<br />STATE CtF~ Ni~RBASK~, Gountg of ..» ................................................:
<br />Fried for record on ................................. i9 ......., at .......,..»................ a'etoek ........................ M.
<br />and reEOrded in the Deed Seeord ..............:.................. Page ..,.............:.,..........
<br />........» .............. .. By ...,..
<br />$eg}ater of-Deeds Deputy Register oi_Ilaeds
<br />AE.RRANi3B& 3. FILT$ A!~} X HETH FILIP-, BAR- il1~ iIFB, $ACIi ZN
<br />_.
<br />Hx3 FIE& O}iti AID' XfA#3 dS ~$ flP -EAR f3R~i;R,
<br />herein ealied fire grantor whether Qate or mox+e,.
<br />sn u~nsidera#aoa of t3itE H}J1iDBEi3 FQ$T}C 1'HU}!;^s~AID b3~D ~/ifK} CSI4~O,OfDi?.QU~ tiQLI.AdLS
<br />reserved from grantees, does grant, bargain, seat eonrey and eonftrm unto
<br />H. SPEYEIg L3fgIgGER Ai9B SA?3flRA 3, I.h'YIiiP.(~`i~, itD333At~ P.P+'9 ~Ii~,
<br />se joibt tenants .with right of sstreivomhig, aztd not as tenants in common, the fouawing dasen'hsd r~l
<br />gropEZty at ..,_ ..............8aii.., ....,.»........,........... County, Nebraska:
<br />ii>T3 tlilii tl) 7'Si0 {2} IH 13t.~ PIr<'TY ~~ (5~+3 rya i'~ditLiis
<br />f?~,'~i~$'S ?'l1~31Y At)Dr_4Yki~ ?t3 2~i?- CT's QF £R!~ TSi, g~di.
<br />~~ ~~ STA'fE}uiESv~T ~TfRCHED ,
<br />dG
<br />r~ ~
<br />3o sure acrd to hoiti€ rue a[agre eiee~rined premises together with ali tznemen~e, here~tameats
<br />and-agpnztedsnees thereto beisngrng antic the grantees-and to their assigns, or tts the.-hems and ascigne
<br />Q€ the snrvivar of thEnx foreger.
<br />~t€d gr$ntQr does harEhp eovEn~t wide t#tE graatEes a.-;e4 whit their assigns a #eith t}ie heirs
<br />and assigsss of the anrarrar oY them-that grantor is iawfutly seised of ss}d gremraes; that tTtey era free from
<br />enoemi~anGe eascept ~aaes~ata etsd restsict:iosss of recaazci,
<br />that grantor has good right and iswfni astthority to eoarey the sat¢E; ant} that grantor warrants and vci?I
<br />defond tit8 tii}e Go said prEmises against. t}ie lsmfai aisims ai aII gersoas witomseever:
<br />It is the intention of ali- parties hereto that rn the Brent of the dea#t of either -of the -~ianteas,
<br />,~ ~•,~~ f~ title to this real pr.^,pertp shat: rat in the s~-vrcisg grsutaE.
<br />~~ai~er ~~ 1}~~.p
<br />. ........... ...... ..............._....._..................... .....~~~~,~ j i ,.g,....... ,
<br />S'i'~'FI:- t)p? ...»....... ............» .......:....... Connt~ oF ._...._........#rtI.l.,.._................._......,.
<br />Sefare-me, n'sotarj pixbiie qua}itizd fog ~sd ronnty pErsoaallg same AY$san~er 3, FiiSp
<br />anci lites+."s 3sES}: Ffk.£p,..~txs$a~d s~ 5:ife, -tath--its- his_ ht;: -rrs~,rfghi
<br />ataet acs agoa^se Cif each otlsar,
<br />_ _- -- - - -. _- - _. _ - - -- _ _ - _...r
<br />t
<br />kLSwn_to ~? to }se the rdEt;tivtr~ pErson-or .persons who ergnsd the foregoing in~rn'ssent and sckaoWiedged
<br />tier axEeniion tbESro° to hs bin, Star or their vgitmiarq act and dead
<br />' ~i'itness my hand. sad sotsrias dal on ...»».:.....IVLS3tf;fRlt3~.K:..28......:,.-...........h..~..., 1$..a .........
<br />~,~1lS,RsuASerstb >~~ ~R ~. (! ~ l C ~.A..~.E-+~
<br />}-r~~e.`n-av~9t_~- .....:.. .., i..,..... :+u. ,s. z ~,,..ra .s~ Ofary FAOUG
<br />~$ COFR~llSB[OT(EZgt7'09 ....... .~.~......,,, ~9.,~..~......
<br />Fns°ni -!." Tc: he ant*rove~} bs \e~ariaskn:3tate $ar 3asnciatiou $+t0ort •~'~ xa"'
<br />