7. Condemnation. In the event the 1*toperty, or any part thereof, shalt be taken by eminent domain, the Mortgagee
<br />is emp4vrered to collect sail receive ail carapensaiioa whidr may be paid far any groperiy taken or for damages to property
<br />- not taken, and- ?4ortgagee shell. apply sddr eomgeirsation, at t#s option, either to a reduct'roa of the indebtedness secured
<br />hereoy ar to iepaiz and restsrre'the,praperty so damaged.
<br />_ 8. perfgrmaoce;hy Mozfg~ee. Moetgagee may,-but Shall have no obtigat3an, to do any act ~rhich the &loitgagor
<br />has: geed but_Fells ta, do;-gird Mode slay, etas do say act it deems necessary to-protect the Ilea hereof:.Mortgsgoz
<br />toF~pay ,~ ~~ndi k.-ty s~r~s so ~t~d `oy` a hlar`.a2 fear `cam awe p~,trposeg. apd a~fg si;tn$'ss expeii~l!
<br />bg itie shatt'beadded to the indebtedness secated hereby and become subject_ta the lien hereof: Mortgagee
<br />2}IAa-sat-Inds &t}y persoaat=fi~ilEfy liechuse nfahyt4tingit-may da ox omit to do heteuccdas:
<br />4, fsefanlt; of ~~ts.. Time" is of the ~, hereof, arf3 upon Mt~E~agar's:dsi~ltla any. cavenant
<br />ora~CeementDEthisi4gartgage,in~ding aei~aanty to pay when due thesue~_5~saed by ~is:Mas>tbe Mazl~gee ~atl
<br />be eni3tted; at its sole ogtion sod witltout:aotlee; to; declare a!1 sums scented by ~Sis Adoatgage to be i~ediateiy due sad
<br />prayable sad may commenrx foraeTsrisure of Eh~` Mortgage by judicial,Pdl>~~ and,-pravided`fntttrer, that=upoasudl : -
<br />default:the ~, or a recervez appoiat~d by a eonrt> may et its opiion and without _regard_to the -adequacy of the
<br />seetsity, eatex upsnr and Este possesstoa of the Property rand collect the rests, issues and profits thereham-and apply them '
<br />first to the cent of e~lectian sad operatioa rsf the. Properly-and :them upon the lndebte~esa seeuted by this ;
<br />said rents;: issues and pm61s being assigned to the Mortgagee as further security-for the payment of the lndebtedrieas.
<br />Secured beteby.
<br />F0: Transfer of 1'ropezty. U a0 or any part of the Property is sold- or transferred without the express written cos-
<br />sent of the Mortgagee, Mortgagee may at its sole option, declare all sums secured by this Mortgage to be immediately doe
<br />- nail payable.
<br />li: Futsue Advans~. Upon iequest of Mortgagor, Idort~gee .may make sdditaonst :and future: advance- to -
<br />ritgagee. Sudr advances, with r`nterest thereon, shalt be cured by dFris Mores when evidenced by'pramieserry soles „"
<br />staring: that said Holes -era secured hereby. At no time strap the principal arreoursG of_tbe indabLedaess securnd bF* #5a$ _
<br />~, not iaduding-sums advanced to protect the security of this Mottg~e, exceed the ariglr~al Note.
<br />78. MisrxllaaeoasProv~oas.
<br />(s} Any forebeazagce is exercising any right or remedy shell not be s-waiver thereof.
<br />(3>) AIl;remerCres provided irereia are distinct and cumulative to say=other right afforded by la~~x equity,
<br />sad may be exercised coacurrenUy, iatkpeadently or saceessively.
<br />(c} The coveaanta sad agreements c~tained herein shall bind, -sail- the rights inure" to, the'respectlve ..
<br />successors azrd assigns of-the Mortgagor and lire Mort~gee. -
<br />__ _
<br />(aj Ali caeenants.and agtee®t€wrts of tfie ~Ortg~gar are joint and sevcrai.
<br />(e)- -The headings of the paragraphs of this Pdnrtgs~ are forioaverrlenee only ana shell sat b&"usesi.ta irrtrr- ; ;.--
<br />pretor define the pmvisiars hereof.
<br />}3. Release: Upanpay~ent of alt-sums secured by this Mortgage, Mortgagee shell discharge- M and-
<br />- shall exeaate sail deliver a satssteeWry release therefor.
<br />iAl F9IT'I~IESS 9FffEREftF, Agorigagorhas executed this Mprtgage on the 22n~aay of ldorrember , ~s ~~ "
<br />~~f~ 1 -
<br />an r~g~~ ~=-~, sorrows
<br />- - I ~ _.
<br />;~' /
<br />- - .. - .x 1. rc_..; ~..t/~%=''` ,~ ' .'..G'..s~.~.~_~,~"-. -
<br />,~ Ora rig ~«,: "-
<br />of P$~as>fa, ttALL Gor_mty ~:
<br />~- ~2ftd day of ~DYEltti3~r 138 ,before n1e, the undersigned, a.Notary i§iblic
<br />dfily cammisaloaed sad quadded for said eoarrty, gersanslly came {fan tVBdri g and D211Ll7^dfi S. t~dr i y,
<br />flu5band ditd 4ti.fe ,tame kaawn to he the ;.
<br />iderttieal perdon(sj wtiase-name(s) are subscribed to we foregoing instrument and sciEnawledged Yh ex~;,#doA th>ranf
<br />W he fi7S affil jt2it' voluntary act sad-deed.
<br />errand Island
<br />tiYitness my hand and notarial seal at in said county; tare
<br />sate aforaseid.
<br />- ~x~Grrms>~e:grzee;. _~;~~ - ~~-- -s .r'/~i..F` /_'~:r~"..;.a~~_ss~~~!'F
<br />`rr~gp~~~`~ ~ "xoaxr~rr+nrr~
<br />. _ $- ~- =~--- (std Seaver- Thb Ltat Aliened Fm &an~iei ~.nd Hxatdu) _
<br />~ +t
<br />, S. E -
<br />~_ tvsc toss ttariaoa rs~s , ~ ~ ~...1 ~''~ _- ~~ `,
<br />ear ~ '\
<br />