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__ _ <br />'d`hisYnderature,Maaeb anabetween ....... 7ERR€NCE_,SCHM,IDi'._and Bl1RBARA.,.SCIiMIDT,__kiusband-_and,._Wife.,. <br />and KENNETH W. STAA~ and ROSE MARY STAAB, Husband and Wife <br />8na THE OVERI:ANO NATTONAt"'BANK OF 6RA1Vi3 IStANU, Granc~~~`s15'n~;m~`e~'ra'~ ca,r~iereina~i`r`e°rt~"aar <br />referred to as Bank <br />QQ Q _7 -r.-.-rr-.-r,.r..-.-.c-.-.- . ......................_._- <br />'L'heMortgagarf:;randinconaidorationof($...1..~Z,. .. ... -. ---------- <br />QRE,_t~t}t}URfD_.~~RTY-TWQ__TNOU5AND AN0_NO/laQ_-_---.-.--.--,,paidbythebank, <br />the roe®ipt whetcof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and ronveyed, sad by the presents, dcea grant. <br />Bargain; se13 and convey, onto said bank, the fallowing described real property situatt~l in theCounty of _,...ryd !__!„.,..,,....._.-......-._-----._......-- <br />a*d ~tafe of Nebraska, tv-wit: <br />Part of the 5E~SE~ of Section 21, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the Sixth P.M., mare <br />particularly described as follows: Goilrnencin5 at the Southeast corner of Block 16, in <br />Pleasant Home Subdivision in said Section; running thence Westerly along and upon the <br />Southerly 7-ins of said Pleasant Home Subdivision a distance of 294 feet; thence running <br />Southerly, and parallel to the East line of the SE~SE4 of said Section 21,-for a distance of <br />Fifty Two (52} feet; thence Easterly parallel with the Southerly line of said Pleasant <br />Home Subdivision, a distance of 294 feet; thence Northerly Fifty Two (52} Feet to the <br />point of beginning, except a tract of land conveyed to the City of Grand Island by <br />Warranty Oeed recorded in Book 153, Page 486. <br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, tide, claims and <br />demands whatsoever of the mortgagor of, in or to said premises or any part, thereof; sad said mortgagor does hereby cov- <br />enant, that tke mortgagor is lawfully seized of said premises, that said premises are free from incumbrance and mortgagor <br />will warrant and defend the title to said premises against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. <br />PRi3VIDED AL4PAYS, and these presents are upon These ~oaditians: <br />WHEREAS, the mortgagor has exoeuted and delivered tr, the Bank --. d - Cert_a'1-n_..-- .............................. promissory Hots- '': <br />dated November 22, 1978, in the amount of 5142,000,00 at an interest rate of 9.75%, which <br />note is sctieduled for monthly payments of 51,346.92, applied first interest and then <br />~rincipal, with the first ppayment due January 5, 1979, and subsequent payments due on-the <br />th day of each month, witfl a maturity date of November 22, 1990, at which time-the entire <br />ttn~i~idncipal balance plus accrued I~it~erest shall become ~ue. <br />au as d to maintain ire, w ndstorm and eaten a coverage ,neurones ar, sal premises in amounts required-and in <br />campaaies approved by the bank and with standard mortgage clauses vrhieh policies shall be delivered to the bank, and -has <br />agreed to pay ail taxes and assessmer s levied against said premises before the same become delinquent end -to maintain said- <br />prem:ses. - _ <br />Now, therefore, if the mortgagor shall comply with all o_` tna prvvisioas of said note and the provisions her._z,_, then _ <br />these presents shall be Hall a^a void. - - <br />I3owecer, if the aiaove note and interest thereon ar any payments called for thereon are not paid when due or if atiy <br />of the eorenants_of this instrument are rot complied with, the bank, ar the holder hereof, at its option mey declare the ie- - <br />mainiag balance o€ said indebtedness due and payable and may maintain an action at law or in equity to recover all amounts - <br />due and enforce the provisions hereof. In the event of the failure of mortgagor to maintain the premises, ar to maintain - <br />insurance as is above provided for, or to pay taxes or assessments, the holder hereof may advance the sum or sums necessary - _ <br />to obtain compliance and such atnaunts shat! be added to the amount due on the stove mentioned note and Bear interest-at - <br />tho highest legal rate. - <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED, Lhis mortgage shall constitute notice hereof, that this mortgage is security for not only <br />the amount advanced concurrently with the execution hereof but all future advances which map 6e made aL the option of the - - <br />partias or their assigns up to the total amount stated in this mortgage, to the same extent as advances originally made here- - <br />nnder. Further notice is hereby given that the tenor of each hfartgage Note including the interest rate, payment, maturity, <br />penalties, and other terms s1;all coneurrentIy upon execution become a part of this mortgage. <br />TI' IS FURTHER AGREED, that the said iortgagor shall and will pay ail faxes levied upon this mortgage or the debt <br />secnred tberebg, together with any other taxes or assessments which may he levied under the Laws of Nebraska, against the <br />said Mortgagee or the legal ha}der of the said Principal note, s} on aceoant of *.his indebtedness. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED, if at any time, motile the mortgage is in effect and the nose for mhieh this mortgage is <br />~ivea of sac,arity, or any part thereof, r?mains unpaid, the undersigned ~'crtgagors sell, convey or contract -ta sell the- real <br />estate herein described, or any Bart thereof, or the 3iortgagors do not have or cease to have title to said real estate or ang <br />gait thereof, then and in any such events. the 3iortgagec may, at its option, declare the unpaid principal balance, and interest, .. <br />of the note secured hereby immediatei3' due and payable. 1n the event that these premises are not now, or should hereafter, not <br />Be occupied by mor~agor then this instrument shad constitute an assi¢nment of rentals and service of s copy thereof upon the <br />occupant shall be sufficient to require ail payment for rental ar use of the premises after date of such service to made to <br />mortgagee. - . <br />signed of_....... Ptovzsmber._.......... 19.p._78 --- <br />Ya:~~aurr~?~x - <br />~ -fierrenc~ .5~._crd`~~,~.u,,'-~~,_/j_~...~;..,... //..~~~..:._._ , <br />.,~+;~.~~~..... .. .. _ .__._..._ _ _ $srbara...S.etmlidi; '~~.°_~~?-t~ ~,_..... <br />s~nTlr of .NEBRASKA....-_ ,county of Ni=i~l~ . .__... _ T~,~nce afld Bar ajr"a Se~t~}'dt, usba d ~ <br />Before mc, a-notary public q~alifiesl for said county, personally came Wlfe, dnd Re net~~i W anQ - ~OS2 Y'y ~ta3~} <br />krawn to ma to be the tdentical person ar persons w•ho signed the forogoing ' s en and n edged tha execution ere- <br />of ~ be his, her or thetr voluntary sot aml deed: CiuSDan~ an 7 Te <br />a ijsr;ai seal on _..._ ...........:....... <br />lion. expires :.............,,.,..........:.--~---'--.-.. _. 19.-...{ <br />$TAfiE-.OF'. _--•---......._ ....._.:_: ..---`......,. ._.-- - } - Entered- en- *_n±rnerisai index-ataet filed for reeo~ <br />sa. <br />County .___...,._._..._...._.:_..._ ...:......................:.:..:......_, j 1n the Register of Deeds affiae of said County the <br />..._...._..__,......,.,.day ot.._._.._....._......__,._....:...._.,- 12._..._---,, at.,......------......._......_a'dock and ....................:.......--.._.minutes ._._.-°-_.......M., <br />sad recorded in B+wk .................._.:.....:......._:,.....©f......--._.....::._...- -- page..........._...._.... _...........-....-......... <br />- .-.._ ................'.--...._.........._.............................._...-._....._...Reg. of Deeds <br />- - 8y ..............................._........_......._....._-.......__.........__ ..._.........Deputy <br />