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• <,,j <br />not extend or postpene Che due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or <br />change the amount of such installments. <br />Ili. SorrawerNmt Rs}errsed: Bxtensian of-the time for 17ayment m• modifivation of amortization of the sums <br />sev12red b3! this 1~tortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to re}ease, <br />in any manner; the Iia6ility of tl3c original Borrower and Borrowea•'s sucvessars in interest. Lender shall not be <br />required #~ commence trocecdings against such successor or refuse to extend time `orpayment or otherwise modify <br />amortitatfen o€ the sums secured by this \iertgage l,y mason of any demand made by the aI•iginal Harrower and <br />Horrasrer's succcasOrs in interest. <br />is. -frarbecntr~ice by loader bTcrt ~ tns€;var: Any - farbearanee b3* Lender n exercising any -right or remedy <br />barer~3tlev, ar atherwisQ afforded by applicable law; she}I not 6e a waiver of or preelude the exercise of env light <br />:.~ . or remedy hereundstr: Tl-iis=-pravurernent afSnsurarce 4r t}Ie paynieat of taxes ar other Bens ar charges by Lender <br />CQ obeli not be a waiver of Lender's right to sevelerate the mattirity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />~. 12, Hesriedies CIS3r-ulestivs: "411 remedies prodded in t.}Iis ~4oitgage are-distinct and cumulative to any other.. <br />;~ right or remedy tuiderthis ~tZattgage of• afforded #>y Iar• cr'equity, aa2d Stray I>c exercised concurrently, iudopens3-- <br />~ entky or sucvessively. <br />~' l;if Successors-mid i4saispacs Botmd; Jo$k ra-iY'.Saveral Licxbility; Gaptioas 'The covenants and agreements. <br />flp Herein contained shall bind, and the rights ISereundvr shad inure ta, t}Sa respective suveessors a23d assigns of Lender <br />6! and Borrower, subject to the previsions of parag`,~Tih.1 i hereof. Ali covenants and agreements of $ograwer shall- <br />be joint and several. The captions and headings of -tine j2aragral2}is of this liartgage are for convenSenve only. end <br />are nano-be used to interpret or define the provisions lereof. <br />1+L Notice. Any notice to Borrower proaided for in il3is \lortgage shall be gic-en by mailing such notice by ' _ <br />certifier) mail addressed to Borrower at ttse Property Address stated heloar, except. for any notice required under <br />paragraph 1$ hereof to he given to Borroaver in tt3e rmanner prescribed !ry applicable law. Any notice provided <br />for itr this 3lartgage she}7 he deemed to hate been gic•en to Bor€ocver ac•hen given in the manner designated 13erein. <br />1$. Unifoza2 Mortgage; Govemiag law; Severtrbility. This iornr of nortgage combines uniform covenants <br />for national use and non-uniform covenants avith timitecl variations by jurisdivtior. to constitute a uniform sewn- <br />Inty inst_*utnent vo m_.2•ing real property. This Mortgage shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in: ~E2ioh <br />the Fmperty- is located. In the event that any pirovision or vtause of this \iortgage or the Note conflicts with <br />applicable Isw, suer ;nnflict shall not affect. other provisions of thisliortgage or-the Nate wt2ieli-can be given <br />effeaf without the emnflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the lorgage and the Nate are declared- <br />-. to be severakrle. <br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shalt be furnished a conformed copy of this Mortgage at the-time of exeeu- <br />Ciao ar after recordationhereof. <br />17. Trgasfer of the Propo;Yy; Asssur<pksan: If all or any part. of the Property ar an interest therein is sold- <br />ar;trans#erred by Harrower without Lender's ptgorwritten consent, vxcludv-sg Cal the creation of a lien or enarm2- <br />_ branee svbb2rlinate to this Mortgage; {b) the creation of a purchase money security interest-far household appli- <br />_ ances, {e} a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of lan~ upon the death of a joint Tenant ar {d} ±12¢ grant crf <br />any leasehold interest of three °'ears or }ess-not containing an option ±a purchase, Lender may, at Lender's aptiou; , <br />declare al} the-sums secured by this :Mortgage to be mm~ediately due and payable. Lender-shall have -waived.slieh_ . <br />-_ option to acveIerate if, prior to-the sale nr transfer, Lender a2.ti fl3v person to whom the Property is to be ~...,; ar <br />transferred reach ag-_ _~.ent in writing that the credit of sus}r i'ersan is safisfacton' to Lender and that t}Ie-interest <br />payable on the sums secured by fhis Mortgage shall Ise at such rate as Lender shs}i request. Zf Lender: has weived <br />.h.. };° , t^ vel2ra' t L d } t^d <br />c apU.,, Ve provided m has pa wgrsp ` 1: ar. It Borrower's su~~ssar m Inte2•est execs .. ...:•ii- <br />ten assumption agreement accepted ii2 writing by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from. s1I"al3ligations under <br />this Mortgage sled the Dote: <br />If Lander exercises such option to seeelerate, Lender shall :nail Borrower notice of acceleration. in secordance <br />as2tli paragraph 14-hereof. Such nativc sl2alt provide a period of not Ie, than 3D days #rom the-date the nati~ is <br />= mailed withii3 irhich Ba2•rouer may pay the sums declared due. If Horrower Tai#s io pay such su2ns prior- to the- <br />-expiration of snvh period, Lander may, without further notice or demand on Harrower, invoke any remedies per- <br />Initted ISy paragraph 18 hereof. <br />Nax-LTx2xoltsi Cac~xnt.~°s. Sorroarer and Lender furtl3~r caa-?nant-and agree as foIlowsi <br />1S, ficsreTeratioa: Zaemedies. Except as p3•aa-icleci in paragr2pie 17 hereof, upon Borrower's b2•eacki of anti <br />covenant or agreement of Borrower in this. Zlortgsgc;.3ncluciing t}se covenants tc pay when due any sums seci2reil <br />by Phis biertgage, Lender-prior to seceleration shall Iu32i1 notice iu Barrnw•ir as ~irovded in paragraph ?4 Iaereof <br />spevifying: {it the breach; (2i the riction required to cure ouch tareaelr; 131 t~'date, riot less tLan thirty days <br />from the date the notice is mailed to Borrower, hr which snt•la larea~`lr.anust-Ile cui~ekl; and (41 that failure fa cure <br />such breach on or before the date specified is t13e notice may recoil in acceleration of the sums secured by tlsis <br />Mortgage and sale of 6he Property. If the breach i4 not cured an or before the date specified in the native; Z,eneler <br />at Leuder'saptian Inay declare aII of d2e sums secured by this ltartgage to be im2nediate}y-due -and pz3yable <br />withaat furtt3er de3nand and may ferecE~ t13is :+fortg.~c by 3zuiicial proceeding. Lender shall tie emitted iv-collect- <br />in suvh proceeding all expenses of foreclosure, inciu+Iing. but-not limited to, costs of doenn2entary ar•idence, <br />abstracts and title report.. <br />19. Sorsower's HigYti to gate. *~otwltE.~tanding Lender: acceleration of the sums _secured by .this <br />T4iartgage, Harrower shat} Gave the right to have s.ay proceedings begun by Tender to enforce this- Mortgage" die- <br />voatir2u~ at any time prior to entry of a judgment enfo7emg this 3orgage if: fal Harrower pays Lender sII <br />snms which wanld be then due under this Mortgage, the ?cote and notes securing Future Advances, if"anyr had ~Ia <br />Icvveleration o~urretl_ {b? Borrower cures all l2tesclles of any atler eaa-cnants tar agreements of Porrawer eon- <br />tait2exl an t12~ 3Eaatgage; {¢) Borrower pays ail reasonab}e expenses incurred ly Lender in in#oreing:the eovetiants <br />and ayr~ of Borro>var eontsined in this ~iortgagv and iI3 enforcing T.ende2~s 3emedies: as provided it2 par- <br />grsph 18 here+af; ia.I2uiing; but na3f I:mited ta, raa_~onabie attorney •s leer: and idi Bor2wer takes such avtion-ss <br />I,esi$er may rea~shly m}uire:to assure that.the lien of this ~tlortgage, Lender's interes@ in the Property -and <br />Bf+rratg~r'e cgett~+n-to pay #~-sttms.seeurr~d ire thIr- liurtgagc shall- vantinue unimpaired: Ulion such payittet~t <br />sad: flFt!! 1-y I3arre~•er, the Mortgage,and The nbligatians secured. hereby shall remain in f2i}} ftirce and effevt as if <br />uo seoelerakan had otetmed. <br />1~._71~!mment ~ R4afs ?ty~irlt?~ef3t ~! R~x7+x4wrs taadr ~g:~~~ton. As addi~,~} security here- <br />~, Hader, 3orrower hereby sssigtis to Lender the rnnte of the Prapert3 . Iltoi'idest Cleat Htirrawer shall, pricer to agceTer- <br />sttt3n under pa3sgrrph 18 hereof ar aban~3anment of the. Property, have the right to eollavt and retsiii such tents <br />}ssthey became du® and payable. <br />Lean scvelerstion under lzasagraph lS l:creaf or ahWardonmen# of Cite Froperky Lender; in person, by agent <br />_ sar;,t3y,j~ivially spnointed receiver ?hall i}e entitled io enter: Capon,-take }+osKesaion of and manage the Property <br />and to eallevb-tile rents of the Property, inciudintr those past-Clue.-AI}.rents collected by Lender-or-the receiver <br />shsl112e agpli~ fir$t to paya2ent cf tfin casts of inanagc2rle24tof k}2@ Property and collectiaa of rents, invluding, but <br />not fimitcd ta, reveiver's fees, prensiums nn rcet~ver's bonxlg and reasonable attorney's. fees, and then to the sums <br />securest by this l~fartgage. Lenderand the'ieceic*:r alialt le account only for those rents actually received. <br />