<br />1ND1YtDlJAL
<br />Dta~ ON BALE
<br />t1P'd'Ia3NfiL FiJTUR~ ADVEA-dGES
<br />J +aAt1INGfi ~[7N6]
<br />- - - e'onµ rNo.72p - - - -
<br />,. Lome Nurnber__ 3964 __~_ I8E
<br />sr~ s l;,ci
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<br />T-Iii~ MflRTGAGl1, made and executed-this .........................~ day of .tl..~i A.TD.,
<br />l9:-.:~.~''betwee~rt the il~7ortgagor, _.Qerrtes..L....Sl~a~.-.~.r.....aid..T?1~z~a..T......Si.ig.~r;..izcrabaix~i..az~..:=.-
<br />...~.€~'a...xQ~}at.3.~-.,arc. d..~s..~1~....f=ILF:,~.a.....lid.~hxs._...._._-._ .................._.__...._......_-_._........_..._....-._..........
<br />of --t?rand..-Saland-_-...._.., County of ,-...----...Hall..°-------------- Sfateof -_..ElgkraSic?__---, hereinaltoY referred
<br />to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL $AVINtiS AND LOAN ASS(3CIATi()Ak (iF
<br />LINCOLN; i2.35 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 6fi501, its successors and assigns, hereinafter refet~d to
<br />,- as Leafier.
<br />WxTt+aaS.gaxx: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of ..~t~-PZ17E ....._.._.
<br />.bII~,t?.~?~~..Hl?~~~....?#a.1.1.Q9-----------°-----Dol:ars {USA-:~S_;_~S?Q..OQ:_.... :...,.:?
<br />paid:tsy laid Lender,-does hereby mortgage, grant and convey td Lender, its successors:and assigns; the
<br />following i3®sersbed property located itt the County of ...............Emil... - .-•----- -..-., State of Nebraska:
<br />bot Four:{4) Block Forty-one (42) Russell Wheeler`s Addition`to tle Ctg of .
<br />Grand Island, 8a11 County, 23ebras&a
<br />T~xxas with all the improvements naw or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements,
<br />rights, appurteriancr~, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profit:;, meter; .water rights, and
<br />wathsr stock, and aIl fizctures now or hereafter attached to the property,. ail of which, including- replac~-
<br />rr€erets and additions thereto, shall be dammed to be and remain a Fad ri the pioperty° c~-cal by -ia~._
<br />Mortgage; and all of tip foregoing; together with said' property {or the Ieasehold estate in lice event -this _
<br />M4s4.~sIIe-is on a l~_~~~+old) '~~ ~isawin referred a as the "Pm~rty":' - - - -
<br />Sorro'iver covenants that Borrower is lawfully: seised o€ the estate hereby conveyed and has- the isght
<br />to mortgage,-grant-and convey the Property,-that.the Property is vnenstz~bered, and-that Burrower. mill
<br />warrant and defend geitexaIIy the title t4 the-Property against all claims and demands,. subject to ady
<br />easements.and restrictions listed ro a schedule.of aaceptions to coverage in any title-insurance-policy -in-
<br />s~~ing Lender's interest in the.Pmperty, or {2) attorney's. opinion- of tide from- abstract of title certified
<br />by bonded abstracter.
<br />PtoYmsn AtAwAXS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the fallowing conditions, agree•
<br />meets and obligations of the Borrower, t©-wit:
<br />The Borrower agrees to gay to the Lender, or order, the principal sum of .iT%:.EZYE..THt7I~AIIA..
<br />....Pr..II.E..~~Ril.~sivrB..3~~~L°--r~.~~_~~~_,_~-'~-W---.33ollars {:J$ c. ~5x5LQ.94~ ..:.............:...)
<br />payaisle as provided in a-notes executed and delivered, eoncuzrently herewith, the final payment of principal,
<br />if sot sooner paid; as the ... F#rst..__---._ day of .,Becember-_-- ,•---------- _-. , ~_ 2008
<br />Linsirroana Cavtxexrs: Burrower and mender covenant and agr~ as #ollbws:
<br />I. Payaaent aS 1r~ru' isiperl ~d Interest, }3orrower sbatl pm~raptly pay wiser due the. pnincii}~ai of and: in-
<br />terest on the indebtedness evidenced by tiie'lQate, prepag~rnent and Late charges as provided in the-Note,
<br />and-the principal rrf and interest on any future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2: f'itreda for Trstces aatd Iasuraaee. Subject to Lender's option under paragraphs 4 and fr hereof; I3or-
<br />tvwer shah ggaay to iender,on #,he day monthly installrtsents of principal and interest are payable tuuIer.tlie
<br />Notei:.until tlie'Note is paid in ftili, a s~im (hatpin "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly- taxes-and
<br />ass~srtn$rtts which .may at`yattk prioxity over-this Mortgage, and ground rents on the PmpertF, i# say: pins
<br />one-tyre}#fh of _yearly, p~mittm installments for hazargl -*n~ ranCe, Pius -one-twelfth of --ye2rlg premium :n,
<br />sta[ltnen+s for mortgage ursurance, if any, -ail as reasormbly estimated iaitiaLy and from time to time by
<br />Lender un the basis of asse<erits and billa'and reasonable estiutates thereof, Lender shalt apply the Funds
<br />t~ pay said taxes, ,gsaesstueata, #ssuranoa premrfums and and. rents. Lender-shad make na char e ;ar sn
<br />holrting And appl~i`iae the Rands or vfvtrt, comr~ ;mod ~an?Qnts-and b;Lls- The Lang * ~hat~
<br />give t~ the Aor,~,wei, withotch charge, xn annual accounting of the Fends shociiing omits and debt; to the
<br />Ftstu}s and-the purpose For which e~eFc dai~it to the Fund's was nlade.;The Funds are pledged as additional
<br />:iecRirity #or the sums secured by this Mortgage. The Bt~rror'8gtaes that 1%unds may he held by the
<br />Lender and commingled with cfher fends red the Lendet•'sumti-ivitds and the Lender ~nay.pay such items
<br />#iam its own funds and the Lender f~hall zest lie liable forirlf~rast,or ditzdeadF on such Funds.
<br />If the-amount of the Finds held by Lender, together with the future. monthly installments of Funds
<br />p yabte prior. to the due dates of lases, aaseesiLierkts, insurance pte[niurae and ground rents, shall e~c~~eerl
<br />the atnoun± required to pay said taxes, assaasznenf~; insuYance premiums and ground rente as £liey fall due;
<br />ynch s~cesa snail lie; st $a:zou-er's option, eititar pmknptlq rapaid'to Borsowcr or credited to $oit'er on
<br />- :crtu'y ;~3falLs~ent~ aF Fynd~. Ii the. amount of .the l?uaclg held by Lender she?t nqt be sn#5cient to paY
<br />taxes, aa~-s~.:oen~, ir~arfe"rte paemiuzns'and ground rents as tlmy faiS due,.f:armwer-snail pay to 3~nder
<br />any xrnount nece9.~rg= to m$lze up tli© de6ciar_cy within thirty days after ndtice fsoxr~ Lander to Borrourer
<br />rntneating payn~eni tlxere°f; or Borrower slxail, by an increase in uionthlw• i~tallments of Rands r~uired,
<br />r2_ pay the deficiency within tine Rand atcounting period.
<br />Uruin payment in fu1 0# :ul sutra sscured by this !vortgage, finder shah-apply Fonda held as a credit
<br />a~aiTasL all sums due.
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