<br />not extend or postnona the-due date of tlw monthly iristailments referred to in paragraphs i and 2 hereof ar
<br />eh~nge the amount of sttclt installments..
<br />I0; Hflrrowar Nat Reienaed. Extcasion o€ tlse tune for payment or modification of amortisation of the sums
<br />seautEd by this Mortgage gt'stnted Iry Lettder to any sueeessor in interest of Borrower shall tint .operate to release,
<br />in any manner; the liability of the original*Sorrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to txirntjicnee lTrsiceedings against sttele.suceessor-orrefuse to extend time far payment ar otherwise modify
<br />j~amartirstion ai the sums secured by this _lfrsrtgage.. by reasatz of any demand made by the original Harrower and .
<br />~~Harrawez'ssuaaessarsininterest.. ,
<br />~ Il.-ForLear~cat by Leader Not a W+xtstar. .Any.fotl~rance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy.
<br />~„ hereunder, or ot%~er~vise arzorded by applicaitle ran, shalt not be a waiaer of or preclude the exercise a€-any -right
<br />Q ar remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />~ shall-trot be a uaiverof Lender's t~ght.ta accelera+~ the rnaturity of the-tndebtcdness secuzed- by-this- Mortgage. .
<br />~ I~ Hemedi®s ~umttl+ative. .,Rill- remedies provided in t'ns ~iortgago are distinct and eirmtilative to any other-
<br />~ right or remedy, itnderthis ~to?~+,gage or siforded by law ar t ~uity, snd nisy 6e exercised concurrently, idc~nd-
<br />~ entry or suncessively.
<br />13. Sneseffiors enact Rseigne Bowed; joint std Severod :.lability; Ccptions. The covenants and agreetnents
<br />herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and _assigns of Lender
<br />and Borrower, subject to the pmvisions:af paragrsplt 17 hereof: all covenan#s and agreeurents of Borrower shall'-
<br />be joint-and seteral. The captions and Headings of tlis jlarAgralihs of this '13ortgAge are-far convedience only aiid
<br />are not to be trs8d to irderpret or define the-provisions hereof.
<br />i#. Natiee. Any.aatice to Borrower pravidesl for in this tortgage shall be given by reciting such native by
<br />aerti$ed mail addressed La Borrower at tlse Property ~Lddress states( hclow, except for any notice required under
<br />paragraph I$ hereaf to ire given to Borrower in the manner lirescribed by apltiicahle law. Any notice- }rrotided
<br />-for in-this ~fort~gage shall be deemedto base been given io-Borrower when green in the manner designated hei!ein.
<br />15. Uniform Nfortgage; Governing Law: Severtrbility. 'Cltis farm of mortgage combines uniform-covenants
<br />-:for nationAl use and non-unifortn covenants with limited variaiions by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform.sectt-
<br />rity instzvment covering rest property,-This \iortgage shalt be governed by the la~v of the jurisdiction in which
<br />the Fmperty is located.`In the.eveni that any provision. or clause of this ~iartgage or the Note eotxflicts' with.
<br />Applicable law, sualr canfliat shall-not affect other provisions of thee Mortgage or the Note which can be given
<br />- effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the 1ortgage and the DTote are devlsr~l
<br />to be severable.
<br />36. P~rowers Copp. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of thi ~Iartgage at the tithe of execn-
<br />lion or after recordation hereof. "
<br />17. Trortsfer sf the Fragerty; Assumption. if all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is-sold .
<br />or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or ?nai3na--
<br />brance subordinate to this Mortgage, (b} the creation of s purchase money security interest far household AppIi-
<br />antes; fc) s transfer bydevise, descent ar by operation of law upon t}te death of a joint tenant-or (d) the grant of
<br />any leasehold interest of three yee~•s or less not containing an option to purchase, Lender may,. at Lender's option,
<br />declare all the sums secured by Lhia Vlortgsge to be inunediately due and payable. Lender sltsll have waived such
<br />option to accelerate if, prior to the sale 8r transfer; Lender and the person to whom- the i~rgperty js to be sate.
<br />transferred resell agree-~ .::t in writing That the credit of such person is sat-isfactory to Lender and that-the interest
<br />payable an the sums secured by this ~3ortgage shalt be at such rate as Lender shall request. If 7;eteder has :~aived
<br />the option to accelerate provided in This paragraph i and if Borrower's sucees<<or in interest has:execuiec a writ-
<br />ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lender, Lender shall release Barrnwer from':all a}rligations under
<br />this Mortgage snd the Mate.
<br />I€ Lender exe-~ia~es suela option to accelerate, Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in secordancz
<br />with paragraph P4 hereof. Such notice shaft prav°ide a perm of eat less than 30 days -from the-date the notice is
<br />mailed within which Borrower may pay the stints declared dne. If Borrower fails to pay sash sums prior tri the ,
<br />expiration of such period, Lender may, without further notice or demand an $orrower, invoke any- retnedie~ per
<br />miffed by paragraph 38 hereaf.
<br />i~o*~-LixtFOt;-~ Cov>-rx~ars. Borrower- and Lender further zovenant and agree as follows:
<br />18. Aeeeieratioss; AarQedies. Except as provided in psragralah 2 i hereof, upon Borrower's breach of 8ng--
<br />eovenant ar agreement of $arrower in #ltis 34artgage, including the covenants to pray alien due-env sutns`secsrrecl
<br />by tti~ .lfertgage, lwnder briar to acceleration shit! tusil notice ±e Borrower ag =,troi•idod is paragraph 24 hereof
<br />specifying: (i) the breech; {2) the sedan re.,uirecl to sere such breach; t3) a data: eat less than thirty days
<br />imm the date the native 'ss mar}ed a Borrower. by which such breach must be cured: and z4) that failum to cure
<br />such breach on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sunv secured 6y this
<br />:4fortgage and sale of the Property. If the breach is rot cured an or before the date specified in the notice, L ender
<br />at Lerdet's option rrtay tleciarc all of the sutrte secured by this ~Tortgage to be immediately due and payable
<br />wi+,haut ft;rEhor derrtand and ma3 frtroE•lase this ~ lartgage by judicial nrtrseodiag. Lender steal! be entiLlect tc~ collet
<br />in sacFt proceeding s13 expenses ~yf tercels un , inclut#ing, but. net 3'nnited to, casts of documen#ary evidence,
<br />abstracts snd title reports.
<br />19. Borroavsr's !fight to fieiasteta. 1'atwithstnnding bender's acceleration of -the sums seeut~ hp this
<br />14large; Bornccrer strati }save the right to have any I;roeeedingi Begun by Tender to enforce this ~fottgage-die--
<br />contirtued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enfoTting this ~£artgage if: ta? Borrower pave Censer- all
<br />shins-which would be then due-under this Jiartgage, the ;dote and notes securing Future Advhtrces; if say, had-no
<br />acueletatian occurred; fb) Borrower pores sII lireaehes of any othercaveatants or sgreements`ef Harrower cones '
<br />taiaterl itt thib ~ortgsge; (c} Sotrower pays alt reasonslrle expenses incurred by Lender in cn€arcirtg the eovensnts -
<br />ancY sgiief,memt~ of Harrower ruata'raed is tills Mortgage sled is en:`arcing I:¢nder a remedies as pm_vided_ in pars> '
<br />g~ph 28 hereaf, iireludarg; but n~ iii t~ iw ws..,.»bl; „er's fr-~, slid idl aorrover.ts'ses such action s§, -
<br />Lender msy re9sonstly require tc dssute that. the lien-:a€ this 3fartgage, Lender's inter+twt in the Property aitd
<br />Ts~ri~aa•e_r'< eL+ligat~an io ,»y rtes a_ ~ --cured bg this ~fartg~~ ale-+ll zontxmx ttnimftaired_ (.Tpon uah pttyttient
<br />and ,lure Iry Borrower, this ~+lartgage snd toe obligations-secured hereby shalt remain, in £ull -force :+rid effect ss if
<br />no a:,celerataon read xcurreit.
<br />?ts; itmdv_w.e,+.x~t s~ t?~+?:'1-s•+,~!•dt et H~+v~. ~e± ~ F;rn. ~S arl~;t:ens~! *~Lr*_~* hete~ _
<br />uncle*, Horrower-Hereby asaigris to 7Fnder the reatsof She Proptrt~ . {irovided tlsat Burrewer shall, priorta $~eeler== _
<br />anon under paragraph 28 h'areof_orahandonrtiert of the Property, tent`s the right to;aoll~t and retairf aue6 rertts_ '
<br />as they ba:a;no due snd-nayabk.
<br />T'pon a+;caleratia:3 under paragraph 2$ :ner~of ur abandonment of the Ymp€r~#y, Lender, in pereoti, by agent
<br />or by.judicinlly sppoitited receiver shat! heentitled. to enterupon, take tx>s_vessian of:;anil manage-tF.e.I'taperty.
<br />snd to collect the rents ai 4fie Property, including tl4ase past date, Vii! rerte rollacidd:_tty Tender or the receiver
<br />char! bt appli4~ci first to payment of the casts of tnanagetrs^nt of the >'rslto'ty aunt colleetian of rents, including, teat
<br />eat rimited tn, receiver's feev. nrenii,~rn ,n r~r~c ~ a,.,,,.+ ? hl „ ~,;,~,'~ fe.~. sea then to the sums
<br />secured byafiis iyfortgsge. Ixnsier snd the receiver t;nalllie litt6ie to areaun"t--'only iar those rents actually receired.
<br />