount nec4ssr.ry to m:,;;e up the deSciencv within thirty da}s sfter dotice from-Lender to Borrower <br />request~g payrtte3tt ~€, ar F}osrrou~a' shsil, Eby an increase in monthly inatalltt:ents of Funds=required, <br />repay. the clu5cieticy,withlit the i~und=accounting period. <br />Upan payrraent #ai full of all -sums secured by ttas Mortgage; Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit <br />against aU sums due. <br />