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,~,,, ~ <br />6. If he fails to pay any sum ar keep any covenant grovided far in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at <br />its ogticin, may gay or perfarni the same, and all expend=tares so made shalt be added to the principal sum <br />ou~iag orl the: above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />far in the prlrcigat indebtedness. <br />7..ITgon retp,~est of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />far the sum ar sums advanced by Mortgagee far tlm alteration, madernizatian, or improvement anode at <br />r rho Ma~~'s r°sluest; cr far sn2ntenanee of said premises,. or for taxes or assessments against the- <br />same, a~ fssg slay other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said Hate ar notes shall be zaecured <br />- <br />first <br />~; nar~ays;u a yi2ritY :with and as fully as if the advance evitls+.tteed thereby Fvere included, in the Hate <br />£•., described above. -Said silpplemental note or aate6 ahati tier interest at the rate grovided far in the prin.- <br />, cipsi isziletstedness and Basil be payable is apgraximately equal monthly payments for such perisrd as may <br />- <br />; <br />, <br />, <br />^ tle agreed-upon by the Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whale of the sum t: <br />„ <br />or sums Ba advanced shall be due and payable thirty {3~~} days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no <br />of the note first described above <br />maturit <br />d th <br />ltim <br />t <br />t <br />- <br />i <br />d b <br />l <br />n <br />~ <br />~ ~ "- <br />. <br />y <br />u <br />a <br />e <br />eyon <br />e <br />ty ex <br />en <br />the matur <br />eve <br />t o nai <br />_ <br />$. -Ile hereby assigns, transfers and:sets:. aver to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward-the payment of <br />~.. <br />the note-sad all sums secured hereby in cage of a default in the performaaee of any of the tersna and eandi- w <br />bans. of this: mortgage or the Bail ante,-all the gents, revenues and income to be derived from the moz't- I' <br />-gaged prenises during -such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the Martgagc..~,~!~ ,- <br />sh~ll Have power to appoint_any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same and col- <br />- letting the rents, revenues and. income; and it may pay out of said incomes all necessary cominiBSiaas and _ <br />expenses isicurxed in renting 'and managing the same. and of collecting rentals therefrom, the balance <br />rezrlaining, if any, to be applied toward the discharge of Baid mortgage indebtedness. <br />' 9. He will cantiniiausly maintain hazard insurance, of such type ar types and amaun~as ~artgagee <br />.may from time tai tisYie recgiire, stir the improvements now ar hereafter on said Izremises-and except when r <br />ga.nent for aII such premiums -has thexetafore been made under {u} of garagrapli"L iiegeaf,- ccill pay <br />promptly when due any premiums'therefor. Upon default the*eaf, 3~artgtagee inay pay llta sa~ne_ All <br />insurance shall be carried iiz companies agproved by the Mortgagu~ and the policies and'reas:wala thereof <br />sllait i?e held by the sl?ortgagee and have attached thereto 1(zsB payable clauses lc favor erf and in farm, <br />arceptabte io the Mcrgag€~: In event of lass Mas•tgagar will-give immediate native by snail to-the mart- - <br />gagee, lobo may make proof of loss if Hat made promptly by Mortgagor, and each insurance company con- i <br />eerued is hereby-authorized and directed to make payment far such-lass directly to the Mortgagee instead p <br />of #a the..Mortgagor and the Mortgagee jaintty, and the insurance proceeds, or any gart iherea~; E <br />may be `ap~iiei? by the lYias~gagee at zts option either to-the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured- <br />ar to the restoration ar repair of the property damaged. Ill event czf foreclosure of il2is mortgage; or atr>.,~ <br />tl$nsfer of title to tl;a ylarigaged property in estinguishmeat of tt2e indebtedness secured- hereby, ail <br />riglzta title and interest of the- Mortgagor in sad #ss any insurance galieies then in farce Bhall-pass to die <br />purchaser or grantee. . <br />2f1. As additional and collateral Becurity far the payment of the: Hato described, and sIl slams to become. <br />due under this mortgage, the Mortgagor hereby assigns to the I4lartgagee all lease bonuses, praf~s,- rove- <br />- noes; royalties; rights, and tither benefits accruing tax the Mortgagor under any and all-oil and gas leases <br />- <br /> <br />ng gage, executed on said premises, u-ith the right to receive and receipt <br />the life Qf-this mart <br />nsi~v, ar duri <br />for the same and apply Them to said indebtedness as well befoz'e a6 after default iii the conditions o€-this "t <br />mai'tgage, and the ~Ialta2gee may demand, sue #ar end recover any such pFavsnents when due and pay- '! <br />able, but shall. not bn required sa to do. This assignment is t~ terminate and became null and void upon =j <br />release of. this mortgage. <br />l1. He shall not commit ar permit waste; and shah maintain the gmps=rty in a3 goad condition as at `? <br />present, reasonable locos and tear excepted. Upon any failure to sa maintains, Mortgagee, at its option, <br />may cause reasonable m..intenance work tca be performed at the cost of Mortgagor. Any amoustts paid <br />tits=refor by Mortgagee s'ti;tll bear interest at the rats provided for in the principal indebtedneBS, shall <br />thereupon become a par.L of the indebtedness seeus'ed by this instrument, ratably and an a parity with all <br />otlser indebtedness seraa~ed hereby, and shall be payable thirty {3p} days after demand, <br />I2. If the premi::;es, c>r any part thereof, be condemned under the power of eminent siomain, or <br />acquired for a gubtiG use, the ~3amages a~sarded, the proceeds fur the taking of, or the consideration for <br />such acquisition, to the extent of the full amount of the remaining unpaid indebtedness- secured by this <br />mos°tsage, ar hereby assigned to the Mortgagee, and shall he paid forthwith. to said Mortgagee, to be <br />applied on account of the last maturing installments of su.^.h indebtednes6. <br />13: If the Mortgagor fails to make any payments Tn*hen due, or to conform to and comply with oily <br />of the conditions or agreements eontaiaed in this mortgage, or the notes which it secures, then the <br />ezttlrsl principal sum.and accrued interest shall at once be~eame'due'and'payable,.-tit--the electisin of -trio- <br />- Must~tgagee,. and t:sis mortgage may thereupon be forcerused immediatuly f'ar the ~vliole of the iiii~ebted <br />n hereby seeWz-ed, inctusiing the east af'e.:t€~ttdiizg the abssract of fide ftosn the date of this more- <br />- n tn.fir fix-af-coa1llcia~ 6=;ch B11ifK a-rs2aable-atf;Jragy'B-,fee, 212[1 a21}= Bums g2id by the ~18t4,ra~ <br />Atlizsinisizsfion ort aecailrmt of thr g~r211ty ar insurance of the indebtedness secured hereby ail rf which <br />shall be inetuaed izi the decree of ioreclosare. <br />I4: Tf the indebtedness secus'ed hereby 9e guaranteed or iusurect ~}er Title 3$, United States Code, <br />iujr}t Tif[e.;?'1~ i2r±ori]atipn~i8a~x=t1 th~raalIlrlµr anrl. in af'F~t. pn fiii~E-d3t~-12er£o€sh31I ~9Varri flit rig}IY.F; dUtIQ$~:.. - - <br />$nd.Ilfll3ilitie$ of -tile paYtie@.l:E?i'CtA, and Rily pYOVIS10I15 of this Oi' at12Ei tilfitl'U2n2ntS CxC'Ci2~Cd in Cflnn2CtlDn- _ - <br />~i'ith 3RId 1ndLbtedn2S3 Wl:.lel~ &re inCan6R3tent wlth 331d 2'It{P Ol' Itic'gUlatianiS are hereby. amended td <br />confornithereta: <br />'!`i,e cove,-~ai~ts l;erei:e wntaineci slz&11 Uinsl; and thu benei'tt~s alzsl adcantagr~s shall inure to, the <br />