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{~ <br />lI+IDIV~DUwt. <br />eu~ aw s~e~~ <br />f}P"PlCSNiCL Ft3TUf4E ADVANCES <br />SFCYlAIG3 FUND <br />Farts N~s.'f~4 - - <br />Loan Number- ~-~~-~~ ---~-I38 __ --- 1- <br />'THIS 1~OIfTGAGE, made-and executed this ......-- -- - - :•--,srt?~ day of .~~..:'Er,?:~ -._....._:. A.ZI:, <br />19---~d„between the ldfortgagvr, 1<aavid .M.--~arrall- ansi..Candice..F.....Cartrtll,--.husbaud:_~nd..ra3fe, <br />~niutly..~ttsl..,e~cii.:#u_.theix..v~..ri~tt ....................................---------- ---- ---• -----... ........ <br />of ._.C~and._~aiaud....::_:. Covaty of .-........Na.7.1._.. --.. -._., State of .3Velii:aska.--.-.i:., hereinafter zeferred- <br />to as the Bozrower; and the 164ortgagee, FIRST FEI3EI3AL SAGIIVGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIQN tlF <br />LIIdC:OLPI, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, 1Vebraska 6$501, its successors and assigns; hereinafter refened to <br />` as.Lender: <br />~PrNFS~brTH:- --That-the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of ..~.Tdi~`[..~-~A?!D <br />-27i1{.2;_$.U~:2~T1_I?~~X..ANU..ItAL.1.QQ--.r---:-°~-------------Doltars tUS $.:39:v,2~0.£IQ.-.•-- ---_-.---? <br />paial-hy said-Lendez, sloes-hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Leader, its successors and. assigns; the <br />fallvwirsa descn`Bed-property-located is the Gaunty of .......Iiaa,l----------------------•----., State of Aiehraska: <br />I,ot Thirty (34) 13o-1€e's Subdivision in the City o€ Grand Island-Hail Gouat:y, Nebraska <br />TOGETx]i$ with all the improvements now-or heresafter erected on tl:e property, and all easemeat~, <br />rights, appurtenances, seats, royalties, mineral, 0~1 and gas rights and profits; water, water right<c,-and <br />water stock,. and all fixtures- now or hereafter, attached to the grope;ty, all of which, intliadipg re~ilace- <br />amts sad addition theri~tt ,shall ho deertied #.ri be'and rer~aia a part a# the property ~mered by <t&is <br />IVxortgage> and a~i at the foregoing, together-with said properky (or the leasehold Mate ro the went this <br />_ A;[;,rtp~Qe ~ yr a l~sehola) one hesefr` °r4fe_rred to as tie "Property"- <br />- B4mrwer. covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right <br />_ to Tortgage, grant and rnnvey the Property, that the Property is uneacvmhered, and- that Borrower vein <br />" warrant aruf defend generally the title to-the Property against aIl claims and demands, subject to any <br />easements-.and teatrictions listed its a schedule of ezceptfons tv coverage in say iatle iasusance palfeg in- <br />suring Leader's interest in the Property, or (2) attorney's opiaivn of title from abstra+et of-title eertifred <br />by Bonded-.abstracter. <br />_ Peovtnep ALWAYS, and these pzeseats are eaeeated and delivered upon the #ollowiag conditions, agrEe- <br />nieaix and obligations of the Borrower, to-wit: <br />The Harrower a„+~rees to pay to the Lender, ar order, the principal sum of ..:T.~RT~..~12'?~- T~t?I?-?- <br />`" ~rsrn :~.L'l~l?..ET~.-~. N~~ ~~?--~-'"_ -- -- - - _~ o-~ r 39 250; a0 -_ > ) <br />s ._.a~. .-~'Dolla.=s E JS ~_...-_ z <br />pay:.hle ss provided is a note eaeerted and aelfvered, can:,unently herewith, the final pay>ient of principal, <br />l if-nut Boone. paid, an the ...._.-.First.-.....-. day of _.-..Ilecember .......... ........x..2:097 <br />,j - _- - . <br />lixipox~ CovaxAxrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fvlIows: <br />!. P€rymeat of Frinclpal omd IalL Borrower shall promptly pay when-due the prince 1 of and -its- <br />tercet as the'indettednese evidenced By the Mote, prepayment and fate charges as provid~t in the Nate, <br />- and'. tlYe principal bf encl. interest as any Future Advances secured By this llfortgage. <br />2- Funds fca° 't'ares ~ Iz}aur~snae, Subject tv Lender's option-under paragraghs_4 and 5 hareef, Bor-- <br />rotger shall pay t+l Lender on the day monthty instailmeetts of principal and interest-are payable Baader the <br />E4TotR, urc;l tfie idvta is gaid is fs1li; a sum Therein Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yesrly ;taxes. and <br />sssessmeats whiels may attain. paority -over this lldortgage, and ground rents on the Prcaperty; if any- Plus <br />- one-tr,~elfth `iii yearly premium zastallraents for hazard insurance, pitas one-twelfth o€-yearly grc±mium in- <br />= stallment: <br />. fqr trcorLguge insurance, i# aryy; all as reasonaltIy estimated iaitaslIy and from time to tame by <br />%:ender oa the'basis of assessments ansl b%tts and reasonalxle estituates thereof, T~ertder ehall apply the Funds <br />to pay sr~d*: *~ eesn>a~~, it~urance'p:emiutrig and g*r.,s,rrid rents. tenser sTaalJ -hake no charge £ar so <br />holding and applvizsg-the Ftuads ot-verifying and compiling said ax.9essments and bs71s. The Lender salt <br />gva to the i3orrovcisr, wsthoatthat~, ~ annual aecourting of the Funds etcowing cTSdits and debits to the <br />Fassds and tl.e :-'~t~ fv: wi+iG+It each idebit to the k`unds .-v:ts made. The Funds are. pledged as additional <br />aec•urity Eon' tine ssu:vs sesaur~ Tayy- t#~ l~tcrtgage: '1'he Borrower agrees that the Funds may be held by the <br />LeEtder and consmingled vrith otlrer fonds and the Lancer's own funds sad the Lender may :pay' each itEms <br />from its own funds and t~ testier shall nut. be liable fns interest or dividends on such Fund: <br />H flee ersvswt of the Funds held by I,endrr, together wi±h the future monthly snots l .onto rtf ~'>~nds <br />payable preor to:tha doe dates of Oases; etmts, fnsesrapce premiums asstl ground rents, shat exceed- <br />-- .the amount required to said taxeea, ~e~tietrks, insurance premiums and ground rants as they #all due,.. <br />each exe,,~s sRaii ba, st war's option, either psvmptly re~aid to Borrower or credited t~ Aarnxver as <br />mcixt"ri iaetants of Fvn~?o: If the arras :t a[ the Psnds ~.eid by T.,e.-sder slealI not be su'.:ieient to per? <br />taxers, a~sfiraehfis, in:,-t;TSnce szn~iurrs 3S~ 2m:iril rents; as thPV full: dtu~: Rn__rmwPr KtsRll p2v to T _ ei~r <br />any amount nec•:easary to snake up the daficzency ,viibin thirty Says after notices Irani Lender tv Harrower <br />requesting paynxent ttseTeaf, or $.arr+;wer stud3, by an incrnase in monthly iru+talimeeits of Ftiands required; <br />repay the deficiency within rite Fund aocosmting period. <br />13poa payment is fait of atl sums secured by this Mortgage, Lendersball-apply Funds held as a credit <br />. agaiasat all: sums due. <br />