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• .~,, <br />not extend oa• postpone the due date of the monthly iaasiaihLaeatts referred to in paragraphs 1 and ?, hereof or <br />change the amount of such installmonis. <br />I4. $oazower tfoi $eleased. Extension of -the time for laayanent er modification of amortization of the sums <br />secured ley this l4ortgago granted by Lender to any stccessor in interest of Borrower shall not .operate to release, <br />in any manner, i;he liatiilit~~ of the original. Boa•ro~ver and Borrower's suaeessars in interest. Lender sha}I not be <br />regiLirera t6 commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extents lions fcr payment ar otherwise modify <br />-• amoi:tizatian of the siains seeurecl by this Mortgage by reasons of any- demand made 6y the original Borrower and <br />Borrower's successors in interest. <br />~f,:fi'arhess6extce bg ;;carder I+fsat a tM1-aiver. Anv forbearaneo by bender in exercising any right or remedy <br />hereunder, or othise awarded by aarpl;,.able lacy, sh$2I not be a wailer iaf oa preclude the exercise of a~ tYsK-ht <br />or temedy hereunder. 7'hepracurement of instarance or fhe }aayment of taxes or other liens ar charges by [;ender <br />I,p shalt not tae $ waiver o£ Lender's Sight: to `accelerate the anaturity of the indebtedness secured by -this Mnztgage_ <br />~; ~ I2. Rsmed'tes Cuaitilative: -All remedies provided in dais t~7ortgage are distinct and cumulative to oats at}ier <br />;,~ right or remedy under this Mortgage or afForded by -laic- nr equity, -and- may he ezereised concurrently, in3epend- <br />~. cells or successively. <br />~°, I3. Sucressors;artd lrisaigas']iowad: Jotat and Several I.iabitify; Captiarte, -The covenants and-agreemeata <br />,r'°+, hereir eontaitted shall 6ihd, snd the rights hereunder shall inure to, the. respective successors and amigos of Lender <br />and Borrower; sulsjeet to the provisions a1 paragraph 17 hereof. 911 covenants and agreements of Borrower shalt <br />~' be joint and several. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for eanvenience only and <br />~ arts Hat to tae used to interpret or define t}1g provisions hereof. ' <br />~ ` f4. Notite. Any Holies to Harrower prodded for in dais Mortgage shall tae given by mailing such notice b3' <br />certi5ed mail addressed to ltoarower at the Property Address stated below, except far any nafice acquired under <br />paragraph 38°hereof to be given to Borrower in the m;enner prescribed by applicuFrle ian•. Any notice provided <br />for in-this '&IOrtgage shall be deemed to-have been gi~-en to Borrower when given in the manner designated herein: <br />15. 17aiforrn Y2ortgaget C=eversimg I.nvai; Severability. This foam of mortgage combines tmifortta covenants <br />for national Lase and. non-uniform covenants with limited variations lay jurisdiction to constitute a uniform seen <br />city instruaxaent covering rea} property., This lortgage shall tae governed by the laa• of the jurisdiction in w}iicli <br />the PmperLy is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this 4oatgage or the Note conflicts -with: <br />- applica6}e law, such conflict- shaIl-not affect other provisions of this _lortgage or the Note whisk can. he given <br />effect without the conSicting grovisiaai, snd to this end the provisions of the ~4aatgago and the Note are dec}areil <br />to be severable. <br />l&. Borrowei a Cops. Borrower sha€1 be iurnishe~ a conioanaed copy of this *Iartgage at the time of exeen- <br />Lion or after recordation hereof. <br />- I7. Transfer of the Property: Aaumption. If all or env Hart of the Property or an interest therein is sold <br />or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (aj the ereatien of a Lien or eneum- <br />brance subordina±e to this Eortgage, (h) the creation of a purchase cuoney security interest for Iiauseho3d appli- <br />anees, (cj a transfer bydovise, deseen% or lay operation of isec• upon the death of a joint tenant ar (d) the: grant of <br />any 3essehald interest of three years or leas not containing an option to purchase, Lender loos; at Lender`s option, <br />deelareall the sums secured by-dais al4tirtgage to be immediately due and payable. Lender shall have waived such <br />option tea accelerate if, prior to the sale [ar transfer, Lender and the peasora to whom khc Iroperty is to he ~" nr <br />_ transferred reach agr~•• •ant in writing iltaf the credit of such person is satisfactoaw to Lender and that. the interest <br />payable an ttae sums secured by this 1ortgage. shall }ae at such rate as Lender shall request. If Lender }tan waived <br />the alaiian tea aces}crate proddded in this Parat,iaph 17-snd ii Barran'er's successor iu interest laaa? asiacuted a writ- <br />ten sssnm}stian agreement accepted it writing by Lender, Lender shall release Bcrmu-er from -ail abligaLioaas under <br />ifttis ~Sortgage and the Nate_ <br />If I:ander exercises such ortion to accelerate, Lender shelf mail Borrower notice of acceleration. in-accordance <br />with paragraph I4 hereof. ouch notice shalt provide a lieriod of Hat-lees than 30 days from-the date the notice is '' <br />mailed witfain which Borrower may pay the swans declared due. If Borrower -fails to pay such awns prior to -the <br />expiration of such periods Lender may, without further notice or demand en-Harrower, involve any reatiedies per- <br />asaitted by paragraph IS hereof. <br />lvrox-I'xiFOx~ C6VENA~'rE. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />I6 Acreteration; $emedies. Except as provided in paragraph l7 hereof, upon Borrower ~ breach of anr• <br />covenant or agreement of Borrower in this Sioatgage, including the covenants to pay when clue any swans seem'cYct <br />by the Mortgage, Zander prior to acceleration ataall quail native to Borrower as provided in parsgraph• I4 laereat <br />specifying: fIS the breach; 12 the action regL:ircai to yore sucta. hreacla; (3i a date. not lee than thirty days <br />from the date the notice is mailed to Borran-cr. In• u~hicla satcla i7re,Le1; must iae curezl; ami fI} that fai3nre [o _eiare _ <br />such breach on or before the date specified in the notice Haas result in seeelerat}on of the swus :secured :by this <br />14lartgage and sale of the Property. If the breach is not cured on or }aefoac tlae date specified in the. notice, I.-ender <br />at .Lender's option may declare all of the swans secured by ibis _Lortgage to he immediately due and payatrle <br />sv-itlsvat fwrther demand and may foreclose this ortgage by judicial proceeding. Lender shall lac entitltxl to oalleet <br />in aueh proceeding all expenses of foreclosure, inelu<ling, but not limited to, costs of documentary evidence, <br />absts8c*.,s and title reports. <br />Ifi. liarxawer's- $iglN to Reiasatate. Natwitlastanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured bq this <br />1Kartgaga,_Barmwer shall have the right to have any proceedings laegun by I;ender to enforce this yortgage din- <br />- agratinued at-any t"sme jsriar to entry of a judgment enforcing this Mortgage if' (aI Borrower pays Lender all <br />sums ~+Fish waned be then'due under t}aia Mortgage, the ?4 ate-and notes securing Future Advances, if any, -had no <br />acceleration eceurreti; fbJ Borrower cures all breaches of any-other etaverants ar agreerneiits of-Barrewer cos- <br />rained in this ;bfcrtgage; (al Borrower-pays all reasonable ea:lienses ineu:-red by Lender in enforcing the covenants <br />~ad,3reements of $arrower contained in "this ortgage snd in-enforcing Lender's remedies as provided in par~- <br />giaph !8 hemof. includng, but not Irmited ta, reasonable attoaney s fees; and fd} Ba-mwer takes aueh action as <br />Linder may reasonably require to assure tfdat the lien of this .ltortgsge, Lender's interest is the Y'ropet~ty and <br />Borrox~er'a obliestion to ;any the sums secured by this 1lnrtgage shall €onr.inpe etniffipaired. [fpan such payvtent <br />and cure lay Borrower, this'L4ortgage acad.-the oblit;atioiias seeztared herehs~ shall remain in_Sull fore-a artd effect as zf <br />no acceleration had occurred. <br />2A. Reeiimmwet of Ifands: Acoaiahnent of Receiver. isnder in Poassbioa. - As-.additions! security _Iiere- <br />undea,Burrower hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Yrtlpeii}-. provided tlas Borrower `s}iitil, prior to aaseler.- <br />anon under paragraph l$ hereof or uhaitdonanent of fhe I'ropertt', have, the right fo collect: snd retain such rents- ' <br />as-they bece+tne due awl peyahle. <br />Ti7raii acerlerarinn under laaragrialih IS ix~rcof or :Lhundonrnent of tlac Properly, I,, nde:, in petetaia,---bv agent <br />or lay judicistly appointed receiver s?aall l,P entitled to enter upon, take p~ossion _of atoll. raunage the Property <br />Heel in ro3t~m th_ y..±~ ..f thrP.a^. ~;:.;:.,.uu_.~ c.`..,:x ,,,,.,L .:.ir_ z'vli:rc~ais.eniierititf~lav "I:eridei~ oi• the receiver <br />ska11 be applied fir.;t to payar}ant of the sects .if maeageinert CL the P'rapeaty and eoltectionof rents, including, but <br />:tot limited to, a•etae_vei''s fee>, premiums on receiver':= taondN attd reasonable attorney's-fees, and then to the sums <br />secw~d by this 13bztgage. Lender and the recei~'er slaali,lae tiabie to areQUnt only for those rents arturlly received. <br />