_ _ r-^
<br />~~».
<br />not extend or postpone the due data of the monthly installments z•eferred to in paragraphs l and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount of such instsklments.
<br />E0. Bcnmoyvver Not Released. Extension of the ricrac for payment or anodificstion of amortization of the attms
<br />' secured by this Mortgage granted by Lender to- any successor in interest o£ Borrower shall not .operate to release,
<br />in any msarnsr, theliabihty of the ongiitsl Borrasver and Harrosser's successors in interest. I:ender shalt not be
<br />required to conrmogee Iiroceedings against suekr succ~sar ar refuse to extend tkme-for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortization of the reins secured by this tfa;tgage !sy reason at cry demand made by the original Borrower and
<br />$orrartsr's•ettaesssgrs §a ~uterest:
<br />22. ~~zlsotamire br s±i~+r, 1Stczt a Wunver: -Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any- right or remedp
<br />hereunder, or. otherwise avoided by applicable lasv, shaft not he a wai;rer of or pres;lirde the exercise of any right
<br />~ err remedy hereunder. Tkre proeuretnent of iasuranee ar the payment of taxes or other Bens ar charges by Lender
<br />shalt „~i be a tidaiver of Lender s right to accelerate the maturity of the ittdehtedness secured by tliie h+fartgage.
<br />12. Reme3retr Cumwin€ive: All remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and curiiufatkve to-any other-
<br />- ~,,, right or rented-y •a,nder tkiis .lfartgage or afforded bar-law or equity. -and irtay be exercised eancurrently, intlepend-
<br />entl I3 SzrSucceasurs sad ltsragrag Bauad: Tort sad Seveial fidbi$ty; Captions: The covenants and- agreements
<br />~_ herein contained- shall bind, and:-tlie rights }rereundsr shall iirnre to, the respective successors and assigns of 7.~nder
<br />and Harrower; subject to ±he prauisians of lsaragranh Ifi hereof. Aki covenants and agreements of Borrower shall
<br />t1p 6e joint aad several.-The.captions-and headings of the }saragraphs of this Sortgage are far convenience only and
<br />arenot tv be used to interpret or definethe provisions liereof.
<br />14: Fiance. Ary notice fa Borrower provided -fortn this Mortgage shalt be given by sriailing such notice by
<br />certified snail addressed to Borrower at the Property address stated hetow. except for any notice req_trired under
<br />paragraph IS hereof to he given to Borrower in the ruanner prescribed by applicable lasv. Any notice provided
<br />€or in thin Mortgage shall he deemed to has~e been given to Borrower when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. I3niform Mortgage; Governing Lava: Severability. Titis form of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br />far national use and non-uniform covenants with limited cariatkons by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform seau-
<br />city instrument covering teak property. Tltis Mortgage shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in-which
<br />the Property is located. In the-event that any provision or clause of this Mortgage or the I3vte conflicts with
<br />-_ applicable law, snob eon8ict shall not afrect other provisions of this Mortgage or the Dlate which can be given
<br />effect without. the confiict?;tg provision, and to this end the provisions of the Mortgage and tkre ?STOte are declared
<br />to be seve_Yable.
<br />I& Bnrsawei s Dopy. Harrower shall be famished a conformed copy of ibis Aortgage at the time of sretu-
<br />lion or after recordation hereof.
<br />f7. Traruder of the Propest7f; Assumption. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />or transferred by Harrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien yr eacrrm-
<br />brance suhardinate t<a this Mortgage, (b) the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appli-
<br />anees, (a).a transfer by devise, dese=ut or by operation of lain upon rite death of a joint tenant or (d) the- ges~ of
<br />say leasehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to purchase, mender may, at Letrder`e option,
<br />- declarealk thesntns.geeured by ttris :Mortgage to i~ iminedkaiely due and-pWyable. Lender shsil have waived su~~
<br />option to accelerate if, pti-" to the sale ar transfer,, Lender and the person to ;whom the Property is to 6e sold ax
<br />transferred reach agreemntt in writing that the credal of such person is satisfactory to Lender and-twat "rue interest
<br />payable on the-sutras secured by this 144ortgage stialk he at such rate as Lender shall request. If Lender has waived-
<br />- theogtianto accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if Borrower's successor in interest has zgxeeuted a-vent-
<br />ten assumption agreetn$ut ac*~pted in writing by bender, Lender shall release Borrower froth all obligations undue
<br />this Mortgage and the iYvte.
<br />If Leader exercises sueli option to accelerate, Lender shall makt Hortower notice of aeselerativn iu sceordsnce:
<br />_ with parsgrsplt 14 hereof: Such- notice shall provide a period of not less than 34 days from the date the natzee i~
<br />mailed within which. Harrower may pay the sums declared due. It Harrower fails to pay such sums.-prior to-the.
<br />- exgirativn of such peti4sd,•L;nder may, svithor~ furti.er notice ar demand on $brrawer, invoke--any remediesper-
<br />mitted by paragraptr I8 hereof.
<br />- ~Qx-itxrrrori:.t Coi~aexTS. Harrower and Fender further covenant and agrse ss follows:
<br />18. Aces1®ration; 8emedfes. Except as provided in puragralth f7 hereof, upon Hoerower4 irreach of any
<br />cotenant or agreement of Borrower in-this iarigage, ins}tiding tlrc covenants to pay when doe arty shins secured
<br />by fhks'Riortgage, Lender prior to acceleration shalt mail notice tv Borrower as providacl in paragraph-l4 hereof
<br />specifying: (I) the breach; (2) the action required to eurc arch bmadr, t31 a-date, no[, Less thatr thirt3-- d$ys
<br />from the state fhe notice is mailed to Borrower, Icy which such breach must lu, cured; and (4) that failure to eurc
<br />such breach on or before the date specified in tlae notice Wray result in acceleration of the-sums secured by this
<br />s 1llartgabe and sate of-the Property. If the breach is not cured on nr 17efor the date specified in the: nntace, Lender
<br />at Lender's option -may declare akI of the sums secured by tlsis lortgage to t>e immediately due sad pagable
<br />>aeithout further demand and.may foreclose this Mortgage hr judicialproeeeding. Lender shall be entitled-to collect
<br />in such praeeeding alt .expenses. of foreclosure; including, but not Iintited to, costs of documentary evidence,
<br />abstracts and title reDOrts. -
<br />~: s ~ to gieimatate: tiota-iihstanding Lender's arceleratigir of the sums secrired by -this
<br />Mp~,.Barrower shall--have the- right to hays sny proceedings t3egiin by Ixnder to enforce;this 14iortgage dis-
<br />_- ce3ptintsed at siiy tune: prior to_entry of a judgment enfogeirg this 33vrtgage if: tai Bvrrttwer flays Under all
<br />sum which wz¢vid be then due cinder this Mortgage; the 1lote anti notes securing ~rtiire Adanees, if any, had ra ,
<br />acceleration oecutTecl; (bi Borrower cures-all breaches of any other covenants or agt~errients of Borrower con-"-
<br />tai_,:ecf irz flt~-?yiortgdge; (c i B•1~iwer kisys all J~~svnahle expenses-ircitrheci liy I:ender in enforcing the covenants
<br />~ per °:>r.~ ; u .tsiaed is tliia i$ortgaZe anck tit erfar~ing 3~nder's retu~lies ri5 Irrc~vide~i in paea-
<br />- itr 1$ Yiereof, including, but nat. liir+ifed ta, reasonable atterney' fees.; :and -[ill= B9irawer takes such srtivr. sy
<br />I.etiu~ may s+,:asansl;ky z~uir~ to azure first tfie lien of this- ~#vrtgage,, Londer`g interest in the Prapert.}~ and
<br />war's ob7-igation to pay the sums assured Fly tfiit 3ortgage_ shall eotit3tzue nninlpaired. Upon such payment
<br />shy ettre by Borrower; this l+lortgage ant] the obligations ser.urnd herab slsnIl remain in full farce and effect as if
<br />- rMi a€~p?1P.rstion ktad OCCi1LTeii. - - -.. - -
<br />" tel. ant-of Ream: AK>3wiistauri4 of ~gceirer, Leader in Poxcaseion. As additional security hem-
<br />under, $orrosve,` ltereliy oarless to Lenderihe rents of the Prapei?v, pravidttl that Borrower shall, prior to accek;r-
<br />,atitnr und~cr prragraph S hereof or abaudonriert eS r~ Yrrx>erty. have the rid}rc to colkect and retain such rents
<br />s=_ tF~- Me~!se doe sad payable:
<br />Upon ecceIcrstion under paragrap}i k:3 ;zcreo or abandonment of the Property, Lender. in person, bg agent
<br />or by judicially appointed receiver shall +1e cntu.fed to enter ulmn; take ltossessiun of and irtanage-tlie Property
<br />and to collect t}re rentR of -the Property. including thou part di:e All rcn; collected by h,~nder or- Ghe receiger
<br />$ba:l t~ app?ied fiist to pay;neat of the costs af.msnagemept at the Property-and eglleetian of rents, including, but
<br />not kptiited to, receiver's tees, premiums on receiver's tJfstids-and retrsat~able attorney's fees._and then to the sums
<br />secu.*ed by this-?viartgsge. Lender ;end the: reaorver sirakl he kiable.to aevount rsnly for flrose rents setualty received.
<br />