<br />
<br />THIS IIdI3ENTURE, made ibis 30th day of
<br />November
<br />I9 ~$ by and between
<br />Stephan R. Woodman and Margery Woodman, Husband and Wife, each in his and her owls sight
<br />and ns spvu3e rf the other,
<br />~ Hall 6:ouaty, ~,-sa mortgagor S , sad Grams Inland Tnrst Co
<br />organized and esistirrg under ttie-Isws of Nebreaka with its principal offisx saes glace of busi~as et Grand Island, Zsebraska,~ea arortgsgee;
<br />WITIVE93ETH: That said mortgagor= .for and in conasieintion of the sum of
<br />**Fifteen Thousand Ten and l3a/100ths** Dollnasl6 15,010.00 Vl
<br />the receipt of which ie heinby eclmowiniiged, do - by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its successors end assigns
<br />forever, all the fallowing described real estate, situated in the County of _.~. Hal I
<br />ftnd Srate of Rlebranita, to-wit:
<br />I.oi Nineteen {19}, Block "C", in ParkView Subdivision, located in the Northeast
<br />Quarter {NE-1/4J of Seetian Twenty-nine {29} and the Northwest Quarter (art-1f4}
<br />of Section Twenty-eight {2i3}, both in Township Eleven (11} North, Range Nine (9}
<br />West of the Sixth (6th} P.M., Hell County, Nebraska, and Lot Twenty-one {21},
<br />Block "C", in ParkCriew Subdivision, located in the Northeast Quarter {NE-1 /4}
<br />of Section 'l4aenty--nine {29}, and the :dorthwest Quarter {NW-1i4} of Section
<br />Twenty-eight f2$}: both in Township Eleven (11} North, Range 'vine (9}, West of
<br />the Sixth {5th} F.?~., Halt County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with all heating, err zwaditioaing, lighting. sad plumbing equipment and fixtures. iaduding greens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades or blinds, ussd oa ar in eonmction with said property. whether the same are ~w located oa said property or hereafter
<br />pr=rMl •~ n.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with al! and singular the tenements, hereditaa~nts and appurtsaa~ thereirato be< -
<br />ionging, or in anywise apperlairring, forever, and warrant t~ title to the same. Said margagor B haebp eoveaent ~ with mid
<br />that t ~ y are , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner B of the premiaea shove conveyed and-desrribe,i,
<br />and are seized-_of s good and indefeasrble estate of inheritance therein, free end clear of all eneuatb_-anws. sad that ~ lam? wlll
<br />warrant and defend the title thereto forever against the claims aced demands of ell persona whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument is ezecuted sad delivered to secure the pavmeat of the sum of
<br />**Fifteen Thousand Ten and No/I4Qths** Dollars l8 15,014.04 ~i,
<br />with interest thereon, together with such charges a~ advances as may be due sad payable to said mortgagee under the terms sad conditions
<br />of the pmmiasory ante of even date herawitb and secured he:~y, eaecuted by said mortgagors W said rmrtgagee, payable as eapres~d
<br />in said note, and to secure the performance of all the terms and cnaditiaas caatained tkesein. The terrors of said note ats heinby incorporated
<br />lasxein by this inference.
<br />it ie fire intention and agree~t of the polies hereto that this mortgage shell akin segue any future advances made to said mort~tgorS___
<br />by sass mortgages, sad any artd ail indebtedness in eddxtion to Lhe aawunt above skated which said mortgagors, or aqy of them, may owe to
<br />said mortgagee, however evidentasd, whether by no€e, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force end effeck between
<br />the party hereto and their heirs. peraoael representatives, suceessora and assigns, until all amounts secured herauader, including future
<br />mivaacea, sin paid in fuL' with interest.
<br />The ranrtgagor~_ hereby assign _ to said mortgagee aIt rents and income arising at nay and all times from said property and
<br />hereby authorise said mortgagoe or its agaat, at its option, upon defavit, to take charge of said property s~ rnliect all rents and income
<br />-thw'efiom and-apply the sema to the gayrnent of-interest. principal; insnrnnca prerainma, taa~, s~aem~ts, repairs. or impravara;aks
<br />aactasary to keep said property in teaaatable condition, or to other chergea or payments provided for hernia or in the ate hereby aeeuzed. This
<br />teat asaignmeat shall continue in force antil the unpaid balance of sa;d rate i$ fully paid. The felting of possession heteurrdet shad in no manner
<br />tm~anL:orref3rd~mkf_ m tam mi~foa a# rmirl apms by #onadosurs ar mherooss,- . - , : --
<br />The failure-of the ntatgagea to assert any of its rights harsundar at e~ time s&all not fie cmntrued u a. waiver-of its right to assert rho
<br />same at any later tiros: and to insist upon sad ~foma strict compliance with aII Urn-terms and pmviaimm of sari. note sad of Lhla age_ .
<br />. If said motY,gggor_8 shall coons to be paid to sad mortgagee the entire amount due it hainunder, sad u the texme and pmvisluns - ~ -
<br />~ said sate heznby ~aued; inchtding futuin advaacas, sad any eatensfons or renewals thereof is ecsordmtee with rim terms sad provisiops
<br />thermf; sad H said s stmli ~rpiy with alt the pmviaio~ of said note sod of this mortgage, that these presents shall be void:
<br />othmrrvfse to rastr,~r3o ftaEf~ aada#agt, a~ samf mor2gagtq abaft he entitfad to tk~ possession ofall of said prvparty, and may. st its opkunn,
<br />dsclare ~ewbnbe at sad note sad aH iadebtad~ea repaeesated thereby to be immed#riteiy titre end payable, and may farecloae-ttiSe mortgage
<br />or take:any nEher bagel pet5on m protacE it$ right. Appraieamsa6 waived: _ - _ -
<br />"#~Mamort~asshpki;ha biits~on a~ ~nre &r i,~ tea' ^~ th° ixs:•s. rzeconsrs. aafainiatr9*.e"a, at~es~rs and'r:ssigas ~f th~-
<br />-inepectbyepasEiea,tere4o. - - - - -
<br />flY WIiZ4ESS tVHEREOF, saaf )l4oikgagaa s ~Ve .6ainunto set CYfeir hand ~ the day and year fsdt above
<br />written: _ - - ~ - ~ i - - - _
<br />rr o.'~1T~k ttu-~-r.,,.,~
<br />.erg ,y oo .an
<br />