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<br />78- ~1(! 7 ~ 6 .~ <br />MORTGAGE <br />,~ MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L Z3, 303 MGIC <br />xivowAL~.~iENBVTS~ESEIrRESENTS:'rttat Mark 5. Sauk and 5i3er~e R. SaTak, each in his and <br />Fier irs~rl ri~Flt and as spouse oi` each other, <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in conafdamtion of the xttmaf <br />Thirty Six Thousand Four Hundred oriel No/100------a--------------°°---------------~~~ <br />loaned io said tortgagor by The Equitabk Budding and Loan Association of f rand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 354 shares of stodt of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certiftcate No. L ~~, 303 MGIC, da hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION tbs following <br />described root estate, situated in HaIl County, Nebraska: <br />L07 TEN (10~, BLOCK Ei6}iT (8), IN MARRISON'S <br />SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br />together with aIl tite tenerveats, hereditaments and appurtenances ilteeeunto belangi•tg, irtctudirtg attached floor coverings, all window screesta, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditianing,and plumbing and water:.trtipmentand accessories themto,puinps;stov€s, <br />- refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to ar used in c:xtnectitrn with said real estate: - - <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortg.gor shall a,:d writ pay ail taxes and as~ssnents.levied of <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured therebw before the same shall become deiiuquent~ to ftrtu~i approved : <br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of S ~, Q~DD [l(l payable to said ASSOCIATION and'to staliver to paid <br />,1SOCIATION the policies far said insurance; and rmt to wmmit or permit arty wx eon or about said premises; <br />In cssa of dofault in the :~•farmaace of any of the terms and,^.onditions of this mortgage or the bond secured. hereby, iha motfgagre sttaIl; <br />ort demand, 6e entitled to immediate possession of rho mortgaged promises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers -and raft o+ror to the <br />martgagae ati the rents, revenues sad income to be derived from the tnorigagtd premises dt:rsng such tittle as the mortgage indelsiedrxsa:shall : amain <br />- unpaid; xrtd the mortgagee shall have the paver io appoint arty agent or agents ii may desi,•e for the purpose of repaving said p•aamices attd reniirrd <br />the lama and eoliecting the rents, revenues and inwme, and it may pay out of sad in~mc all expanses o£ repairing said premises slur ittcessary <br />cotnmissttns and expenses incurred itt rerrtirtg and utanaging ifie saute and of wltecting rentals therefrom; the ba}arta row; if-any, to be <br />ap~- towazd -the discharge of said- mortgage htdebtedttess; tftese riglets of the ettarzgpgee srrsay be exorcised at any tittle duaing the existenet of such <br />- da xulY, irraspectfs~eaf any tamporaty waiver of the lama. <br />- - These I*reseets, however, axe upon ifte Condition, That if the said Mortgagor shall rcpap said loan on or before iht maturity of saal shares by~ <br />~ymant;.nay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in the Bond secured hereby as interest acrd principal on said toau,an o{ before <br />"the Twentieth day of each and every month, until said toan is fully paid; pay all taxes and assessments levied against said preatiaea sad tut this Mortgage <br />and fhe" Bond secured thereby, before delinquency; furnish approved insurance upon the buildings ihcreonin the sum of-~, ~f1D; ~ ~ - p;3yablc <br />to mid ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand aA money by it paid for such taxes; assessments and ,ev~~ wltpt.frtterast at <br />the mmcrmum legal rate titcreon from data of payrrurti ail of which Mortgagor hereby agrces to pay; permit na waste on said pretttvaati~p and:comply <br />with alt the agreemenu and conditions at' the Band for $ 36, 40D QO this day given by the said Mortgagor-ta said AS.SOCIAT14N, and compig <br />with alt the requirements of the Constitution and Bylaws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents abort become null and void; oiheteviae that' <br />shatI remain in full force and may be fora..^losed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for th{ea months to matte any of said-, - <br />pap:~n{s or be three months in arrears ix: tasking said monthly payments. or to keep and comply whit the agreements and mnditioas of said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure ptocatdings. <br />If there is any change in ownership of the real estate mortgaged harem, by sale or otherwse, then the entire remaining itmebtedrtan hmeDy <br />sacurad shaft, at the option oFThe Equitable Building sad Iaan Association of Grand Leland,Nebraska,berwttte itttmediaulytlue attd payable wltltout <br />Further notice. and tfte amount remaining due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder,shall; fremt Ilia <br />dots of exercke of said-op{ioa, bear intaezst at the maximutrt legal rate; aztd this tuort map then be foredosed to satisfy the aatauat duo on sa#d <br />bond, and_ any other band far atiditionaladvani~s, tanaethsr with all sums gaid by said The Equitable But7dvig and Loan Asaneiatiua afGra~ Islctd; . <br />Nebraska for insurance, tatter and asseasntcnis, and abatrac#ing exxension charges, with iateresi thereon; from date of payment at the nraxiwum - <br />" kgalrate. <br />As prorided in the Bond ~~ored hereby, while liars tnartgage remains in effect the n-rortgagee may hereafter advance additional the _ <br />- titakera of said Bond, ilxir assignsar successors is interest, which sorts s'~,alt be wtihin the security of this mortgage the rattle as the fluids oitBinaily- <br />seeuzed-tltereby;thg total3~ntouat ~ preucipal`debthMfo exceed at airy time the aifgine! atttaunt of than mortgage. <br />Ilatad t~ia Z~tit. l--aa~af NBV~t~r A. n., zg 78 <br />Ma aS , S , <br />^~~eArra R• SaSalr <br />STATE flF NPB;tASICA, ~ ss f7n the 2~t(i , day cif A101+eIiiF?Er i<3'7~ ,before mc, <br />CL`UNTS' OF tlALl. <br />t+~rk 5. Salak zrtd Si43?ree R. Battik, each in t~`m~arst;al~tary~biiclnand~or:~.Cvitmy,~ra~natlycama <br />F ISIS and :ter OIVn rit,~f1*. dnd 3> spoUS~ o~ ff>'ch ot{1er, .,~._~ who aY'e perwnaSlyknownsa <br />i• me ic+ be rbz. identica3 persart 5 w-hase name 5 dr2 ptf"nttd to tta alxKa iuStrut2tip[ft a3 taott5 - and they „~ serFmlly. - <br />aoknawkdgad th!; said instrttnten[ to be loci r valune,ty act and decd. <br />h:1'Ai.SS my trend and Itote,tiyt Sz&i i;re date aforesaid. - - ;;-~. - <br />- -.. Sly Commission expuas .. .... - r ~ '~'C ~f/"~ ~~r~ -~,~tsrs~ <br />_ - ----~~`= to <br />s.rsAe~m j~ F ~ ~ ~;:'~~ f ( o a Fubite'. <br />' l <br />