<br />!A!DlY1DUAL
<br />DUE 4N SAC,E
<br />5AVlNG~ FUND
<br />Loan Nnmber_-- 38253 _- 183 _`~',. 1_--
<br />'7. - __} g./,~. y~.y{ p-y~ -p} _ j. ~ ~9 ~¢'~!. j~ /~. - - TYDe -~iantP
<br />I 'vY ~ FJ & lJ V Lt' . - - ~. V r'~ ! L~ /'7 V ~ - _
<br />THIS dalE)IiTGAG13, made and executed this ..._....- --•~~...:.... day of" -._ ~~'..:.,..._. l~:B:,
<br />19..~~r... between the M or, ._~liaxl<es.:i....Z'1DASE..and..Gharlen~.-I;:....Mcs+xe..~~crint~:y.:.aa~i. ::~..:.
<br />eael: in tFtefr oum. r~ - •--• - ------------_ ..................--.....~...._:....----------
<br />of ...~r,~yd.. ~~}awl....'... ,County of ga.3;} _ :.. ._ State of ~fJebraska ------ hereinafte; referred
<br />to -the Borrower, and the 11~€ortgagee, FIIdST FEDE1tAi; SA`dINGS AI+tB IRAN ASSOCIATIE)Ivt OF'
<br />LINCfJf~N,. 123fi "I~i" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 08b01, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br />as Lender.
<br />Wixvt`sssrx: That the- said Borrower for and- in consideration of the sum of :-TILIBTY~FI~E~.THQUS~ND
<br />.'._.Plfill{lfI•-:- ---•----•--'..=^'."`^-,,:'-'.:="~",.'"---.------ _='~-.Dol:ats 4T7S x..35;OJ~tt_flD---.. )
<br />paid.by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and-assigns;:,the
<br />following described property located in the County of .Safi...... -- ........ ............ State of Nebraska:' -
<br />Lot Five ,(5): in $lstck Ten. {IO), in John Voitle's Addition to the :City o~ Gxa~d.
<br />Island., Ha31 County, 1!kbraska .
<br />ToceTxsa with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on .the Property, and -ail. easements,.
<br />rights, appurtenances; rents, ;ayalties, mineral, aIl and gas rights and profits, water, .water right, and
<br />water stock,. aril .alt. fixtures now or hereafter attached to tF1e property, ail of which, including re~acee-
<br />raerrts and additions thereto, shall bcs deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by this
<br />Mortgage; and-all of the foregoing,-together with said property (or-the leasehold estate in tlaeeveat.this
<br />~::rtg.:~z s an a leasehold; are hsreu. ra€arzyd to as ni-e "PM~rty"
<br />Borrower covenants that Borrower is tawfcrtly seised of the- estate hereby. cxznveyed and has: the right
<br />to mortgage,. great and convey the Pmperty7 that the Property is unencurnheresl, .and - that. Bnnowex will
<br />waraant-and defend generally the title.to-.the Property- against aII clairrts and rlemarids, siaii}act to nay
<br />easements and restrictions listed an a schedule of exceptions to coverage irr-nay Lit1E insirratrce policy un-
<br />saririg Lender's #rrterest in the Property, or (2j attorney's opi*uaa of fade from- abstract of title'cectified
<br />by bonded abst~cter.
<br />Paovt©En ALWAYS,. aril these presents are executed and delivered upon the foIlowing canditicins, agree-
<br />menu and obligations of -the Harrowes, to-wit:
<br />" The Harrower agrees to Pay to the Lender, ar order, the principal sum- af -..TH~&TY`-FI1t8-: ~OUSAND-
<br />..~-~ ..~,..~,.T--=-,.-.I3a,~ars (vS ~....35~t~i::~fjt1~--=~-----.:..-...):
<br />payable as provided in a Hate executed and delivered, concurrently herewith, the final gavrrerit of prirteiPa,
<br />iI Hat sooner paid, on the -._F#r~t....-°-.--.- day a. __-i?ece~Tiez:_-...------------.-, EI[._24ftI7
<br />t3:utae~xai Cavsxarrrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1, of Principal oad ~t~rgst Hormwer st3alt promptly pay when due the principal"ti# andSrA-
<br />terest oa the indebtedness evidenced by the Nate, Prepayment and iat~ charges as provided m'the mate,
<br />and the principal of and interest oa any Future Advances seccrretl by this rvlortgage.
<br />2. canoe far Y`at~ raid lasurartce, Subject to Leader's option under paragraphs 4 and 5"heraaf, ~r-
<br />rower shalt pay to Leber oa the day rnonthfy ~nstaliments af" Principal and interest are payable under-the
<br />I~lote; until the-?dote ie paid ia" full; a sum (Herein "Funds") equal to ono-twelfth of the yearly tales":tnd.
<br />aaset~,-teafs which nu3y atfsin prioisty over this 1Kortg~ge, and grourrd tents on the Property, if aAy plvR
<br />_ +twelfth iaf yearly premium eiistaltments far ha:~ard. -inaurarire,- Pluis one-t~Pelfth of -yearly -tt~remimn in-
<br />staltmerst<s fits mortga~ insarartee, if any; a21 as rEasonaltlY' estimated initially and from time -to tame by
<br />~. ott th>= ftasis of assessments and bills and reasoaable_estimates.thereaf, Lender slia3l aptly the I~~nds
<br />#o Ixtvr said tones, ~a.tr~~ insurance premi(uns sad ground ~srfs. Leader shaft make iiti""charge for so
<br />hof!ling and applxing the Funds ar verifying anr! cnmpilirg ~xai<i ~~ its and hilly 'the Lender shall.
<br />give is tlxe Borrower, without charge, an annual arcountitag of the :Fonds sliowiug credits and debits to the
<br />Funefs and the puzaase for which each debit to the Funds was made. ?l±e F4rnds ors ~~g~ as additional
<br />security fcr the sums 3eeurc-3 by this Illartgage: The Eorrower agrees that tl}e:~tratl8`asay beheld by the
<br />lender and ~°oasmingled wiif? other €nnda'axid the T,.ender'~ nwa;funds and the'T.~idPr mrypaysuch items
<br />from ifs ow-n funds and t'ie T,endzr shall not b~ liable for interest or dividends on ouch 3~ undo.
<br />" If the amount of ~,e Funds held by 3,eader, together with the future monthly instalL^riertts r5f Funds
<br />payable prior to t~tte lire ile~tes o€ taxes, aients, insurance,prerriiunis and ground rents, ahalI exceed
<br />the amount reclnrre,t to Pay said tuxes, assessments, insurance p~miums oral grannd rents as they:GaiP due,
<br />Such encase mall be, ut Horrewer's op#Ion, either promptly regsid to f3crrawer ar ciedited t3 I3ctttvwer oa
<br />r:ruy'ltly i.:~tallu~eata or- I`urds. if the arao~int of tixe €uncls bell by Lender shall rrcit be sc-f{fcient to pay
<br />irzaes, assessments, uunraree preriiirams and {found r>':xts as they fa[I d:°e, Harrower shalt. pay- to Leader
<br />flnv u.r,,,nnt nnrtsuarv to matte _uD the defieienev within tlsrty daY9 8#ter notice from Lender to Sormwer
<br />z~quessting payment thereof, or Borrower shall, by an increase in mnnfhly instaUr<tents of Funds required,
<br />repay the deficiency within the Fund accounting Period.
<br />LTpvn aay~nent in full of all Fums secvrad by -this N[ortgage, Leadershaid-apply Funds held as a credit
<br />against aH.snms due.
<br />