<br />not extend or iwstponz the dne date of the tnontitly installments referred to in paragraphs 3 and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount of such installments.
<br />Ip. Horrawer NQt Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the gums
<br />secured lay this Mortgage granted by Lender tct any successor in interest of Hnrmwer shad not operate to release,
<br />in aatp manner, the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower ~ successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to eQmmettce prar~firzgr against such successor ar refuse to et~end Lime for payment or otherwise anodify
<br />amortizatitn of the ^<ums secured by this \iortgage by reason oa" any demaml madz by the anginal Borrower and
<br />Barnawee'e sncc~ars in i~rest.
<br />.I. ~ar'~~c~ ~g 3+r ~ `~#~~. y =`.^~.?.,zaranzz !sy Fader in z3z~:t~ any ri~it ar ~zdy
<br />~ hereunder, or otherwise afforded by sppGcable law, shah .not be a wailer of or paeclude the exercise of any right
<br />~ or reanedy hereunder: The procurement of insurant~ or t4ie payment et# taxes or other I~nR ar charges by L carder
<br />slaal! -not be x waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Moatgsge.
<br />t2. Masse. Ail remedies provided in this Mortgs~ arz distinct aad ct.7aaulativo to say other
<br />~ right or remedy under this Mortgage or afforded by taw or equity; snd may be exercised eoncurtently, itadepend-
<br />eratly'ar sueceseively:
<br />I$. Satccessars cad Botsztd; Iairtt aatd Severai`Lirtltility; Cagtioaa~ The covenants snd sgrenmeata
<br />herein contained shall bind, and t'ste nghtai hereunder steal! intkre to, the respective successors and assigns of Fader
<br />aad Barrswer; subject to the provisions of paragrspli 17 hereof. Alt eovenants snd agreements of Borrower shall.
<br />be joint and several: The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this \4ortgage are far convenience only and
<br />~, are-not to be tint! to interpret ar define the provisions hereof:
<br />l4. Nlatise. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Mortgage alas!! be given by mailing such oatice kiy
<br />certified ttiail addressed to Bt:rmwer aL the Property -Address stated- below, except for shy native required under
<br />paragraph IS hereof to Be given to Harrower in the tnanncr prescribed by aapPiicable law. Any notice provided
<br />far in this 3rlorigage steal! be deeaned to have been given to Borrower when given in the ananiter designated herein.
<br />IS. tlmn€orm teitxtgn~; ~ I.icw: Severability. Tftis form of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br />far national tale and non-uniform covenants with fimited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument covering real property. This ~IarLgage shall ke governed 6y the law of the jurisdiction in which
<br />tote Property is heated. In Lhe event that any provision or clause of this Martgsge or the I`late coaEicts.with
<br />applicable law., such eonfiiet shad not affect other provisions of this jortgage or the Nate ivtiicti can Ire given-
<br />effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of Ghe Mortgage and the Note .are declared:
<br />~ be ssvexable. -
<br />16. Batramer`s Cagy. Borrower shall be furaaished a conformed copy of this R4artgage at the time of exeon-
<br />tivn ar after recordation hereof.
<br />IF. Transfer of the Propaxty; Aasuiagtiaa. If all or any part of the Froperiy ar an interest therein is sold.
<br />nr transferred by Harrower without Lender's prior writtrn canseat, excluding (a} the creation of a lien or enctam-
<br />branee subordinate to this Mortgage, {b} the creation of a purchase money seeuritp interest Eric hataseholi!',appli-
<br />sneer, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of taw upon the death of a joint tenant or {dI the, grant of
<br />say leacehold iritereat of tipree years or less oat containing sn option to purchase, Lander may, at Lentfsr's ogtton,
<br />declare all:tlie-sums ~zui~ei# by this Martggge to be iamnediatety-due and payable. Lender s'~ali have wtfived sue`-
<br />aQtioa t~ aeeelc`rate if, priorto-the sale or transfer, Lender and thz pznon o whom the Property is to be saki iir
<br />taar.sferred reatla agreemea.,,u writing that the credit of-such Itersan is satisfactory to Lender and that tits iittei-e~t
<br />payable on the sums secured by :this Marigage sh»[l lte sL sucia rates as I Winder siaaiI request. If I,etider hhs waived
<br />the option to accelerate provided in-this paragraph 17 sad if Borrower's suceess€tr in interest-has. exeznted a-writ-
<br />ten s~vmption agreement accepted is venting by Fender, Lender shall release Barmwer from all obiigationa under
<br />this Adertgage said the?3otE,
<br />If Lender eacercises such option W accelerate, Lender shall mail Borrower notice of aceelerationan-aeeordance
<br />with paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice shall provide a period of not less than 3t) days from the date the amlce is
<br />mailed within which. Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Borrower fails to Pay such. sums prior tip the
<br />expiration of stash gaeriod; Lender may. without further notice cr demand on Bitrrovrer, iiavoke any retnedi~ per-
<br />muted ±o-y paragraph iS hereof..
<br />Nom-Li rason~ Covs~rsx~. Borrower and Lender fiartlter covenant -and agree t s follows:
<br />ill. lleeeIesatian; Retaaedies. Except as provided is paragraph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of cry
<br />ri enant ar ab`reensent of Barrow: r in-this ~aaxtgsge, ineiuttirg fire covenants to flay w3azn due any- sums secured
<br />by thiA ;`Iortgage, Lender prior in acceleration shall tttail notice to Harrower as Irovided in paragraph l4 hsreoi
<br />speeifying: {li the breach; (2} the sedan required to cure such breach; t3} a-date, not less than thirty days
<br />from the date the notice is mailed to Borrower, lay which such Erreaeh must im cumd; aad (4} that failure fo care
<br />saaeh breach oa or before rite date specified in the-notice inay result in aecr,loratiar. of thz sums secured by this-
<br />-. ll~Sortgageatul sale of the Property. If the breach is sot cured on or before rite date specified in the, notice, Lendet± a
<br />at Ler#dei''s option may declare ail of floe €utns secured b_r this itilortgage to bx immediately-due sad payable
<br />vvltlaaut4urtherdcmand and may foreclose this Mortgage by judisia! proceeding. Lender shall ire entitle~ito collect
<br />in such proceeding ail expenses of foreclosure, inducting, itut net limited to, casts of doeumentary_evidence,
<br />abstracts and title reports.
<br />Ift. B~xo4ver`a t
<br />I4agbt tat Aeiseetale. 1ltotwithstandiag Lender's aceekratian of the sonar seed--red- by this
<br />llhorEfsge; Barrrower shall have the right to have any Pratceedings begun by I.endcr to enforcz this ;t~Iot~age diR-
<br />c~ntiniaed at any tianz-prier to carry of s judgment enforcing thin 3ortgage if: (a} Borrower pays- Lender. all
<br />simte-ovhich ~vottld lee Mien-due. under this lfortgagc, the Note and notz3 securing Future Advances; if env, had no
<br />aceeiet~taun ricetarred; {bj Borrower cures ail breaches of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower con-
<br />tuned in thitab4taree• (eI $orrower pay€-all reasana6lP expenses iueurred by Leaxler in utforeing tlia covenants
<br />-z3d asree:cr~t~ a# BQrx~area ±~t~ax~ ~r ~rlcxa{P and '=n enforc~n~ Lender's remedies us prov+.r!e~ i, nara-
<br />grapitvl8 hereof, including, fsut not.lisutad ti<t, reasainalale attorney's fees; apd {d}, Borrower lakes such action as
<br />f~,cder ntsy raaaaaahly r~tait~ to xss-a-z tl;r#. the iiei; o€ this ~lort~age; Lender's jitterest in the Property and
<br />Borratvzr's obiign`sinn to pscl* Lhe.suta~ secured by thin ~lortgattr shall continue uaaimnairecl. E?pon such payment
<br />anF3 c:ue by $orrvtcer, this,Martgage atad the nbligatigns ser.ured hereb~• shall renaia in fu!! force snd effect as if
<br />2U.. Rrrit ~ Rama; l4pgocmtrneml, of ffieceivor, Leader. in Paseeasion. As additional semtrit.y~ here-
<br />tiader, Barrewer hereby assigns to Lender ±he rents of the Pmtterry. liirvided fltst Bormwcr shall; prior to aceeler-
<br />ation under paragraph I$ tsereaf or abandonment of h'e Property, have Eire nchi io collect and retain auelt rents- .
<br />a» they -wcarae due anti payable.
<br />[Tpon aceeisration under Faragrapii iS ttereur gr ahxniionsnent of Ehe Nro}~etty, T ender, in person; ity agent
<br />or 6v judicialjy apfointed reeaiver shall be entifitkl to enter upon, take 1~c sehsinn-af anti iuanage the,FraPeaty
<br />to cailact tba rents of the Ftnpeny, inc}udittg these pa@t due. All rents collected by Lender or the, receiver
<br />shall ba applied first to payment of the cost? of tnsnttgemt~nt of tlke Property-;cad eailection of rants. including, but
<br />not linnted to,-iieetver's fees, premiums sn receiver's boud~ and retisanable- attarnzy's fees. and then to the awns
<br />seeuaed bythis IVfprtgage. T.eader and the receiver .;[tall trc liable to account only for those-rents actually received.
<br />