<br />,_ - _.
<br />., -,_ _. _
<br />~ 52-A-FiEA!_ ESTATE Mori TGACsE-(Wrrh flax Clause) (He~+i~ed 99E2 13c ttuHmnn Ga,aerat su ~ iiou 1 '
<br />. ) PpY -n. Nefir.
<br />I~N~:v ALL ivIEIV BY rHF;ss f>itEyENTS: Tha4 WILLIAM C. FERGUSON , an unmarried man
<br />t of Hall County, and State of ?3et3raSka , in eansidaratian of the sum of
<br />, fifty Four Thousand and nof100--___~----------------------__-_-° t~uI.LA3~s
<br />in hand-pail, do hereby SELL and Cf3NVEY oats EL~fIN.-R. DENMAN AND CARLINE A. DENIk1AN
<br />~ as joint tenants,
<br />{ of - Ha 11 Cetwrty, State of - Nebra.Ska the fo]lowing described premises situated
<br />P in Ha21 County, and Statr, of bTebraska . to-wit:
<br />}Part of-the Northwest C~tarter of the Northwest Ctuarter of Section Twenty-
<br />ftcao (22), in Township Eleven (11), North, itange Nine (9), West of the
<br />6th P. M.; more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point
<br />.Party (40} feet and Five Hundred Eighty-Two (582) feet South of the North-
<br />raest corner of said .Section 22; thence due East parallel with the North
<br />Mine of said Section for a distance of One Hundred Thirty-Two (132) feet;
<br />,~henee due South parallel with the West Line of said Section fora dist-
<br />ance of Sixty-six (66) feet; thence due West parallel with the North
<br />dine of said section for a distance of One Hundred Thirty-two (132) feet;
<br />thence North parallel with the West line of said Section for a distance
<br />of Sixt -six (66) feet to the point of beginning, (formerly 'known as Lot
<br />Five (5$, in Block Six (6), in South Grand Island, Nebraska, excepting
<br />therefrom the Warranty Deed recorded at Book 163, page 29, in the Office
<br />of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The in4entson being to convey hereby an absotute Title in fee simple, including alI the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE At~1D Tf3 H©LFl the premises abxve descritxd, with a!7 the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />mortgageefs) and iv his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the express
<br />canditivn tha4 if the said martgagvr(s?, his, her <>r their heirs, eiecirtors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be
<br />paid to the said mortgagee(s), his, her ar their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the principal sum of $ S4 , Qflfl. QQ
<br />Payable ss failows, fo wit:
<br />$14,000 principal plus interest on January 2,1979; $2,400 principal plus
<br />interest on July 1, 1979; _$2,400 principal plus interest on January 2,
<br />1980; $2,404 principal plus interes*_ on July i, 1980; $2,400 princir;a~
<br />plus interest on January 2; 1981; $2;4fl0 principal plus interest on July
<br />1, 1981; $2,400 principal plus interest on January 2, 1982; $2,400 prin-
<br />cipal plus interest on July 1, 1982; $2,400 principal plus- interest oxI
<br />January 2, 1983; $2.400 principal plus interest on July 1, 1983; $2,4t?F3
<br />principal plus interest on January 2, 1984; $16,000-principal plus int--
<br />erest an July 1, 1984.
<br />wiW interest according to the tenor and effect of the mortgagors written ptomiasozy sate bearing even date with these presents
<br />and shall pay al[ lases and assessments ievsed upon sad real estate, era; all other ~xzs,-levies and asaessnrents tevirxt upon tltis- ~.
<br />mortgage or the note'whleie this mortgage is given to secure, beforz the same becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings on",
<br />said premises insured for the sum of ~a~.anCe of debtlr~, if airy: payable to the said mortgagee, then These Presents '..
<br />to be void, atherxise to be a~ remain in full farez. -
<br />IT iS FliItTHER AGRE~'I3 (1) That if the said mortgagor shalt fait to Ray such tales or procure such insurance; the ~'~~
<br />said mortgagee may pay such tales and Procure such insurance; and the sum so advanced, with intemsL ate-le~Yt'n pea 1
<br />cent, shalt be repaid by said moitgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as aecuei+y for the same. (Y) That a faxlttre to pay any
<br />of srti3 money, either principal or interest, when the same becamee due, or a failure tv mmply with at~y of the foregoing
<br />agreements, slrail reuse the whole sum of mangy herein centred to bernme dsse and collectible at once at the option of tlY j
<br />mozgagee.
<br />~ !t `7
<br />Signed this ~~ day of ~~"'~`~'~`-~ 39 / '
<br />''~^ j` d° r` ~*
<br />In prnsence of _~:..~.+<a,._.`.~_.._--._....-.
<br />William C. Fergus 3
<br />NEBRASKA Hall _ ~211s]~o~wture~
<br />aFATE (3F. ~ ..._. -._ _ ....... ........ CosmtY o£_... ............................- °......:
<br />E $efore me, a notary patbtic qualified #ar said coantY, personetlYearne IWlil11yM1A.l.YJAltt-
<br />F!il.lam C: Ferguson, an unmarried ma - ~'~*°~'"~
<br />~ irnown us me w ne ins idenxs:ai p~.r~n or Persona weo signed tt~ foregoing. iastrgmeat atknriwledged the ezagt#ia~--:.
<br />~ thareo# to bra his.-her ar thi;#r valurrtary act sad deed p } ~ ~j / i
<br />Witness usy hand ana no xriai seat on. l~f r~'~ ~~ rl9f~ f..~ 'f~
<br />Ri5 errmmissioa eifpires: ,;C~~(F'`ti•,.~ ~ I9i..~ ~ .....Notary 1?uWi¢
<br />~_ _
<br />,' ~(( STATE €7F ~ ~ ~ En ~ <m b> z sail Sled for record
<br />,% i Cmm4y ...._:...~ ..,....: --.. ...__ ..,.......,1 In _ Rsgmter ~IDeeds~ of slid Ca»aty t}te
<br />.....-..... _ - o£ -. - 19~ of -"~
<br />l ...~.ocltick amh:.....:. .
<br />y ~ - __ -• - - ._.mtnutes .....~..._ __IvI...
<br />-# mt$ recttsded itr-$aok ....:..... .......:.:.. ....rd:.,.. - -- p~ _._,..,. -
<br />.................._..:at a .-......._.......__ .
<br />sl ~y ... ...........__...._...---.................................._~. of Yleads
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