<br />not extend ar postpone the due date of the rrrotfthly inctailrnerrts referred t.a in paragraphs 1 arrd 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount of saeh installments.
<br />i8> Bozrawer Not Released. -Extension of the time far payment or modification of anwrtization of the sums
<br />secured by this i4lartgage granted by Lender to any succ?~sar in interest of Borrower shalt not operate to release,
<br />iii sny-naanner~ the liability of tl;e original. Borrower and"Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to eairrsrierree-proceedings against such-euceessar;or refuse to oxtend time for payment ar otherwise ntodifg
<br />amortiiatioii irf-the sums secured Uy'#his .Fiartgage }iS= reason ot` any demand"made by the original Borrower and
<br />Borrower's kucs2sshrs in ir.,,erest,
<br />li> Forlxeuznnce by Leader Not a Waiver. Any:farhesrsnce by Lender in exercising sny right or remedy
<br />hereunder, ar otherwise affardeil by applicable law; sltait not be a: wai.=er of ar preclude the exercise of any right
<br />ar remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance ar the nayinent of -taxes or other liens ar charges by Lender
<br />shall-not beta vraiver of Lender's'right to-aeeeleratix the- maturity of-the indebtedness secured'- by Ellis Iviortgage.
<br />i2: Ctrtrruiatrve. All.retned'ae pros;ded.in th"ss ~fortgsge are distinct and cumulativ~.t4 any otilfer
<br />C,C3 right or remedy under this lfortgage or atfortled 1>y lan•- or equity; and Wray lie exercised concurrently, independ-
<br />~` etitlq or successively.
<br />C~ i3. 3ueee3sors aa8 Assigns Ssuad ioiat and Several Liability: Captiorts. The Cavenanfs and agreements"
<br />Z'• herein contained shall bind, sad the rights hereunder shall mare to, tltc respective successors-and asaigas of Lender
<br />and Borrower, sub}eel fa the prm=isions of paragraph T7 hereof. 311 covenants and agreements of Borravver shall
<br />be faint and several. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this liartgage are for convenience only and
<br />are not to be used to interpret or define the jrrovisions hereof.
<br />~ 14, Notice, any notice to Borrower provided for fn this ~Tortgage shall lre given by mailing such notice by
<br />1.,,, certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Property dddress staled heloiv, except for any notice required trader
<br />paragraph 18 hereof tq'[~e given to Borrower in the manner prescribed be applicable law. Any notice provided
<br />for in this 3iartgsge shall' be deemed to Gave been given to Borrower when given in the manner designated .herein:
<br />15. Uai#orin Etiortgage: Goveraiag Law: Severabitity. This form of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br />far national use and non~unifonn covenants with limited variations by jurisdictian to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument coveriug~•eal property, This \iartgage shall he governed by the law of the jurisdictian in which .
<br />the Proprrtg is-toeatecl..in rte event that any pro~~ision ar clause of this ~~iortgage ar the Note conflicts with
<br />applieakile•l&w, such conflict shall not affect. atlter provisions of this liartgage or the Note which can be given
<br />effect tvitbout the eonfliei:}ag provision, and to this end the provisions of the liortgage and the Note are declared
<br />18. $6atowar's Copy, Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this Mortgage at the time of execu-
<br />tian or after recordatfug.llereof.
<br />I?. Tzot~sfez of t}ieP,~operty: ~um~ioa If all ar any part of the Property or an interest therein is said
<br />ar transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (s) the creation of a lien or eneum-
<br />brance sabardinate to this Mortgage, {h) the creation of s purchase money security interest far lrarrsehaId appli-
<br />aar.~, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of iaa• upon lice death of a joint Tenant or (d) the. grant: of -"-
<br />sny leasehold interest of three yea.; or Tess not contsiuing an oration to purchase, lender may, at Leader's option, .
<br />declare au the sums secured by this ~13ortgage w be immediately due and payahle. Lender she}I have waived saeh_
<br />~" hr setielxratz if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lander and the person to wham the Property is to be sole ~.
<br />transferred reach agreeu,e.re in writing that the credit of such percor: is saiisfactory to Lender and that the interest
<br />payable on the sums secured by this iliortgage shall tae at Birch rate as Lender shall request.-If Lender has waived
<br />the optiaa to accelerate provided in this paragraph i7 and if Borrower`s successor in interest has execut~f a writ-
<br />ten assumption agraetneat accepted-in writing by Lender, Leader shall release Borrower from sli obligations iauler,
<br />this 34artgage and the Hots.
<br />If Lender exereisf, such option trr aecele_+•ate, Lender shall. mail Borrnwer notice of sceeletatart is ~xice;
<br />with paragraph I4 hereof. duch notice shall provide a period of net less than 3t7 days from the date tGe -notice is
<br />mailed within which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Harrower fails to pay such sums prior to-the
<br />expiration of saeh period, Lender may, ivitlrcut further notice or demand on Borrower, invoke any- remedies.per-
<br />rnitteci by paragraph kS hereof.
<br />i4'ax-Tisttrotatri Covr::nr~texs. Barrawer and Lender fut>tdrer cotenant and' agree as" folla~s•r
<br />' I8: Aceelezatina; Remedies. Except as provided in ;rarngnt;rlr 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of sny_ -
<br />eavenatrt ar agree=aent of Borrower in this ~Tortgagc, including the covenan#s to pay When due any stiitus secured
<br />byth~ lortgage, Lander;?riar to acceleration shall nraii Wallet to Harrower as;rroi~ided in paxagraplr i4 irereaf
<br />specifying: {i) the" ttreach- {2}.the action reyuirrd to Burr such hreaclr; t3) a date, not less tliaa thirty"days
<br />from the-datetlie Wallet is mailed to Borrower, by whteir such brnarh must be cured; and f~) that failure to"cure
<br />such breach on ar before the date. specified in the notice Wray result in acceleration of the sums securei[ by"this
<br />~Iartgage anrlsale of the Properly. If the breach is not cured ar, ar before the date specified in tire.notice, Lender
<br />at Lendss's aptxtn rosy declare -all of the sums secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due end -payar}le
<br />without further demand and Wray foreclose this lt•Tortgage by judicial proceeding. Lender shall he entitied't~ collect;
<br />is saeh Irraceeding-all expenses at fareatosurc, inclutng, but not limited to, costs of documentary evidehive;
<br />abstrsets and title repitrts.
<br />3$4 HOZrtzareza Aigfit fn Rafe. \otwithstanding Lender's acceleration of rho sums secured by this-
<br />- l4i~e, B~arntr shall have the-right to Have sny prcc-ee-dings begun by Lender to erafaree this 14£ortgsge tTis-
<br />costtnued at' aa_v time=prior to entay of a judgment enfa3•cing this ~iorigage if: (a) Harrower pays Lender: all-
<br />- sums wlfich wot:ld bethen due irrider this 3tartgage, tlrc \xate and-Hates securing ;'ufure Advances, if any; ~ta<I na _ _
<br />acceleration oaeurreti; {6) Borrower cures all breaches of any other eacenants ar agreements a# $orzativer Batt
<br />rained in this hfarte; {e) T3arri5wei pays all reasonable expenses incurred by Tender in enforcing the covensrits
<br />atsci agreearent6 of T3ortower~atitained in this 1Tartgage and itr enforcing Lender's remedies ss provided=ia Para-
<br />~.u,, .~.. -, acl• .>g, ft ~, iwi'.,ed .~, :2asr..a.sle a iare~y's f~er: a~ td} i3tsm3wer ~ su :etc., n°
<br />Lender may teasor9trly requu~e $0 assure the the Tien of this liartgage, Leader's interest in-.the Property and
<br />Borrower's obiigsiion irr pay the srrps sec::red by this ,_ artgage shall etratunte utrimpaircd. Upon such. ptlyme;>Q
<br />and cure try Borrower, this Mortgage acrd the obTiggciaus secured lsereby shall remain in full firree and effet.t as if - -
<br />no acceleration had occurred.
<br />a8 nom; nppobaia+enf yr iieC~rer; i.ena'or in Padaeertiotx :ta $dditiurral-r~urii,v here.
<br />ender, Barrawer hemby assigns to Lersrle: the rents of the Prvpertq, lurvided thai Borrower. shall, prior to acceler-
<br />anon under paragcnph l8 hereof or abandonment of the Iroperty, hay, the rght to calleet and retain such refits
<br />as they hesutne tlrie and payahle_
<br />Upon scceieration under paragraph lR hereof or xhnartanment of the 1'mlretty, ;,ender,,.ia,persen, by agent
<br />or by judicially appainled reeeivPr shall he eutir3ed to enter'upan. Bake ;xrnses?ion of and ntarrage: the Pi~erty.
<br />9nd to collect the rents of t}re Property,. includirg tliaeF~ isast pus. A31 routs aoitectiKi Fry-I:ertrler ar"the receiver
<br />shall be applied frrst to payment a1 tlr? aunts of nranageurent of the 1?raperty anal eolieetion of rents, including, but
<br />riot limited ter, receiver's tans, preinutns ire rcctiyer"s l;onti~. sad reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the sums
<br />sesxreci txy this.:4lnttgage. bender attd tfie receiver shall $e liable to account on}y far those rents actually received.
<br />