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s- <br />6 <br />~- <br />~1~~. <br /> <br />INDIVIL'N1RL <br />DtJIE 9N SALE <br />Of~"i'1C3NAi. FtJTUF2B AOVANCE~ <br />SAl/II~IGS 1`'tINF3 <br />Fo~r~+ Nom. 720 -- <br />Lrian idum~r_.39~.17 _-- -.1$.$.._-_1_-- <br />;~ B.m~;, <br />ivf Q ~ ~i ~7 l~. ~7 . <br />TI#t8 MORTGAGE; made and executed this _--..:~~_....._....._.. day of .~°`.~'-~......_.....--. A.D., <br />19.°., between the Mortgagor, ...87.£r~d..~C ..:~a}.~n:.aasl_AozQtbl-.A:,, <br />....._~s.Ertl:~y-1AS3..~?gh._.~a..t~ieir--own-,right,---------°- <br />nf ...G~~zd.,:i&I:~?d.--------_, County of .-.,----•.--, Ha3~2---------------- Mate of :..~ebraska.-...-., hereinafter referre8 <br />to as the. Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AlVII LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />I.ZN~E}LPL, 1235 " 1V" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to <br />as 3,ender. <br />Wt~t~sg~rtl: That the said $orrower for aid in consideration of the sum of .;TH,~RTY-SIX---------------- <br />,TH4USANB. NINE- HUI•IDRED AND -NO/ I00---------~--~-____.Dohars (U3 $ . 3b:, 900 ,00.,-- -------} <br />paid,3ay said Lender, does hereby mortgage; grant and convey to bender; its successors and- assigns; the <br />firlloveing described property located in the County of ._.._..:I~ZZ .......................::. State of Nebras&a: <br />t,ct Five (5} 84ock v3-,e {4} Littilich's Addition to the Citp of Grand IsYand, Ha].I County, <br />Nebraska. <br />T4G&THEB with all the improvements non or hereafter erected on the property, and all easemehts, <br />rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil- and gas rights and profits, water, water .rights, and <br />- water stock, and all fixtures now ar hereafter attached to the prnparty, ail o' wlsch, including reply-~ <br />menu and additfons t~-'-to, shall be'deemed to be and remain a part of the property caveretl btu this <br />mnscg-ale; anti au of-the faregoitig, together with said properly {or the leasehold e~scate in the event-this <br />- Mortgage is oa a leasehold} are herein referred to as-the "Property". <br />_ orrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of-the estate hereby conveyed and has the- right <br />to inurtgage, great and convey the Property, thee; the Property is unencumbered, and that harrower kill <br />warrant-and defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands,- subject to any <br />esseaneats and restrictions listed in a schedule of exceptions tfr coverage iu any title- insurance policy-a- <br />snring Leader's interest in the Property, er {2} attorney's opinion of title ftnm abstract of title certified <br />by bonded abstracter. <br />PsOYIDEA ALwAY9, and these presents are executed sad delivered upon the following conditions, aga'ec- <br />menu and obligations of the Borrorer, to-wit: <br />The t-Brrower agrees w pay to the Lender, or order, the principal sum of ._~-fiX,~..7~V17;s.~41?:._ <br />_..if3..iIU~R.A~..?/.-t~#3-.-----.~_~_~_,.~~_--~-----"LOollars {L'S ~_.._~fi..~SiS~..O'9...-- - ~---------} <br />payable as provided in a note executed and delivered, concurrently herewith, the final payment of pritinipal, <br />if not sooner paid, on the .... FirsL.-...-..--.- day of .-NEePmber ..-..., 19-~... <br />IJ?€tvaa~ Covatahrtrs. Borrower and Lender rnvenaat and agree as follows: <br />i. Payment of Principal sad Interesfi. $orrower shall Promptly pay when due the principal of and iix- <br />terest oa the indebtedness evidence~cl by the Note, prepayment and- late charges as proved rn the Note, <br />and-the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.. <br />2 Fux:ds far Yax cmd ~-~. Subject to Le~-ider's option wader paragraphs 4 sad 5 hereof, Bor- <br />. tower shall pay to bender oa thQ day monthly instruments o£ principal and interest are payable under the <br />Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum {herein "Funds") equal tti one-twelfth of the yearly taxes end <br />dents which may attain Priority Hoer this ~fortgagE, artd gmisnd rents on -the i?xoPertY,: of any plns <br />care-twelfth of yearly premium itxstaltments for hazard insurance;' Plus one-twelfth of yearly Premium in <br />stalPments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasoaahly estimated initially and -from thine to time. by- <br />Lender on the basisaf asseasmertts wind bills and reasonable-estimates thereof, Lender shall apply the 1~sds <br />Ga day ea'rn'` lases, asaessmeaia; iltsurahca premiums sad graynd refits; Lensier shall make no chazge for so <br />1-giding and applyx~-the Funds or verifying -and wmpi ' g-said assessments and. bil#s. -The Lender shall <br />dive to ins narrower, without change, aft:aanuat accoua#rt~ of the Funds ahowiing eredrts and debits tb the <br />Funds end ii,e purpose for whioli each debit ttt°the Funds' rues anode. 't'he Funds are pledged as sdditir+ziet <br />security for tine sums secured by this i4iortgage. 7'lae E#ora?[swer agrees-that the::! ands may be held by the <br />r ^~1°r .-.3 „ It o:h;:, .~r,d3 sad t`~e :.e~rder's:~wn iu arttl #f~ lender essay Fazy Bch itis <br />£~m its own rands anu the ixnder-slash not be Liable foe interest or'diaidends on such.-Funds. <br />If tt:e amount of the Funds held Iry Lender, together with the futarre iiaonthly instsltl~its of Funds <br />pay°abie price to the due. dates o£ lanes, asa~ents, iza~.uance premimas and grount~ reams shaft exfeed <br />the an3ouni: required to v atiid tees, srts~Tn:ats, insurance, and ground r~ttsas they-fall clue, <br />such exce~ shall be, at ~arrower's aptisu, eikher promptly repaid to. Borrewer ar etedYted. to Borrower an <br />montlalp dnsla}lrnents of Funds. if the amount of the Funds held by Lander xhail not Ere-sat&cient to pay <br />taxes, aa~:saments, insuratce premiums and grouaul rents a: they fall due, &lrsrnxer shelf pay -to Lender <br />anc amount necessary to make up t}te deficiency within thirty days- niter notice Gum Fender to B:umwer <br />reyueating paymenC thcxeof, or Borrower shall, by an increase in monthly installmen#s of-Funds required, <br />renily,the cleficency~ within the Feard gecountirng period.- , <br />tJfx~n pa5anent in fall of all earns ~eureEl by ibis Mortgage; L€rader-shall apply Funds held as a credit <br />against ail .ur;F due: <br />