<br />__ ` _~ _ 56-A-REAL ESTATE hfORTGAGE (Corp.}~1rN'ith Tax Clause (Revised t842} The Haffmsa Geaeret 9u~ly Haase, Linaain, Ne6c.-~_1_
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thee Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc.
<br />a wrparation organized and- exis£ing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of i~febraska is
<br />eansiderationofthesumof Forty-eight thousand and noj144 ($48,000.00}------MyLL,~gg
<br />isi :,and _ne-ul, dfles hereby SELL and C.^,N~ ~ ~ snY.o
<br />Clercial :~atir~nal Bank & Trust Company
<br />of Ha11 ~~, state of g~7~ebraska the fallovsvsg described premises aitttated
<br />~ Hall cotte,ty, and state fl'LVebraska , to-wit:
<br />Lot Twenty Four (24), Block Six (61, IInit
<br />Three (3), Continental Gardens, An Addition
<br />to-the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />NeYsraska .
<br />In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted
<br />to be transferred, from the undersigned for any reason or by any method
<br />whatsoever,-the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once ;
<br />due and gsayable at the election of the holder hereof. Failure to exerci
<br />this option because of transfer of title as above stated in one instance
<br />shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the
<br />event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple.
<br />'l'O HAYE A,r`<D T{) -HOLD the premises above described, with all t[se apgurtenaaces thereunto he3anging ante the a~
<br />Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc_
<br />and to ].tS heirs and assigns forever, Provided always, and these presents are upon the ezpc~ess-condition-that ig-the-
<br />said Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc. - .-
<br />or assigns shall pay or cause to be paid Lo the said - -
<br />Commercial National Bank & Trust Company i
<br />heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the sum of Forty-eight thousand and not 10~ollars, payable as
<br />fauo~s.ta-wit: Forty-eight- thousand and no/104 ($48,000.001-------°---_--------
<br />____-_---°----------°-------°---.._-- Dallas an the 2nd day at :May. , ~, 73-
<br />Dflllars on the day flf - ,_19
<br />Dollars oa the day of - - , I9 -
<br />Doltsra on the day of - , 39
<br />Hollers an the dap of - - ,. 19. -
<br />with interest thereon at per cent per annum, payable r3/2 f 79 . according #o the tenor snd e(faet-.
<br />of-the - nromisaory Hate srlih-iabe~l.~upe~-eMts~rd of said - - - -
<br />Mid-Continent Enterprises, Inc.
<br />bearing even date with these Presents and shall gay ati tauea and assessments levied upon said real estate and all other taxers; -
<br />levies and aesesaments levied upon this mortgage ar Use note which this mortgage ie given to aecuze, before the same [seoom~-
<br />deiircqusnt, and keep the Isuiidinga on said premises insured far the sum o£ $ 4~, 400.00 ,lose, if any, dyable to the
<br />said mortgagee, then these prnsents to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force. -
<br />IT IS £URTKER AGREED, (I) That if the said martgagoz shall fa5l to pay such fence flr procure such insu_*anee, tl~e.
<br />s~'+d mortgagee may nay such taxes and procure such insurance; and the sum so advanced. wills interest at - per
<br />event shall be tepahi h}` said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as security for same. (2} That a failure to pay any ~
<br />said money, either principal or interest when the same beceme due, or a failure to Comptq with any of the foregoing ag~e~-
<br />meats, snail. ~rLole eater of money herein secured to beaome due and collectible at once at the option of the nwrtgagae:
<br />IN >~ ~ `"Y~oi°', tie said Mid-Continent ~'nterprises, Inc.
<br />has hexeus(tti caused ibs-rate seal to be affsxed and these presenu to be signed by its PreSl.dent
<br />this '-aids ~~y~. '-d~s~sember . is 78 .
<br />S~»ed;,i~t air8~etiwaYed is presence of
<br />~. sTATIs 4F .........::::. .~.E3:~S.Xf~S.I£s~...---°- --.._-.-..-...._-, Conetty oi....-......1rTi~a..Y..°`-- --- - -------•---_..-.....__--------.-.: ~
<br />Before me, a ncstarg punFic qualif(ed-in said county, personsily came Milan D. B7.Sh _ -
<br />Ptrrt of
<br />( ~iid-Continent F.saterpri:sez~, -Inc: , aooa~parseicts,
<br />`t ksowu tf. aaeta lee preaideat and.ideati~i rsa~n who signed the foregoing inattument, and acknowledged the ezacntirat
<br />t thereof to- be hie vplLetsry acL and dt3xi! 8a saich aflicer and ttie valuatary act and deed. of said tc~ ~ ft~t ;fa rte- ~,
<br />prirata alai wss 31si a$ixetl~A~ _
<br />bL ~}
<br />:WICaEYB my ~ d rtv~2~' ~.r.r.,..'~C~I~JC ,t .. `~ I9. 78.: -.
<br />i ,,~r,,~ -. ... .s........ _ ...~ - _ ,
<br />j My [aline]1S9N -fiR~~'+'_~':~,-'c~~~/ - ^'e:liC~'1~...' -.•--.-_ ..~a,,.,~1TSiti;Ty. prtblJ,C
<br />_~ ,.. _. `
<br />j .3't'A:'E OF ... .....~ Entered on n;mericat index and $!ed for ramrd
<br />~ Ccswaty ... _... _ _ ~. iu the Regisiar of 1?eeds t7itrice of sad Cortnty the
<br />.....::.,.-_. dsy aF-... _...::.~........ _ ,.. _ , 19.,:.._ .,.., aL-_.: __.._..:..,_.. o'clock and.. _~..e.. -..:.......mfmttes »_,:.-....:;.._~I++I•. ~,.
<br />f ata2 reruttil~i in Sortk . ..:.:..:... :..:._.~.- 4f ...,;..» _.........i:....._,.at,page, _ .::,.... ;
<br />j .:::.,..:. :......_.-..---.,._...-_..._..__....-._._..Reg. of Deeds
<br />
<br />