<br />_~ ;~
<br />not extend or post-pone the due date of tl!e monthhr installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />change fhe amount of such installments.
<br />1D Rorrawer Net Released. Extension of the time for }raymem or modification of amortization of the sums
<br />' secured by this l~4ortgage granted by Lender to any sireeessar in interest of Borrower sl!a12 not .operate to re?ease,
<br />in anV manner, the tiability~ of the originaFHOr"rover and Bor'rower's successors in interesk Lender she?I" hat be
<br />required to commence piroceedings sgainst such successor or rofuse to-e;ctend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />f amortiastieia of the Sums scented by this .lfartgage Ity reason of any demand mdde by the originafi Barra~ver and
<br />B a wci 3~nu$rsa"'i#f~ In I35.iRP£at.
<br />II. ~orbeartmcs-by Leaflet-Not a VYa%ver. Any forbearanxx by Lender in exereiaing any rglt yr rprinedp
<br />hereunder, yr°- otherwise aHarded by app!?cable Iaw;-shall not b~ a waiver of ar preclude the exercise-of tiny-right -
<br />~ ar remedy h~Yeunder. The procurement of insurance:or t}ie I}ayment of ta_yes or other liens or chargp§ by bender
<br />~ s?aait not be ti waiver v7~,ender's right to aeeelerate the maturity of t?!e indebtedness secnrEd by this. Mortgage,
<br />~ 1'd. tidies Guru?alive. _~lt remedies provided in this ~iartgdge aro distinct and 'cumulative fo auv der
<br />~ right or remeilp under this Mortgage or afforded try taw yr equity, ;tad-may be exercised conrurreat?y, independ-
<br />~ntly or sticeessively.
<br />^=' I:}.:fituceSeora ~d Rs~gas ;monad: Joint and Seveaat Liabill4g; Captions: `The eovsnan#~s artti agr~ments
<br />~ .. herein cozttained shs?l bind, and the rights hereundershall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender
<br />sod _Borrower, subject to #.he provisions of paragralrl! 17 Hereof: Alt covenants- and agreements of: $ormwer shall
<br />r ~ joint and several. The captions and headings of thx paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience only and
<br />are trot to be used to interpret or defne the protdsions hereof.
<br />24. Notice. -Any notice to Borrower prox*ided for in-this 3ortgage shall be gii°en by mailing-such notiee,by
<br />czrtified rani! addressed to Borrower at-the Property Address stated below-, except for any notice required under
<br />paragraph 18 hereof to be given to Borrower in :the !canner prescribed be applicable law. Any halite provided
<br />' for in this Mortgage shalt be deemed to have been given to Borrower when given in the manner designated- herein:
<br />I5, IInilorm Mortgage: Goverbing Law; Sevarability, Tl!is form of mortgage combines uniform covenaiate
<br />for national use sad non-unifar:n eavenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute s unifarni satin-
<br />- city instrument covering real property. This Mortgage shall be governed by the Iaw-of-the jurisdiction in whieb
<br />the Praperyy is I:~ated: in the event that- any provision ar clause of this JZortgagx or the Note eonfiieta with
<br />applicable Iaw, such conflict shsl! not alfeet other provisions vi this \fartgagz nr the Note which can be;given
<br />_ e$eet without tlae conflicting praFision, and io 'this end the protdsions of the 3ortgage and-the Note are declared
<br />to toe severable. •
<br />I& Borrrnver's Copy. Borrower shall Ire furnished a conformed copy of this .Mortgage at the time of exeeu-
<br />tion or after recordation hereof.
<br />27. ?raaefer o€ the Progerip; Asaamptioa If al? ar any part of the Property or an interest therein: is-sold
<br />or transferred by Harrower without Lender 5 prior written. consent, excluding (sl the creation of a lien yr eneum-
<br />brance subordinate #a this !~3ortgage, (bj the creation of s purchase money security interest for hausehgld appli-
<br />antes, (c) a transfer by devise, descent yr by operation of law upon tyre death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant 8f '
<br />any leasehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to purchase, ?ender may, at Leaflet's option,
<br />declare alt-the sums seemed by th; Mortgage to be immediatxly due and gaysl;le. Lander shall have waiued ai+^~
<br />option to acee?erate if,-prior to tl;e sale tit transfer,-Linder and the Berson to whom the Property ie to 6e sold yr
<br />: transferred r~seh agreement in writing tI?at the credit of such person is satisfactory to Lender and that ttie interest
<br />- payah<le on }~.-s~.rms cured- by his ~,tx,rigsg~ shall Ire at sus#4 rte as Lender-shall rg nest. If r
<br />~° ~ ;, ..,ender ltas watv~t -
<br />thvoptia;a to seeelerate gravi~ed itx"this paragraph lfi and if Borrower's successor in interest has executed awrit-
<br />ten assuntgt'wn agrexmenGaeeepted iii writing by Lender, Lender shall.release Borrower from alt vbIigations under
<br />this Mortgage sad the No#e. .
<br />If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shall- +nafl Borrower notice of acceleration ui aveordaarx-
<br />wit?a paragraph 24 herevf~ Such notice shall provide a period of-;lot less than 30 days-from the -date the notice is
<br />_ mailed within which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Barrvwxr fails ttr pay such sums prior Ea the
<br />expiration of sash period, Leader may, without furtl!er notice or demand on B~vrroryer,. invoke any remedies per
<br />gutted b3' paragraph IS hereof.
<br />:fax-L'':tyvx~4x- Gov~xs~•rs. Borrower nod Lender rurther covenant-and agree as Jvllows:
<br />28. Acealeration; Remedies. Except a- prevideat in paragraph 17 hereof: upon, Borrower's breseh of any
<br />covenant, or agreement of Borrower in this~fortgage, maluding tfie covenants to pay when due any sums sect:~ed
<br />tryihis :tfartgage, Lender prior to acceleration shall mail notice to Borrower as provided in. parag;apl! 14 t!xreof
<br />specifying: (]} the breach; i21 ilre action required to cult such !trench; f3? s date, not less than tlvrty days
<br />from the date the notice is mailed to I3orrow'er, Ir}• which .welt Irreac3; n!ust Irx cured; and (4) that failure to cure
<br />_ such breach on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of tl!c sums secured by this
<br />i~Svrtgage sad sale of the Property- If the breach is not cured qr, ar be#ore the date specified in the notice, bender
<br />' at- Lender's option n;ay declare all of the sums secured by L!is Lortgage to be immediate?y floc and payalrte
<br />without €urther demand acid may farerlvse tl!is ~Ivrtgage by judicial proceeding. Lender shall i3e entitled to epllect
<br />in such proceeding al! expenses of foreclosure, including, }rut not Iirnifed ta. cants of documerttary evidence;
<br />ab~tractxvand t!ile reports.
<br />I~. iJettxo~w~s Bight to $eirtstaUe. tiatwithstanding bender's acceleration of the sums secured by this
<br />Martg~ge; J3orrvwer else!! have the right to haz e any proceedings begun by Lender to rnforec this ~Iartgage di.s-
<br />continued at any bane prior to entry of a judgment enigr•sing this lortgage if: (ai Borrower gays-Tender all
<br />s~sma svTUctt would Isetlieii due under this Alaritage; the Note and notes seeuring Future Advsnrxs; if st!y, }!ad no
<br />aceeelerstion occurred; fb) BOlrower cures alt lire=ache: of any other covenants or agreements of Bormvc•er con- -
<br />tsinpd intlxis Mottgage; (o? Borrower }rav~ .311 r ea ott~irlc expenses ineureed by Lender in enforcing tlt~ cuvwnknr~
<br />atn€agree!uenta of $orrov:er containeu m this tlo.t-Nine. and ii7 enforcing. Lender's remedies, as provided m pars-
<br />graplt 18 :!arm€, inf:?udiisg,but not. limited to, reasonable actorney'c fees; and tdt Borrower takffi sacH aetinn as
<br />Lender may reasonabiY require tv assure That the lien of this 1€vrkgage, Lerul€r's interest in.the Propettp ark--
<br />Bcrrawer's obiigaiivr. tvray the sums sr~ct!red by this ~Iurtgage shaL'-continue uniirepaired: LT~aon-such payment
<br />and cure by Borrower, this :Mortgage and the oblitiations scented hereby sl!ail terusin in €u?I €orce snd effect as if
<br />no aeeelerstivn had occurred.
<br />1Q. Raaignatebi o€ Beata; ApYo~hvent of Receiver; Loader in P'vsr As.additivnal security here-
<br />under, Borrower hereb4• assigns to Lender tI!e rents of il;e Propertty rnricided'that Bti~rower sha11, prior to aceeler-
<br />shoe under paragraph ?& hereof or atrandpnment of the 1'ropeny, };eve t}ic right to e4iteet-and retain such tents.
<br />cis ki~~y t~svtt:e due and payable.
<br />tTp~ acceleration under I!aragraph !S hcrnvf or ahandnnmrrt of the Property; Lender, ?n pemdn; by-spent -
<br />or by judicial!Y appointer} receiver 5F!slt be entitledi to ersier u}ion, rake possess?on of and tnanage_.the Property
<br />-and fo co:tert the rentb of ttie Property, incluc;inr those }cast duty. A1€-rents eollevtec? by Lender o; iha r^seitiver
<br />- shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and egllertion of rents, including, but
<br />ntitlitnited to, receiiter`sYe°r, i>ren'riuuis 6r. rccviuer'p !>ontl.~ crud reasonable attorney's fees. and then to the sums
<br />9eeural by thia;.3octgage. Lander and the receiver shall l>e liable to account only for those rents actua}Iy received.
<br />