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r-- _ <br />o- _~ ,52 REAL E&TATE M RTGAGE-(With Yea Claux) {Revised i962) 't]s HuHmon Ge~ral su~dy Hvuee Lmcde Nele - <br />~: <br />KNOW ALL MF;N SY THESE- PRESENTS: That ROBERT I!, RRUSE acid MARY G, KRUS$, Husband and Wife,; <br />of RtiTl92t8 City,WyandutE€tunty, and State of PartBaa , in tronsidaration of the atmr of , ; <br />~^- - -SEAT THOCSAS3€i FTtlE i3Utdf}RED Awl N©Jif#13 {S7,1OO.Otl)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DOLLAI28 ~ ; <br />~ in hand paid, do hereby-SELL and GONVEY ante MARY C. RRUSE, F <br />1 -. - - _ - - - - i -: <br />t of Ceinee+rdis, ; State of ~attsas the following described premises ffiEuatad i •s <br />- ~ in Hall. -- County, end state of - NeFtYat3Tta _ _ _£:_ - _ - _ ~. r <br />i ~ r <br />i` The- East tine-half (T?~) of the Sout2iesst Quarter (SF.-tt 7 of Section Thirty-Tara a <br />,~ + (32), Totaash3p Tarelve tlz3 ATorth, Raag€ flea (10}, West of the bth F.M., Hall E <br />.County, Nebzaska I ; <br />(I <br />1 <br />t <br />! The intention being. to convey. hereby an absolute title in-fee simpl& including ati khe -rights of-homestead aitd dower. <br />' TO. HAKE AND TO H(3LD the premises above described, with all the appurtenaucea thereunto t?eTonging, unto the said ~ ' <br />mortgagee(s) and to his,-her or_their heirs sect assigns forever, provided always., attd-these presents are upon the espresa i . <br />i condifion that if the said mortgagor(s), his. her ar their heirs, ezeeuWrs, administrators or assigns--stall pay yr cause to be - <br />paid to fhe said mortgagoe(s), hie, her ar their heirs, ezecutors, administrators or assigns, the principal-stanof $ <br />payable as €oliows, m wit; - - - <br />$25Q.~i on the First +? of }~Ee~ber, IS7S; and <br />$Z~O.CQ on the First-day of each and emery month thereafter tuttil the mttitr'e <br />i ~ - acme rf S7, 4{~3Q-.~ vi tTl i_retgragt at R~' rar :artnr~e ig r~gir2 fn- fi.-~~'S::. - <br />interest is to be paid aamially~or. the artniveraazp date of-'the --note <br />i <br />i T~~t the avast o£ the death of mortgagee, Aiary C. Reuse, all paymeaLs dtie are cattt:a-i~,ed. <br />-. - i - ;- with interest accardimg to the tenor am3 effect of the mortgagors written piorstissary note hearing even-date with these Presents j <br />aexi shall pay ati fazes and assesemants levied-u.aon said rest estate, snd all. ether taxes,-levies and s~easrnents levied upon this <br />` rortgage or the note 'which this mortgage is given to setaxre, before fhe same becomes deli$queat, and keep the imitdin~s an i <br />said premises itxsurad for the sum of $ ,loss, if any, payable to the said mortgagee. then these pYOSen~ <br />to tse void; otherwise to t>s and mmaitt ht fait force. - - i-.};:,. <br />IT IS FARTHER RGREED {I) That if the said mortgagor shall fail f<t pay such fazes. or procure such iaagraaste, the <br />~;d_~*tg°Ke= n~+ y pay ssuh 3aae~ and prc_ura Bch insyr~e:. and the sus. sa advar!c~d.. with interest ~at: - gar . <br />' ant, sltail its repaid 6y said morkgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as security for the saute. (2; That a failure to geq any ~ ` <br />of said rnoney, either prints;3a! or innterest, when the same 9ecomea due,. or a failure to complrv wi#h any of the foregoty <br />r agreamenis, shall cause the whale sum of money herein sentzred to become due and collectible at once st the stntian of the <br />~t ': mortgagee. ~ <br />i Signea this lath day of NovemTyer Is 7 <br />~~ - In presence of <br />~- ~ kf :. <br />,.; <br />t~ 1 ~ <br />i <br />tiF? TE f}F ..tee... k}ebrsslta ....... ~.. _..., L`ovnty- of.,--......Hall , <br />E. tttCtl#itsr'+ ubt+e rluaTified for said county. personally came $o~ex'r $. Kruse sect ~ety G, R'tCtiSEr .i <br />;~~,t~.,~,A~or~sxf H~bsad'- an8 ~tife, <br />ear ta`'~ r~~:bg,si3pp ide ~csl rnrsoa or peraaaa who signed the faregaittg instntatteut sad aekttawled$ed the etecathon ' <br />t~r~{''~a `fie ~c.s;~rEyp{ vottxtta_ rY set and. deetf. - - ' - _ ~ <br />vvfttaess in~<iannmmri ~a) seal on.. Rc~t~i~ter i ._. ..,._..,Y9:~.~_.... r <br />_ r3~rt ~y.~. <br />ibfp- comm~a.ann azpues .......:. g_?k~- - ...... 19 _....~ _ - .:_..~~~~r~/ ~ ...._...7~totary l'uhttc. <br />.. .. .. <br />t <br />- STATE €}?~ ... ........ t ~ - - $atered-an nun'ierical ind..z and filed far record f = <br />"" Cou~fty -. .. .... ............. .. ~ - .. itt-the Register o[ I}eeckt.Clfficu.oi said t:auaty the ,. .- <br />..._.--.,_.o . dry. off........ I8.. ..- .. at__...,_..~ .:.::....:....:=.o`rlacTc snd::;»... ..:.:.:_,~_._, minutes ... .,:......-hf., '; <br />and.'r~ozdexl i~r F3aok..... »...» of .. -... _ .. Pte?- .._.:. .~......._.. :....... _ ,. <br />.: <br />a : Fte&. of lTeede F .!. <br />i~ <br />'~ -. `BY -- ..:..:..........._.......__......:.....__.........................Deputy F :, <br />