<br />- ~-.
<br />not extend m• postpone the due date of the mant.hly instathttents referred to in paragraphs 1 and `l hereof or
<br />chattga-the amaunf. of"such instafiments.
<br />ltl: Bozrow®r Sdtst Released.- Extension of the time for payment or modification of smortizat.ion of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage granted lay I.encier tR any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release,
<br />in arty manner;--the Liability of the original Harrower and Barrorvcr's successors in interest.' Lender shall not be
<br />regnired to eatiimence j3racei•dings againstsuelr successor ot• refuse to extend time for-payment or atharwise-modify
<br />~,~t;tiatiua afthzsams•st~nx•~.l by "€ s3lartgage lay-reason of any deraarct ,na~~by the original Borrower-and
<br />- - - t-?ortower's sueoessars in-itttterest. - - - - - - - . - -
<br />l 1, forlae,~rs~ce_Iry_I,t+nder I'fa4 a V1-aiv~r. < Any: farbearanca by Lander in exeraisittg-any- riglit-or-aemc~fg
<br />herenitder, ar ptberwise afforded by applicable laic, shall not iae a waiver of ar preclude-the exercise _af any right
<br />~~ ar remedy hers der. The praeurement of insurance ar l:e pa}°raent of taxes or other liens ar charges by Lender
<br />shall-riot be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br />13: Seasedies Ctrmulative, Ait remedies gxovided in this 3ortgage are distinct and ournulative to any o#her
<br />~ rightdr remedy under this 1_Iortgage cr afforded by talc ar equi4y, and may be exercised coneurrentiy,-ind'epend-
<br />entiy er successively.
<br />1~. aad Assigaq Bound; toiai and Several Liability: Cagtiona. The covenants and agreem8nt6 .
<br />Herein aont~ained-shall bind, and the rights Hereunder sb~tl inure ta, the respective successors sail assigns of L+tttder
<br />and Borrower, subject tv the pray isions of patagrsplt 17 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shalt
<br />R tae joint-and several. The captions and. headings of the paragraphs of this 'ttartgage are for convenience 'only and
<br />are net to be used to interpret or define the Provisrons hereof.
<br />14. Ptotice. Any nottee to Borrower prorided far in this :fortgage sitali lac given by mai}ing sueii nbtice.tiy
<br />certified mail-addressed to $orrawer at the Property Address stated lmfaw, except far any notice required. under
<br />paragraph 1$ hereaf'to be given to Borrower in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Any- notice pravidcei
<br />for in this '+fortgage shill'ire deentad to trace been given to Harrower when given in the manner designated. herein..
<br />15. tTrsiforas It3ortgotye; GoYerrsmg Latv; Sevezabilitp. This fornt of :uortgage combines uniform eavenants
<br />for natiarral use- and non-untfarm• covenants ;yith Limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a :uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument cov°a;;,g z~si' nroixerty. This lfartgage shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in wbicH
<br />ttie Property is located; In the event that any-.prevision or clause of this Mortgage or the Vote conEicts with
<br />applicable-law, such conflict shall not, affect other provisions of this Mortgage or the Tilote which can be given
<br />effect without the conflicting provision, and to -this end the provisions of the ~iottgage and the Note are declared
<br />to ba severable.
<br />38. Boizower's Copy. Borrowetshall be furnished a conformed copy of thi. Mortgage at the time a# eatecu-
<br />tian ar after recordation Hereof. -
<br />17, Tranrfer of the Prapertyi Assumption. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />or transferred by Harrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding f a) the creation of a lien ar eneum-
<br />brance subordinate to tliia Ivlortgage, (h} -the ereatian of a purchase money security interest far household apgli-
<br />anees;_(c} a transfer by devise, descent ar by operation of law: upon the death of a faint tenant ar (d)-the: gnsat of
<br />any-leasehold interest of three years or less not containing ail option to laurohase, %ender may, at Lender's apto*s,:
<br />declare all the stuns seettre~' `_; this Mortgage to be initr;ediateIy due and payable= Lender shall.Have c: awed such.
<br />option is acceierarx if; priorto the sate or tfansfar,;Lender and the person to whom the Property is to be srld or
<br />iransfarred reach agreement in:yriting that-.the ereilit o-f such person is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest
<br />payableatn the sums secured by this. i~fortgage shell tee at-such rate as Lender shad regne,-t. If Lender has waived
<br />the option to-accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if Borrower's successor in interest bas executeda writ-
<br />ten assumption agreement accepted i~r writing bg Lender, Lander shall release Harrower fi»m all atrlig:btions tmiier-
<br />this A+IOrtgage sad the Note.
<br />~f Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender sha31 ttuail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance
<br />with.psrsgrrzph l4 her8af; Suelt notice shall provide a lieriod of not lens than ~# days from the.date #Ite itatiae is:
<br />rrtailed within which-Harrower may pay the sums declared due. If Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the
<br />exgiratiait of such period, Lender may, tvi±Itaut further notice. or demand on Borrower, invoke any remedies per-
<br />raitiacl by parsgragb IB hereof:
<br />Txio*r-TTxr~ox~ CovsNaxrs. Harrower and i.ender further covenant and agree as follotvs.
<br />18. P-s~-~ratiau: Saatedtas. Except 3z 1>rovictetl in l;aragrai;ii t7 hereof, upon Hortower's lircacii 6f. a~ -
<br />cavenant or agreement of $arrower in this ?tlortgsge, including the eavenants to pay when due any rotas secured
<br />by this ~lartgage; Lender prior to necrieration shall mail notict.tn Borcon~er as provided lit paragraph t4' hereof-
<br />specifying: '{I) •the hreaclt; (2) the action required to ,are sueli bieaclt; (3i a date; not less than thirty days,
<br />from the date the notice is ttraiied to Borrower, by which such imacli must be cured; and {~) that failure. to cure-
<br />sueh hreaelt an ar he`,ore fire data specified ir. the native nary result in aeceieratian of tire- sums secured h;• this
<br />Morigege and sale of-the Property. If the Hreach is not cured an ar before the date specified in the notice, Lenr#er
<br />at Lender's option. may declare alt of the Burns secured by this 1~Iartgage to be irmnediately due aiid payable
<br />without further demand and may forec'tose this Mortgage by judicial laroceading. Lender shall lie entitleii to collect
<br />ist each -praczeding aH expenses of ioreelosure; including, but not liutifed to, casts of documentary evidence,-
<br />abst~•aicts and title reports.
<br />33. ~.irrowax's xie~t-to Reiastats. Notwithstanding Lender's setete_ratiou of the runts secured by this
<br />I+far#gage, Harrower shall have the right to have any jsroceediiige p€gtn by Lender to enfnr€e this 1+[artgage die-
<br />errbtinued at any time prigrto-entry of a judgment enftlgroing this 3lartgage zf: tak:Borrower pays Lender ail
<br />st3ri7s which world Iae then dueistidei• #hs's liertgage; the Nate and bates securittg Future Advances, if any, had no
<br />acaaIeratian oAcurred;, {b) l3arrnrvet• cur?Q all tireaeltes of ang= atl:sr ~=o=.>en~nts ar_s°p~ntents cf ',?o ;-a::=er rca=.- ;
<br />taiaed in this S'far} e^ (e} Iiorro8-er pays a2I reasanabir expenses incurred icy l.eticier in eni'arcing the covenants
<br />a^~ _-gre"meata of lea;' :`.`,,a,' in ti±is i4lo~age attd in rii;areinK Lender':; rernediees ae provided in pyr~-
<br />1i~Ph Ig itetbof, iricitrding„bt-tnot'limited to,}•easonabie st#ontev's Elie=; and f~;i Bbrrarcer takes such action as
<br />I,en<kr may matuaaabiy- rSgtAt~sttt assure fi~tat the-lien of this 'ttortg,tge, Lender's interest in the Property s©d
<br />- -- ~-^•.ou %~ i•ay~?r ikca h3. tr~s Lfon~a~-e siiaii coniuue unimpatt~q. anon ~suan paymenc
<br />and~cute by $ortvrrer tltis'4#ttitgagesut! the abltgattone secured hereby shall remain in full fore and effect as if
<br />tto aer:elet~tion had occurred: .
<br />2U. ~t ed Soota lippaigtmsnt of t3eeeivsr; L•adez is ?aarceaaion. As additional seeuriky here-
<br />` ircder, Bsmav.•er HcYe#tg`astfigueto Lender tke renf~ of tt~e Prapertr, pi»i•ided That itorron•er shalt, prior t:~ aeceier-
<br />atio'x tinder psra~sph I& her~E ar ahandainnent of the Propervy, nose tlrc r+~lie to collect and retain such rents
<br />ar5 tL~1= become due and psyalila.
<br />Lpoa acceleration under pa.-agraph 1$ liereaf or sbandormsent of the Property, I,erxler, iu lterron, bti• agent,
<br />er by fudieisily appointed recetxPr shat t:e entitietl tv enter upgn; talcs possession of acid manage thc~ Ytopei'ty
<br />zmd to ca1leC~ the rents of the.Pr~tert;rl, including. those past due. Ail rents cotlgct,ed-by Lender i)r -the -receiver
<br />shall tae applied first to paY~t ai the_eaaa.of.mxnajtCtnent af,tpg YrtiPerf~ end collectiian of-rents, including, but
<br />not limited to, reeeiver~.fees, prerniurns un reeuiver'e-fronds anti rcasan~ehle attorney's ices, and then to the sums
<br />accused by this 'dortgage. Lando and rho reeeit•e.r shall t>p liable to account only for those rents actually received.
<br />