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<br />(8) That Sn the event any awards are made to the Mortgagors or their successors in interest for taking or damaging ~'i <br />by the exercSsa of eminent domain tixs whole or any part of the mdrCgagad premises dr any easement tnareln, the said <br />awards era hereby assigned to the Mortgagee; the Mortgagee is hereby authorized Lo collect, receive, and receipt ', <br />therefor and to apply the same la payment df any indebtedness, matured or unmatured, secured Dy this mortgage. ~~, <br />?7) That in the avant Mortgagors default In the payment of said principal sum, or of any installment whereof, or ~~~. <br />of any Interest thereon, at the time when the ssme mall ba dus> or with respect to aay covenant or conditlor. here- <br />ci, thsn,at the optlon oS.MOrtgagae, the entire-indebtedness secured hereby shall forthwith become due and payable, <br />shall hear 1rtsresL at idle default race described-in said note, and the Mortgagee may lmmediateiy foreclose this <br />murtg'aa¢-or p°srsa:e any_d fixer availablalsgal remedy. - <br />_g~ ^;:at Sn the event a^tECa-is-Drrns~it-to-foreclose this, the Mortga§ss shell hs entltl&d to Satnsdiato <br />,.ossesslen of the mtlrtgagad premises, andtiie dourt may appoint a receiver Lo take possession of said premises, wiCh <br />the usual powers of-receivers Sn-like-Cases. -_ - - - - <br />(9)-'£naL failure cr delay of exercise-any of -its rights-or privileges shall not De--construed 2s a ~, <br />waiver t*sraof; that arty act df-Mortgages waiving--arty sgeeifle dsSauiL ofMOrtgagnrx shall not Dc or,:,ativscl as a <br />waiver of anyfnture defaults;-LYiaL in--case oi-default Sn the payment-di anY asortization irstallmanes or Interos ', <br />or in case of payment by Mortgages of aryy llen,iudgment,taa, insurance, cost ar ezpense, or rents. __*ees or charges; I <br />said Mortgagee shall have the privilege, without declaring-t;xe whole indebtedness due and payable, to foreclose on, <br />aonount oY such spocific default for such stone as are in default and such foreclosure proceedings may be had cad <br />the land described herein may ba sbld, subfact to the unyald indebtedness hereby secured, an3 this mortgage shall <br />ecntlnna as a lien for any unpaid balance. - - - '~ <br />i <br />(SG,I That tfxe Mortgagee may extend attd defer Lha.maturity oS.and renew and reamortize said Indebtedness,-release <br />..tram liability a,'LY party liable thereon, and release from the lien hereof portions of Lhe property covered hsreGy-,- <br />without affecting the priority hereof or the liability of Mortgagors or any ether party for the payment of said i <br />Sudebtedness, all such exeensions, deferments, renewals, and reamortlzatlons to be secured-hereby. - j <br />-j13) Transfer of Security. It is agreed between the parties-hereto, their hairs, legal represehtatives and axsigpa, ~ <br />`hat the integrity and respdnsLDiiity of the Mortgagors constitutes a part df the conslderatlon-for the-note seciired , <br />hereby, and that in the event the Mortgagors shall sell, transfer, or ccnvey the property .described herein, the <br />Mortgagee may at Sts option declare the entire Sndebtedness immediately due and payable and may proceed in the an- <br />fcrdement of its rights as or. aqy other defa:;it -in the terms of the note-and merUgage. - <br />(i2) Assignment of Proceeds o2 Mineral Lease. Mortgagors hereby transfer, set dear, and. convey to Mortgages ail j <br />rents, royalties, Ddnuses, and dal-ay moneys that may from time to time become due aad payable-under atiy oi.i,_ gas, I <br />or otnar mineral lease of any kind new existing or that may h~raafter come into existents, covering the above land a <br />or any part thereof. All such received by Mortgagee shall Da applied to the indebtedness secured hereby; or <br />said Mortgagee may aL Sts option turn over and deliver to Lha Mortgagors or their successors in-interest, snynr al~I <br />of such sums without pra~udice Lo ax>_y of Mortgagees rights La take and retain future sums, .and without-preludice !~ <br />to a2zy of its dt*er rigrits under this mortgage. 1`ne transfer and coflvayance hereunder to Fidrtgagee-df Said rests; <br />royalties, `udnuses, and delay moneys shall be construed to be a provision for the payment or reduction of the mart- <br />gaga debt, subSect to Lha Mdrtgagee~s optlon as hereinDefore provided, SndeyendenG of the marLgage '_Sea on Bald real ', <br />estate. Upon payment in full of Lhe mortgage debt and the release di this mortgage of record, this conveyanceshall <br />Decdme Snoperative and df nd further forts and effect. <br />(words and phrases herein, imcl;tding the ackmo:uiedgserzt hereof, s!catl be Construed as in the sir~guta or ¢tterai j <br />nuubars an: as aasculine, fexainine, or neuter gender, according to tiwe comtez .); a . <br />/' 1, <br />(SEAL) - (S~i <br />r Fayal~cJ i,n . a -. i <br />_ (SEAL) `~.~.rt~_-^~' :T"-' ~ _ _ L} I <br />E2aiae Z. -Aft ' ~ ', <br />STATE ^F !~f ~~~~cli.`t-,e~%~-~.~' _ _ <br />ar ~ ~ ss. ~ - - <br />#h1 this -~~•' day of ~%~-~~~f~~`~"- "~~ A. D., 19 ~~, before ma, a Ndtarv Publio in and Sor said County and <br />State, personally appeared Franklin D. h5atajka and Elaine L. Matejka, husband anti- wife, <br />td me known to De the pa*sdns Hamad in and who executed the foregoing Instrument, and ac3mowledged that that' executed <br />the sane as .=,hsir voluntary act and deed. - - _ <br />~{! ~ ~~ ? <br />My cde~.^!SSSior. expires ~ _. A=> >~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~--' ~ -- _ _ <br />a <br />,~ r ~ ~~f ~ j~ t`rF <br />~~i4.t1~1l8 ~ or Qrlet M4ne urtEer sSg at)ure) <br />~otary i -in and dr said County and Stale - <br />.~. <br />... ... .. - _,.. ..... ,__., -_ _._ --__....._ __...,.... _.._. v.__.. <br />s <br />~ _ _ ~ ~ N F a3 ~+' Y+ O _ <br />C <br />~ - - m 9 q- +4 a~.l -. <br />r <br />m• <br />D •~ <br />fififi Z t L~ ~- 53 - ~~'iie.~ - ~ <br />G 1 G - ~ i ~ "' "11$1 - <br />y 2~ - O O y C _ yy G <br />~_~- _ _ _ _ ~ 5-+ 23 V ~`i~ <br />